import hashlib import typing from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import timedelta from functools import cached_property from typing import Union from urllib.parse import urlparse import httpx from loguru import logger from sqlalchemy import select from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from app import activitypub as ap from app import media from app.config import BASE_URL from app.config import USER_AGENT from app.config import USERNAME from app.config import WEBFINGER_DOMAIN from app.database import AsyncSession from app.utils.datetime import as_utc from app.utils.datetime import now if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from app.models import Actor as ActorModel def _handle(raw_actor: ap.RawObject) -> str: ap_id = ap.get_id(raw_actor["id"]) domain = urlparse(ap_id) if not domain.hostname: raise ValueError(f"Invalid actor ID {ap_id}") handle = f'@{raw_actor["preferredUsername"]}@{domain.hostname}' # type: ignore # TODO: cleanup this # Next, check for custom webfinger domains resp: httpx.Response | None = None for url in { f"https://{domain.hostname}/.well-known/webfinger", f"https://{domain.hostname}/.well-known/webfinger", }: try:"Webfinger {handle} at {url}") resp = httpx.get( url, params={"resource": f"acct:{handle[1:]}"}, headers={ "User-Agent": USER_AGENT, }, follow_redirects=True, ) resp.raise_for_status() break except Exception: logger.exception(f"Failed to webfinger {handle}") if resp: try: json_resp = resp.json() if json_resp.get("subject", "").startswith("acct:"): return "@" + json_resp["subject"].removeprefix("acct:") except Exception: logger.exception(f"Failed to parse webfinger response for {handle}") return handle class Actor: @property def ap_actor(self) -> ap.RawObject: raise NotImplementedError() @property def ap_id(self) -> str: return ap.get_id(self.ap_actor["id"]) @property def name(self) -> str | None: return self.ap_actor.get("name") @property def summary(self) -> str | None: return self.ap_actor.get("summary") @property def url(self) -> str | None: return self.ap_actor.get("url") or self.ap_actor["id"] @property def preferred_username(self) -> str: return self.ap_actor["preferredUsername"] @property def display_name(self) -> str: if return return self.preferred_username @cached_property def handle(self) -> str: return _handle(self.ap_actor) @property def ap_type(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @property def inbox_url(self) -> str: return self.ap_actor["inbox"] @property def outbox_url(self) -> str: return self.ap_actor["outbox"] @property def shared_inbox_url(self) -> str: return self.ap_actor.get("endpoints", {}).get("sharedInbox") or self.inbox_url @property def icon_url(self) -> str | None: if icon := self.ap_actor.get("icon"): return icon.get("url") return None @property def icon_media_type(self) -> str | None: if icon := self.ap_actor.get("icon"): return icon.get("mediaType") return None @property def image_url(self) -> str | None: if image := self.ap_actor.get("image"): return image.get("url") return None @property def public_key_as_pem(self) -> str: return self.ap_actor["publicKey"]["publicKeyPem"] @property def public_key_id(self) -> str: return self.ap_actor["publicKey"]["id"] @property def proxied_icon_url(self) -> str: if self.icon_url: return media.proxied_media_url(self.icon_url) else: return BASE_URL + "/static/nopic.png" @property def resized_icon_url(self) -> str: if self.icon_url: return media.resized_media_url(self.icon_url, 50) else: return BASE_URL + "/static/nopic.png" @property def tags(self) -> list[ap.RawObject]: return ap.as_list(self.ap_actor.get("tag", [])) @property def followers_collection_id(self) -> str | None: return self.ap_actor.get("followers") @cached_property def attachments(self) -> list[ap.RawObject]: return ap.as_list(self.ap_actor.get("attachment", [])) @cached_property def moved_to(self) -> str | None: return self.ap_actor.get("movedTo") @cached_property def server(self) -> str: return urlparse(self.ap_id).hostname # type: ignore class RemoteActor(Actor): def __init__(self, ap_actor: ap.RawObject, handle: str | None = None) -> None: if (ap_type := ap_actor.get("type")) not in ap.ACTOR_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected actor type: {ap_type}") self._ap_actor = ap_actor self._ap_type = ap_type if handle is None: handle = _handle(ap_actor) self._handle = handle @property def ap_actor(self) -> ap.RawObject: return self._ap_actor @property def ap_type(self) -> str: return self._ap_type @property def is_from_db(self) -> bool: return False @property def handle(self) -> str: return self._handle LOCAL_ACTOR = RemoteActor(ap_actor=ap.ME, handle=f"@{USERNAME}@{WEBFINGER_DOMAIN}") async def save_actor(db_session: AsyncSession, ap_actor: ap.RawObject) -> "ActorModel": from app import models if ap_type := ap_actor.get("type") not in