import binascii import json import logging import mimetypes import os import urllib from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone from functools import wraps from io import BytesIO from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.parse import urlparse import bleach import mf2py import pymongo import timeago from bson.objectid import ObjectId from dateutil import parser from flask import Flask from flask import Response from flask import abort from flask import jsonify as flask_jsonify from flask import redirect from flask import render_template from flask import request from flask import session from flask import url_for from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect from html2text import html2text from itsdangerous import BadSignature from passlib.hash import bcrypt from u2flib_server import u2f from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename import activitypub import config from activitypub import Box from activitypub import embed_collection from config import ACTOR_SERVICE from config import ADMIN_API_KEY from config import BASE_URL from config import DB from config import DEBUG_MODE from config import DOMAIN from config import HEADERS from config import ICON_URL from config import ID from config import JWT from config import KEY from config import ME from config import MEDIA_CACHE from config import OBJECT_SERVICE from config import PASS from config import USERNAME from config import VERSION from config import _drop_db from config import custom_cache_purge_hook from little_boxes import activitypub as ap from little_boxes.activitypub import ActivityType from little_boxes.activitypub import _to_list from little_boxes.activitypub import clean_activity from little_boxes.activitypub import get_backend from little_boxes.content_helper import parse_markdown from little_boxes.errors import ActivityNotFoundError from little_boxes.errors import Error from little_boxes.errors import NotFromOutboxError from little_boxes.httpsig import HTTPSigAuth from little_boxes.httpsig import verify_request from little_boxes.webfinger import get_actor_url from little_boxes.webfinger import get_remote_follow_template from utils.key import get_secret_key from import Kind back = activitypub.MicroblogPubBackend() ap.use_backend(back) MY_PERSON = ap.Person(**ME) app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = get_secret_key("flask") app.config.update(WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT=False) csrf = CSRFProtect(app) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Hook up Flask logging with gunicorn root_logger = logging.getLogger() if os.getenv("FLASK_DEBUG"): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: gunicorn_logger = logging.getLogger("gunicorn.error") root_logger.handlers = gunicorn_logger.handlers root_logger.setLevel(gunicorn_logger.level) SIG_AUTH = HTTPSigAuth(KEY) OUTBOX = ap.Outbox(MY_PERSON) INBOX = ap.Inbox(MY_PERSON) def verify_pass(pwd): return bcrypt.verify(pwd, PASS) @app.context_processor def inject_config(): q = { "type": "Create", "activity.object.type": "Note", "activity.object.inReplyTo": None, "meta.deleted": False, } notes_count = DB.activities.find( {"box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "$or": [q, {"type": "Announce", "meta.undo": False}]} ).count() q = {"type": "Create", "activity.object.type": "Note", "meta.deleted": False} with_replies_count = DB.activities.find( {"box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "$or": [q, {"type": "Announce", "meta.undo": False}]} ).count() liked_count = DB.activities.count( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.LIKE.value, } ) followers_q = { "box": Box.INBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False, } following_q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False, } return dict( microblogpub_version=VERSION, config=config, logged_in=session.get("logged_in", False), followers_count=DB.activities.count(followers_q), following_count=DB.activities.count(following_q), notes_count=notes_count, liked_count=liked_count, with_replies_count=with_replies_count, me=ME, ) @app.after_request def set_x_powered_by(response): response.headers["X-Powered-By"] = "" return response # HTML/templates helper ALLOWED_TAGS = [ "a", "abbr", "acronym", "b", "br", "blockquote", "code", "pre", "em", "i", "li", "ol", "strong", "ul", "span", "div", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", ] def clean_html(html): return bleach.clean(html, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS) _GRIDFS_CACHE: Dict[Tuple[Kind, str, Optional[int]], str] = {} def _get_file_url(url, size, kind): k = (kind, url, size) cached = _GRIDFS_CACHE.get(k) if cached: return cached doc = MEDIA_CACHE.get_file(url, size, kind) if doc: u = f"/media/{str(doc._id)}" _GRIDFS_CACHE[k] = u return u MEDIA_CACHE.cache(url, kind) return _get_file_url(url, size, kind) @app.template_filter() def get_actor_icon_url(url, size): return _get_file_url(url, size, Kind.ACTOR_ICON) @app.template_filter() def get_attachment_url(url, size): return _get_file_url(url, size, Kind.ATTACHMENT) @app.template_filter() def permalink_id(val): return str(hash(val)) @app.template_filter() def quote_plus(t): return urllib.parse.quote_plus(t) @app.template_filter() def is_from_outbox(t): return t.startswith(ID) @app.template_filter() def clean(html): return clean_html(html) @app.template_filter() def html2plaintext(body): return html2text(body) @app.template_filter() def domain(url): return urlparse(url).netloc @app.template_filter() def get_url(u): if isinstance(u, dict): return u["href"] else: return u @app.template_filter() def get_actor(url): if not url: return None print(f"GET_ACTOR {url}") return ACTOR_SERVICE.get(url) @app.template_filter() def format_time(val): if val: dt = parser.parse(val) return datetime.strftime(dt, "%B %d, %Y, %H:%M %p") return val @app.template_filter() def format_timeago(val): if val: dt = parser.parse(val) return timeago.format(dt, return val @app.template_filter() def has_type(doc, _type): if _type in _to_list(doc["type"]): return True return False def _is_img(filename): filename = filename.lower() if ( filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".jpeg") or filename.endswith(".gif") or filename.endswith(".svg") ): return True return False @app.template_filter() def not_only_imgs(attachment): for a in attachment: if not _is_img(a["url"]): return True return False @app.template_filter() def is_img(filename): return _is_img(filename) def login_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if not session.get("logged_in"): return redirect(url_for("login", next=request.url)) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function def _api_required(): if session.get("logged_in"): if request.method not in ["GET", "HEAD"]: # If a standard API request is made with a "login session", it must havw a CSRF token csrf.protect() return # Token verification token = request.headers.get("Authorization", "").replace("Bearer ", "") if not token: # IndieAuth token token = request.form.get("access_token", "") # Will raise a BadSignature on bad auth payload = JWT.loads(token)"api call by {payload}") def api_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): try: _api_required() except BadSignature: abort(401) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function def jsonify(**data): if "@context" not in data: data["@context"] = config.CTX_AS return Response( response=json.dumps(data), headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json" if app.debug else "application/activity+json" }, ) def is_api_request(): h = request.headers.get("Accept") if h is None: return False h = h.split(",")[0] if h in HEADERS or h == "application/json": return True return False @app.errorhandler(ValueError) def handle_value_error(error): logger.error(f"caught value error: {error!r}") response = flask_jsonify(message=error.args[0]) response.status_code = 400 return response @app.errorhandler(Error) def handle_activitypub_error(error): logger.error(f"caught activitypub error {error!r}") response = flask_jsonify(error.to_dict()) response.status_code = error.status_code return response # App routes ROBOTS_TXT = """User-agent: * Disallow: /login Disallow: /admin/ Disallow: /static/ Disallow: /media/ Disallow: /uploads/""" @app.route("/robots.txt") def robots_txt(): return Response(response=ROBOTS_TXT, headers={"Content-Type": "text/plain"}) @app.route("/media/") def serve_media(media_id): f = MEDIA_CACHE.fs.get(ObjectId(media_id)) resp = app.response_class(f, direct_passthrough=True, mimetype=f.content_type) resp.headers.set("Content-Length", f.length) resp.headers.set("ETag", f.md5) resp.headers.set( "Last-Modified", f.uploadDate.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") ) resp.headers.set("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=31536000,immutable") resp.headers.set("Content-Encoding", "gzip") return resp @app.route("/uploads//") def serve_uploads(oid, fname): f = MEDIA_CACHE.fs.get(ObjectId(oid)) resp = app.response_class(f, direct_passthrough=True, mimetype=f.content_type) resp.headers.set("Content-Length", f.length) resp.headers.set("ETag", f.md5) resp.headers.set( "Last-Modified", f.uploadDate.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") ) resp.headers.set("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=31536000,immutable") resp.headers.set("Content-Encoding", "gzip") return resp ####### # Login @app.route("/admin/logout") @login_required def admin_logout(): session["logged_in"] = False return redirect("/") @app.route("/login", methods=["POST", "GET"]) def admin_login(): devices = [doc["device"] for doc in DB.u2f.find()] u2f_enabled = True if devices else False if request.method == "POST": csrf.protect() pwd = request.form.get("pass") if pwd and verify_pass(pwd): if devices: resp = json.loads(request.form.get("resp")) print(resp) try: u2f.complete_authentication(session["challenge"], resp) except ValueError as exc: print("failed", exc) abort(401) return finally: session["challenge"] = None session["logged_in"] = True return redirect(request.args.get("redirect") or