import json import logging import os import random import requests from celery import Celery from little_boxes import activitypub as ap from little_boxes.errors import ActivityGoneError from little_boxes.errors import ActivityNotFoundError from little_boxes.httpsig import HTTPSigAuth from little_boxes.linked_data_sig import generate_signature from requests.exceptions import HTTPError import activitypub from config import DB from config import HEADERS from config import ID from config import KEY from config import MEDIA_CACHE from config import USER_AGENT from import Kind log = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = Celery( "tasks", broker=os.getenv("MICROBLOGPUB_AMQP_BROKER", "pyamqp://guest@localhost//") ) SigAuth = HTTPSigAuth(KEY) back = activitypub.MicroblogPubBackend() ap.use_backend(back) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) # noqa: C901 def process_new_activity(self, iri: str) -> None: """Process an activity received in the inbox""" try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") # Is the activity expected? # following = ap.get_backend().following() tag_stream = False if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE): tag_stream = True elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): note = activity.get_object() if note.inReplyTo: reply = ap.fetch_remote_activity(note.inReplyTo) if ( or reply.has_mention(ID) ) and activity.is_public(): # The reply is public "local reply", forward the reply (i.e. the original activity) to the original # recipients activity.forward(back.followers_as_recipients()) # (partial) Ghost replies handling # [X] This is the first time the server has seen this Activity. should_forward = False local_followers = ID + "/followers" for field in ["to", "cc"]: if field in activity._data: if local_followers in activity._data[field]: # [X] The values of to, cc, and/or audience contain a Collection owned by the server. should_forward = True if not (note.inReplyTo and note.inReplyTo.startswith(ID)): # [X] The values of inReplyTo, object, target and/or tag are objects owned by the server should_forward = False if should_forward: activity.forward(back.followers_as_recipients()) else: tag_stream = True"{iri} tag_stream={tag_stream}") DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id":}, {"$set": {"": tag_stream}} )"new activity {iri} processed") cache_actor.delay(iri) except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): log.exception(f"dropping activity {iri}, skip processing") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to process new activity {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) def cache_actor(self, iri: str, also_cache_attachments: bool = True) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") actor = activity.get_actor() cache_actor_with_inbox = False if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.FOLLOW): if != ID: # It's a Follow from the Inbox cache_actor_with_inbox = True else: # It's a new following, cache the "object" (which is the actor we follow) DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id": iri}, { "$set": { "meta.object": activitypub._actor_to_meta( activity.get_object() ) } }, ) # Cache the actor info DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id": iri}, { "$set": { "": activitypub._actor_to_meta( actor, cache_actor_with_inbox ) } }, )"actor cached for {iri}") if also_cache_attachments: cache_attachments.delay(iri) except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): DB.activities.update_one({"remote_id": iri}, {"$set": {"meta.deleted": True}}) log.exception(f"flagging activity {iri} as deleted, no actor caching") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to cache actor for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) def cache_attachments(self, iri: str) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") # Generates thumbnails for the actor's icon and the attachments if any actor = activity.get_actor() # Update the cached actor DB.actors.update_one( {"remote_id": iri}, {"$set": {"remote_id": iri, "data": actor.to_dict(embed=True)}}, upsert=True, ) if actor.icon: MEDIA_CACHE.cache(actor.icon["url"], Kind.ACTOR_ICON) if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): for attachment in activity.get_object()._data.get("attachment", []): MEDIA_CACHE.cache(attachment["url"], Kind.ATTACHMENT)"attachments cached for {iri}") except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): log.exception(f"dropping activity {iri}, no attachment caching") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to cache attachments for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) def post_to_inbox(self, payload: str, to: str) -> None: try:"payload=%s", payload)"generating sig") signed_payload = json.loads(payload) # Don't overwrite the signature if we're forwarding an activity if "signature" not in signed_payload: generate_signature(signed_payload, KEY)"to=%s", to) resp = to, data=json.dumps(signed_payload), auth=SigAuth, headers={ "Content-Type": HEADERS[1], "Accept": HEADERS[1], "User-Agent": USER_AGENT, }, )"resp=%s", resp)"resp_body=%s", resp.text) resp.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as err: log.exception("request failed") if 400 >= err.response.status_code >= 499:"client error, no retry") return self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries))