import mimetypes
import re
import typing
from pathlib import Path

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from app.activitypub import RawObject

EMOJI_REGEX = re.compile(r"(:[\d\w]+:)")

EMOJIS: dict[str, "RawObject"] = {}
EMOJIS_BY_NAME: dict[str, "RawObject"] = {}

def _load_emojis(root_dir: Path, base_url: str) -> None:
    if EMOJIS:
    for dir_name, path in (
        (root_dir / "app" / "static" / "emoji", "static/emoji"),
        (root_dir / "data" / "custom_emoji", "custom_emoji"),
        for emoji in dir_name.iterdir():
            mt = mimetypes.guess_type([0]
            if mt and mt.startswith("image/"):
                name =".")[0]
                ap_emoji: "RawObject" = {
                    "type": "Emoji",
                    "name": f":{name}:",
                    "updated": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",  # XXX: we don't track date
                    "id": f"{base_url}/e/{name}",
                    "icon": {
                        "mediaType": mt,
                        "type": "Image",
                        "url": f"{base_url}/{path}/{}",
                EMOJIS[] = ap_emoji
                EMOJIS_BY_NAME[ap_emoji["name"]] = ap_emoji

def tags(content: str) -> list["RawObject"]:
    tags = []
    added = set()
    for e in re.findall(EMOJI_REGEX, content):
        if e not in added and e in EMOJIS_BY_NAME:

    return tags