url_for("admin_notifications")) else: abort(401) payload = None if devices: payload = u2f.begin_authentication(ID, devices) session["challenge"] = payload return render_template("login.html", u2f_enabled=u2f_enabled, payload=payload) @app.route("/remote_follow", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def remote_follow(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template("remote_follow.html") csrf.protect() profile = request.form.get("profile") if not profile.startswith("@"): profile = f"@{profile}" return redirect( get_remote_follow_template(profile).format(uri=f"{USERNAME}@{DOMAIN}") ) @app.route("/authorize_follow", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def authorize_follow(): if request.method == "GET": return render_template( "authorize_remote_follow.html", profile=request.args.get("profile") ) actor = get_actor_url(request.form.get("profile")) if not actor: abort(500) q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False, "activity.object": actor, } if DB.activities.count(q) > 0: return redirect("/following") follow = ap.Follow(, object=actor) return redirect("/following") @app.route("/u2f/register", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def u2f_register(): # TODO(tsileo): ensure no duplicates if request.method == "GET": payload = u2f.begin_registration(ID) session["challenge"] = payload return render_template("u2f.html", payload=payload) else: resp = json.loads(request.form.get("resp")) device, device_cert = u2f.complete_registration(session["challenge"], resp) session["challenge"] = None DB.u2f.insert_one({"device": device, "cert": device_cert}) return "" ####### # Activity pub routes @app.route("/migration1_step1") @login_required def tmp_migrate(): for activity in DB.outbox.find(): activity["box"] = Box.OUTBOX.value DB.activities.insert_one(activity) for activity in DB.inbox.find(): activity["box"] = Box.INBOX.value DB.activities.insert_one(activity) for activity in DB.replies.find(): activity["box"] = Box.REPLIES.value DB.activities.insert_one(activity) return "Done" @app.route("/migration1_step2") @login_required def tmp_migrate2(): # Remove buggy OStatus announce DB.activities.remove( {"activity.object": {"$regex": f"^tag:"}, "type": ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value} ) # Cache the object for activity in DB.activities.find(): if ( activity["box"] == Box.OUTBOX.value and activity["type"] == ActivityType.LIKE.value ): like = ap.parse_activity(activity["activity"]) obj = like.get_object() DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id":}, {"$set": {"meta.object": obj.to_dict(embed=True)}}, ) elif activity["type"] == ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value: announce = ap.parse_activity(activity["activity"]) obj = announce.get_object() DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id":}, {"$set": {"meta.object": obj.to_dict(embed=True)}}, ) return "Done" @app.route("/migration2") @login_required def tmp_migrate3(): for activity in DB.activities.find(): try: activity = ap.parse_activity(activity["activity"]) actor = activity.get_actor() if actor.icon: MEDIA_CACHE.cache(actor.icon["url"], Kind.ACTOR_ICON) if activity.type == ActivityType.CREATE.value: for attachment in activity.get_object()._data.get("attachment", []): MEDIA_CACHE.cache(attachment["url"], Kind.ATTACHMENT) except Exception: app.logger.exception("failed") return "Done" @app.route("/migration3") @login_required def tmp_migrate4(): for activity in DB.activities.find( {"box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.UNDO.value} ): try: activity = ap.parse_activity(activity["activity"]) if activity.get_object().type == ActivityType.FOLLOW.value: DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id": activity.get_object().id}, {"$set": {"meta.undo": True}}, ) print(activity.get_object().to_dict()) except Exception: app.logger.exception("failed") for activity in DB.activities.find( {"box": Box.INBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.UNDO.value} ): try: activity = ap.parse_activity(activity["activity"]) if activity.get_object().type == ActivityType.FOLLOW.value: DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id": activity.get_object().id}, {"$set": {"meta.undo": True}}, ) print(activity.get_object().to_dict()) except Exception: app.logger.exception("failed") return "Done" def paginated_query(db, q, limit=25, sort_key="_id"): older_than = newer_than = None query_sort = -1 first_page = not request.args.get("older_than") and not request.args.get( "newer_than" ) query_older_than = request.args.get("older_than") query_newer_than = request.args.get("newer_than") if query_older_than: q["_id"] = {"$lt": ObjectId(query_older_than)} elif query_newer_than: q["_id"] = {"$gt": ObjectId(query_newer_than)} query_sort = 1 outbox_data = list(db.find(q, limit=limit + 1).sort(sort_key, query_sort)) outbox_len = len(outbox_data) outbox_data = sorted( outbox_data[:limit], key=lambda x: str(x[sort_key]), reverse=True ) if query_older_than: newer_than = str(outbox_data[0]["_id"]) if