from typing import Any from typing import Awaitable from typing import Callable from fastapi import Depends from fastapi import Request from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from import LOCAL_ACTOR from app.config import is_activitypub_requested from app.database import AsyncSession from app.database import get_db_session _Handler = Callable[[Request, AsyncSession], Awaitable[Any]] def build_custom_index_handler(handler: _Handler) -> _Handler: async def custom_index( request: Request, db_session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_db_session), ) -> Any: # Serve the AP actor if requested if is_activitypub_requested(request): return JSONResponse( LOCAL_ACTOR.ap_actor, media_type="application/activity+json", ) # Defer to the custom handler return await handler(request, db_session) return custom_index