outbox_len == limit + 1: older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"]) elif query_newer_than: older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"]) if outbox_len == limit + 1: newer_than = str(outbox_data[0]["_id"]) elif first_page and outbox_len == limit + 1: older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"]) return outbox_data, older_than, newer_than @app.route("/") def index(): if is_api_request(): return jsonify(**ME) q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": {"$in": [ActivityType.CREATE.value, ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value]}, "activity.object.inReplyTo": None, "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, } outbox_data, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(DB.activities, q) return render_template( "index.html", outbox_data=outbox_data, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) @app.route("/with_replies") def with_replies(): q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": {"$in": [ActivityType.CREATE.value, ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value]}, "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, } outbox_data, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(DB.activities, q) return render_template( "index.html", outbox_data=outbox_data, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) def _build_thread(data, include_children=True): data["_requested"] = True print(data) root_id = data["meta"].get("thread_root_parent", data["activity"]["object"]["id"]) query = {"$or": [{"meta.thread_root_parent": root_id, "type": "Create"}]} if data["activity"]["object"].get("inReplyTo"): query["$or"].append( {"": data["activity"]["object"]["inReplyTo"]} ) # Fetch the root replies, and the children replies = [data] + list(DB.activities.find(query)) replies = sorted(replies, key=lambda d: d["activity"]["object"]["published"]) # Index all the IDs in order to build a tree idx = {} replies2 = [] for rep in replies: rep_id = rep["activity"]["object"]["id"] if rep_id in idx: continue idx[rep_id] = rep.copy() idx[rep_id]["_nodes"] = [] replies2.append(rep) # Build the tree for rep in replies2: rep_id = rep["activity"]["object"]["id"] if rep_id == root_id: continue reply_of = rep["activity"]["object"]["inReplyTo"] idx[reply_of]["_nodes"].append(rep) # Flatten the tree thread = [] def _flatten(node, level=0): node["_level"] = level thread.append(node) for snode in sorted( idx[node["activity"]["object"]["id"]]["_nodes"], key=lambda d: d["activity"]["object"]["published"], ): _flatten(snode, level=level + 1) _flatten(idx[root_id]) return thread @app.route("/note/") def note_by_id(note_id): data = DB.activities.find_one( {"box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "remote_id": back.activity_url(note_id)} ) if not data: abort(404) if data["meta"].get("deleted", False): abort(410) thread = _build_thread(data) likes = list( DB.activities.find( { "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.LIKE.value, "$or": [ {"": data["activity"]["object"]["id"]}, {"activity.object": data["activity"]["object"]["id"]}, ], } ) ) likes = [ACTOR_SERVICE.get(doc["activity"]["actor"]) for doc in likes] shares = list( DB.activities.find( { "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value, "$or": [ {"": data["activity"]["object"]["id"]}, {"activity.object": data["activity"]["object"]["id"]}, ], } ) ) shares = [ACTOR_SERVICE.get(doc["activity"]["actor"]) for doc in shares] return render_template( "note.html", likes=likes, shares=shares, thread=thread, note=data ) @app.route("/nodeinfo") def nodeinfo(): q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "meta.deleted": False, # TODO(tsileo): retrieve deleted and expose tombstone "type": {"$in": [ActivityType.CREATE.value, ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value]}, } return Response( headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json; profile=" }, response=json.dumps( { "version": "2.0", "software": { "name": "microblogpub", "version": f" {VERSION}", }, "protocols": ["activitypub"], "services": {"inbound": [], "outbound": []}, "openRegistrations": False, "usage": {"users": {"total": 1}, "localPosts": DB.activities.count(q)}, "metadata": { "sourceCode": "", "nodeName": f"@{USERNAME}@{DOMAIN}", }, } ), ) @app.route("/.well-known/nodeinfo") def wellknown_nodeinfo(): return flask_jsonify( links=[ { "rel": "", "href": f"{ID}/nodeinfo", } ] ) # @app.route('/fake_feed') # def fake_feed(): # return '' @app.route("/.well-known/webfinger") def wellknown_webfinger(): """Enable WebFinger support, required for Mastodon interopability.""" # TODO(tsileo): move this to little-boxes? resource = request.args.get("resource") if resource not in [f"acct:{USERNAME}@{DOMAIN}", ID]: abort(404) out = { "subject": f"acct:{USERNAME}@{DOMAIN}", "aliases": [ID], "links": [ { "rel": "", "type": "text/html", "href": BASE_URL, }, {"rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json", "href": ID}, { "rel": "", "template": BASE_URL + "/authorize_follow?profile={uri}", }, {"rel": "magic-public-key", "href": KEY.to_magic_key()}, { "href": ICON_URL, "rel": "", "type": mimetypes.guess_type(ICON_URL)[0], }, ], } return Response( response=json.dumps(out), headers={ "Content-Type": "application/jrd+json; charset=utf-8" if not app.debug else "application/json" }, ) def add_extra_collection(raw_doc: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if raw_doc["activity"]["type"] != ActivityType.CREATE.value: return raw_doc raw_doc["activity"]["object"]["replies"] = embed_collection( raw_doc.get("meta", {}).get("count_direct_reply", 0), f'{raw_doc["remote_id"]}/replies', ) raw_doc["activity"]["object"]["likes"] = embed_collection( raw_doc.get("meta", {}).get("count_like", 0), f'{raw_doc["remote_id"]}/likes' ) raw_doc["activity"]["object"]["shares"] = embed_collection( raw_doc.get("meta", {}).get("count_boost", 0), f'{raw_doc["remote_id"]}/shares' ) return raw_doc def remove_context(activity: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if "@context" in activity: del activity["@context"] return activity def activity_from_doc(raw_doc: Dict[str, Any], embed: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: raw_doc = add_extra_collection(raw_doc) activity = clean_activity(raw_doc["activity"]) if embed: return remove_context(activity) return activity @app.route("/outbox", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def outbox(): if request.method == "GET": if not is_api_request(): abort(404) # TODO(tsileo): returns the whole outbox if authenticated q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "meta.deleted": False, # TODO(tsileo): retrieve deleted and expose tombstone "type": {"$in": [ActivityType.CREATE.value, ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value]}, } return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: activity_from_doc(doc, embed=True), ) ) # Handle POST request try: _api_required() except BadSignature: abort(401) data = request.get_json(force=True) print(data) activity = ap.parse_activity(data) # Purge the cache if a custom hook is set, as new content was published custom_cache_purge_hook() return Response(status=201, headers={"Location":}) @app.route("/outbox/") def outbox_detail(item_id): doc = DB.activities.find_one( {"box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "remote_id": back.activity_url(item_id)} ) if doc["meta"].get("deleted", False): obj = ap.parse_activity(doc["activity"]) resp = jsonify(**obj.get_object().get_tombstone()) resp.status_code = 410 return resp return jsonify(**activity_from_doc(doc)) @app.route("/outbox//activity") def outbox_activity(item_id): # TODO(tsileo): handle Tombstone data = DB.activities.find_one( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "remote_id": back.activity_url(item_id), "meta.deleted": False, } ) if not data: abort(404) obj = activity_from_doc(data) if obj["type"] != ActivityType.CREATE.value: abort(404) return jsonify(**obj["object"]) @app.route("/outbox//replies") def outbox_activity_replies(item_id): # TODO(tsileo): handle Tombstone if not is_api_request(): abort(404) data = DB.activities.find_one( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "remote_id": back.activity_url(item_id), "meta.deleted": False, } ) if not data: abort(404) obj = ap.parse_activity(data["activity"]) if obj.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityType.CREATE: abort(404) q = { "meta.deleted": False, "type": ActivityType.CREATE.value, "activity.object.inReplyTo": obj.get_object().id, } return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: doc["activity"]["object"], col_name=f"outbox/{item_id}/replies", first_page=request.args.get("page") == "first", ) ) @app.route("/outbox//likes") def outbox_activity_likes(item_id): # TODO(tsileo): handle Tombstone if not is_api_request(): abort(404) data = DB.activities.find_one( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "remote_id": back.activity_url(item_id), "meta.deleted": False, } ) if not data: abort(404) obj = ap.parse_activity(data["activity"]) if obj.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityType.CREATE: abort(404) q = { "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.LIKE.value, "$or": [ {"": obj.get_object().id}, {"activity.object": obj.get_object().id}, ], } return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: remove_context(doc["activity"]), col_name=f"outbox/{item_id}/likes", first_page=request.args.get("page") == "first", ) ) @app.route("/outbox//shares") def outbox_activity_shares(item_id): # TODO(tsileo): handle Tombstone if not is_api_request(): abort(404) data = DB.activities.find_one( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "remote_id": back.activity_url(item_id), "meta.deleted": False, } ) if not data: abort(404) obj = ap.parse_activity(data["activity"]) if obj.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityType.CREATE: abort(404) q = { "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value, "$or": [ {"": obj.get_object().id}, {"activity.object": obj.get_object().id}, ], } return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: remove_context(doc["activity"]), col_name=f"outbox/{item_id}/shares", first_page=request.args.get("page") == "first", ) ) @app.route("/admin", methods=["GET"]) @login_required def admin(): q = { "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.LIKE.value, "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, } col_liked = DB.activities.count(q) return render_template( "admin.html", instances=list(DB.instances.find()), inbox_size=DB.activities.count({"box": Box.INBOX.value}), outbox_size=DB.activities.count({"box": Box.OUTBOX.value}), col_liked=col_liked, col_followers=DB.activities.count( { "box": Box.INBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False, } ), col_following=DB.activities.count( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False, } ), ) @app.route("/admin/new", methods=["GET"]) @login_required def admin_new(): reply_id = None content = "" thread = [] if request.args.get("reply"): data = DB.activities.find_one({"": request.args.get("reply")}) if not data: abort(400) reply = ap.parse_activity(data["activity"]) reply_id = if reply.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityType.CREATE: reply_id = reply.get_object().id actor = reply.get_actor() domain = urlparse( # FIXME(tsileo): if reply of reply, fetch all participants content = f"@{actor.preferredUsername}@{domain} " thread = _build_thread(data) return render_template("new.html", reply=reply_id, content=content, thread=thread) @app.route("/admin/notifications") @login_required def admin_notifications(): # FIXME(tsileo): show unfollow (performed by the current actor) and liked??? mentions_query = { "type": ActivityType.CREATE.value, "activity.object.tag.type": "Mention", "": f"@{USERNAME}@{DOMAIN}", "meta.deleted": False, } replies_query = { "type": ActivityType.CREATE.value, "activity.object.inReplyTo": {"$regex": f"^{BASE_URL}"}, } announced_query = { "type": ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value, "activity.object": {"$regex": f"^{BASE_URL}"}, } new_followers_query = {"type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value} unfollow_query = { "type": ActivityType.UNDO.value, "activity.object.type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, } followed_query = {"type": ActivityType.ACCEPT.value} q = { "box": Box.INBOX.value, "$or": [ mentions_query, announced_query, replies_query, new_followers_query, followed_query, unfollow_query, ], } inbox_data, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(DB.activities, q) return render_template( "stream.html", inbox_data=inbox_data, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) @app.route("/api/key") @login_required def api_user_key(): return flask_jsonify(api_key=ADMIN_API_KEY) def _user_api_arg(key: str, **kwargs): """Try to get the given key from the requests, try JSON body, form data and query arg.""" if request.is_json: oid = request.json.get(key) else: oid = request.args.get(key) or request.form.get(key) if not oid: if "default" in kwargs: return kwargs.get("default") raise ValueError(f"missing {key}") return oid def _user_api_get_note(from_outbox: bool = False): oid = _user_api_arg("id") note = ap.parse_activity(OBJECT_SERVICE.get(oid), expected=ActivityType.NOTE) if from_outbox and not raise NotFromOutboxError( f"cannot load {}, id must be owned by the server" ) return note def _user_api_response(**kwargs): _redirect = _user_api_arg("redirect", default=None) if _redirect: return redirect(_redirect) resp = flask_jsonify(**kwargs) resp.status_code = 201 return resp @app.route("/api/note/delete", methods=["POST"]) @api_required def api_delete(): """API endpoint to delete a Note activity.""" note = _user_api_get_note(from_outbox=True) delete = note.build_delete() return _user_api_response( @app.route("/api/boost", methods=["POST"]) @api_required def api_boost(): note = _user_api_get_note() announce = note.build_announce(MY_PERSON) return _user_api_response( @app.route("/api/like", methods=["POST"]) @api_required def api_like(): note = _user_api_get_note() like = note.build_like(MY_PERSON) return _user_api_response( @app.route("/api/undo", methods=["POST"]) @api_required def api_undo(): oid = _user_api_arg("id") doc = DB.activities.find_one( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "$or": [{"remote_id": back.activity_url(oid)}, {"remote_id": oid}], } ) if not doc: raise ActivityNotFoundError(f"cannot found {oid}") obj = ap.parse_activity(doc.get("activity")) # FIXME(tsileo): detect already undo-ed and make this API call idempotent undo = obj.build_undo() return _user_api_response( @app.route("/admin/stream") @login_required def admin_stream(): q = { "box": Box.INBOX.value, "type": {"$in": [ActivityType.CREATE.value, ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value]}, "meta.deleted": False, } inbox_data, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(DB.activities, q) return render_template( "stream.html", inbox_data=inbox_data, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) @app.route("/inbox", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def inbox(): if request.method == "GET": if not is_api_request(): abort(404) try: _api_required() except BadSignature: abort(404) return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q={"meta.deleted": False, "box": Box.INBOX.value}, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: remove_context(doc["activity"]), ) ) data = request.get_json(force=True) logger.debug(f"req_headers={request.headers}") logger.debug(f"raw_data={data}") try: if not verify_request( request.method, request.path, request.headers, ): raise Exception("failed to verify request") except Exception: logger.exception( "failed to verify request, trying to verify the payload by fetching the remote" ) try: data = get_backend().fetch_iri(data["id"]) except Exception: logger.exception(f'failed to fetch remote id at {data["id"]}') return Response( status=422, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, response=json.dumps( { "error": "failed to verify request (using HTTP signatures or fetching the IRI)" } ), ) activity = ap.parse_activity(data) logger.debug(f"inbox activity={activity}/{data}") return Response(status=201) def without_id(l): out = [] for d in l: if "_id" in d: del d["_id"] out.append(d) return out @app.route("/api/debug", methods=["GET", "DELETE"]) @api_required def api_debug(): """Endpoint used/needed for testing, only works in DEBUG_MODE.""" if not DEBUG_MODE: return flask_jsonify(message="DEBUG_MODE is off") if request.method == "DELETE": _drop_db() return flask_jsonify(message="DB dropped") return flask_jsonify( inbox=DB.activities.count({"box": Box.INBOX.value}), outbox=DB.activities.count({"box": Box.OUTBOX.value}), outbox_data=without_id(DB.activities.find({"box": Box.OUTBOX.value})), ) @app.route("/api/new_note", methods=["POST"]) @api_required def api_new_note(): source = _user_api_arg("content") if not source: raise ValueError("missing content") _reply, reply = None, None try: _reply = _user_api_arg("reply") except ValueError: pass content, tags = parse_markdown(source) to = request.args.get("to") cc = [ID + "/followers"] if _reply: reply = ap.parse_activity(OBJECT_SERVICE.get(_reply)) cc.append(reply.attributedTo) for tag in tags: if tag["type"] == "Mention": cc.append(tag["href"]) raw_note = dict(, cc=list(set(cc)), to=[to if to else ap.AS_PUBLIC], content=content, tag=tags, source={"mediaType": "text/markdown", "content": source}, if reply else None, ) if "file" in request.files: file = request.files["file"] rfilename = secure_filename(file.filename) with BytesIO() as buf: oid = MEDIA_CACHE.save_upload(buf, rfilename) mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(rfilename)[0] raw_note["attachment"] = [ { "mediaType": mtype, "name": rfilename, "type": "Document", "url": f"{BASE_URL}/uploads/{oid}/{rfilename}", } ] note = ap.Note(**raw_note) create = note.build_create() return _user_api_response( @app.route("/api/stream") @api_required def api_stream(): return Response( response=json.dumps( activitypub.build_inbox_json_feed("/api/stream", request.args.get("cursor")) ), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) @app.route("/api/block", methods=["POST"]) @api_required def api_block(): actor = _user_api_arg("actor") existing = DB.activities.find_one( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.BLOCK.value, "activity.object": actor, "meta.undo": False, } ) if existing: return _user_api_response(activity=existing["activity"]["id"]) block = ap.Block(, object=actor) return _user_api_response( @app.route("/api/follow", methods=["POST"]) @api_required def api_follow(): actor = _user_api_arg("actor") q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False, "activity.object": actor, } existing = DB.activities.find_one(q) if existing: return _user_api_response(activity=existing["activity"]["id"]) follow = ap.Follow(, object=actor) return _user_api_response( @app.route("/followers") def followers(): q = {"box": Box.INBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False} if is_api_request(): return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: doc["activity"]["actor"], ) ) followers, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(DB.activities, q) followers = [ACTOR_SERVICE.get(doc["activity"]["actor"]) for doc in followers] return render_template( "followers.html", followers_data=followers, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) @app.route("/following") def following(): q = {"box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.FOLLOW.value, "meta.undo": False} if is_api_request(): return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: doc["activity"]["object"], ) ) following, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(DB.activities, q) following = [ACTOR_SERVICE.get(doc["activity"]["object"]) for doc in following] return render_template( "following.html", following_data=following, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) @app.route("/tags/") def tags(tag): if not DB.activities.count( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "activity.object.tag.type": "Hashtag", "": "#" + tag, } ): abort(404) if not is_api_request(): return render_template( "tags.html", tag=tag, outbox_data=DB.activities.find( { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.CREATE.value, "meta.deleted": False, "activity.object.tag.type": "Hashtag", "": "#" + tag, } ), ) q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.CREATE.value, "activity.object.tag.type": "Hashtag", "": "#" + tag, } return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: doc["activity"]["object"]["id"], col_name=f"tags/{tag}", ) ) @app.route("/liked") def liked(): if not is_api_request(): q = { "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ActivityType.LIKE.value, "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, } liked, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(DB.activities, q) return render_template( "liked.html", liked=liked, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than ) q = {"meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, "type": ActivityType.LIKE.value} return jsonify( **activitypub.build_ordered_collection( DB.activities, q=q, cursor=request.args.get("cursor"), map_func=lambda doc: doc["activity"]["object"], col_name="liked", ) ) ####### # IndieAuth def build_auth_resp(payload): if request.headers.get("Accept") == "application/json": return Response( status=200, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, response=json.dumps(payload), ) return Response( status=200, headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, response=urlencode(payload), ) def _get_prop(props, name, default=None): if name in props: items = props.get(name) if isinstance(items, list): return items[0] return items return default def get_client_id_data(url): data = mf2py.parse(url=url) for item in data["items"]: if "h-x-app" in item["type"] or "h-app" in item["type"]: props = item.get("properties", {}) print(props) return dict( logo=_get_prop(props, "logo"), name=_get_prop(props, "name"), url=_get_prop(props, "url"), ) return dict(logo=None, name=url, url=url) @app.route("/indieauth/flow", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def indieauth_flow(): auth = dict( scope=" ".join(request.form.getlist("scopes")), me=request.form.get("me"), client_id=request.form.get("client_id"), state=request.form.get("state"), redirect_uri=request.form.get("redirect_uri"), response_type=request.form.get("response_type"), ) code = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(8)).decode("utf-8") auth.update(code=code, verified=False) print(auth) if not auth["redirect_uri"]: abort(500) DB.indieauth.insert_one(auth) # FIXME(tsileo): fetch client ID and validate redirect_uri red = f'{auth["redirect_uri"]}?code={code}&state={auth["state"]}&me={auth["me"]}' return redirect(red) # @app.route('/indieauth', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def indieauth_endpoint(): if request.method == "GET": if not session.get("logged_in"): return redirect(url_for("login", next=request.url)) me = request.args.get("me") # FIXME(tsileo): ensure me == ID client_id = request.args.get("client_id") redirect_uri = request.args.get("redirect_uri") state = request.args.get("state", "") response_type = request.args.get("response_type", "id") scope = request.args.get("scope", "").split() print("STATE", state) return render_template( "indieauth_flow.html", client=get_client_id_data(client_id), scopes=scope, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, state=state, response_type=response_type, client_id=client_id, me=me, ) # Auth verification via POST code = request.form.get("code") redirect_uri = request.form.get("redirect_uri") client_id = request.form.get("client_id") auth = DB.indieauth.find_one_and_update( { "code": code, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "client_id": client_id, }, # }, # , 'verified': False}, {"$set": {"verified": True}}, sort=[("_id", pymongo.DESCENDING)], ) print(auth) print(code, redirect_uri, client_id) if not auth: abort(403) return session["logged_in"] = True me = auth["me"] state = auth["state"] scope = " ".join(auth["scope"]) print("STATE", state) return build_auth_resp({"me": me, "state": state, "scope": scope}) @app.route("/token", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def token_endpoint(): if request.method == "POST": code = request.form.get("code") me = request.form.get("me") redirect_uri = request.form.get("redirect_uri") client_id = request.form.get("client_id") auth = DB.indieauth.find_one( { "code": code, "me": me, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "client_id": client_id, } ) if not auth: abort(403) scope = " ".join(auth["scope"]) payload = dict( me=me, client_id=client_id, scope=scope, ) token = JWT.dumps(payload).decode("utf-8") return build_auth_resp({"me": me, "scope": scope, "access_token": token}) # Token verification token = request.headers.get("Authorization").replace("Bearer ", "") try: payload = JWT.loads(token) except BadSignature: abort(403) # TODO(tsileo): handle expiration return build_auth_resp( { "me": payload["me"], "scope": payload["scope"], "client_id": payload["client_id"], } )