ap.ACTOR_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Invalid type {ap_type} for actor {ap_actor}") actor = models.Actor( ap_id=ap.get_id(ap_actor["id"]), ap_actor=ap_actor, ap_type=ap.as_list(ap_actor["type"])[0], handle=_handle(ap_actor), ) db_session.add(actor) await db_session.flush() await db_session.refresh(actor) return actor async def fetch_actor( db_session: AsyncSession, actor_id: str, save_if_not_found: bool = True, ) -> "ActorModel": if actor_id == LOCAL_ACTOR.ap_id: raise ValueError("local actor should not be fetched") from app import models existing_actor = ( await db_session.scalars( select(models.Actor).where( models.Actor.ap_id == actor_id, ) ) ).one_or_none() if existing_actor: if existing_actor.is_deleted: raise ap.ObjectNotFoundError(f"{actor_id} was deleted") if now() - as_utc(existing_actor.updated_at) > timedelta(hours=24): f"Refreshing {actor_id=} last updated {existing_actor.updated_at}" ) try: ap_actor = await ap.fetch(actor_id) await update_actor_if_needed( db_session, existing_actor, RemoteActor(ap_actor), ) return existing_actor except Exception: logger.exception(f"Failed to refresh {actor_id}") # If we fail to refresh the actor, return the cached one return existing_actor else: return existing_actor if save_if_not_found: ap_actor = await ap.fetch(actor_id) # Some softwares uses URL when we expect ID or uses a different casing # (like Birdsite LIVE) , which mean we may already have it in DB existing_actor_by_url = ( await db_session.scalars( select(models.Actor).where( models.Actor.ap_id == ap.get_id(ap_actor), ) ) ).one_or_none() if existing_actor_by_url: # Update the actor as we had to fetch it anyway await update_actor_if_needed( db_session, existing_actor_by_url, RemoteActor(ap_actor), ) return existing_actor_by_url return await save_actor(db_session, ap_actor) else: raise ap.ObjectNotFoundError(actor_id) async def update_actor_if_needed( db_session: AsyncSession, actor_in_db: "ActorModel", ra: RemoteActor, ) -> None: # Check if we actually need to udpte the actor in DB if _actor_hash(ra) != _actor_hash(actor_in_db): actor_in_db.ap_actor = ra.ap_actor actor_in_db.handle = ra.handle actor_in_db.ap_type = ra.ap_type actor_in_db.updated_at = now() await db_session.flush() @dataclass class ActorMetadata: ap_actor_id: str is_following: bool is_follower: bool is_follow_request_sent: bool is_follow_request_rejected: bool outbox_follow_ap_id: str | None inbox_follow_ap_id: str | None moved_to: typing.Optional["ActorModel"] has_blocked_local_actor: bool ActorsMetadata = dict[str, ActorMetadata] async def get_actors_metadata( db_session: AsyncSession, actors: list[Union["ActorModel", "RemoteActor"]], ) -> ActorsMetadata: from app import models ap_actor_ids = [actor.ap_id for actor in actors] followers = { follower.ap_actor_id: follower.inbox_object.ap_id for follower in ( await db_session.scalars( select(models.Follower) .where(models.Follower.ap_actor_id.in_(ap_actor_ids)) .options(joinedload(models.Follower.inbox_object)) ) ) .unique() .all() } following = { following.ap_actor_id for following in await db_session.execute( select(models.Following.ap_actor_id).where( models.Following.ap_actor_id.in_(ap_actor_ids) ) ) } sent_follow_requests = { follow_req.ap_object["object"]: follow_req.ap_id for follow_req in await db_session.execute( select(models.OutboxObject.ap_object, models.OutboxObject.ap_id).where( models.OutboxObject.ap_type == "Follow", models.OutboxObject.undone_by_outbox_object_id.is_(None), models.OutboxObject.activity_object_ap_id.in_(ap_actor_ids), ) ) } rejected_follow_requests = { reject.activity_object_ap_id for reject in await db_session.execute( select(models.InboxObject.activity_object_ap_id).where( models.InboxObject.ap_type == "Reject", models.InboxObject.ap_actor_id.in_(ap_actor_ids), ) ) } blocks = { block.ap_actor_id for block in await db_session.execute( select(models.InboxObject.ap_actor_id).where( models.InboxObject.ap_type == "Block", models.InboxObject.undone_by_inbox_object_id.is_(None), models.InboxObject.ap_actor_id.in_(ap_actor_ids), ) ) } idx: ActorsMetadata = {} for actor in actors: if not actor.ap_id: raise ValueError("Should never happen") moved_to = None if actor.moved_to: try: moved_to = await fetch_actor( db_session, actor.moved_to, save_if_not_found=False, ) except ap.ObjectNotFoundError: pass except Exception: logger.exception(f"Failed to fetch {actor.moved_to=}") idx[actor.ap_id] = ActorMetadata( ap_actor_id=actor.ap_id, is_following=actor.ap_id in following, is_follower=actor.ap_id in followers, is_follow_request_sent=actor.ap_id in sent_follow_requests, is_follow_request_rejected=bool( sent_follow_requests[actor.ap_id] in rejected_follow_requests ) if actor.ap_id in sent_follow_requests else False, outbox_follow_ap_id=sent_follow_requests.get(actor.ap_id), inbox_follow_ap_id=followers.get(actor.ap_id), moved_to=moved_to, has_blocked_local_actor=actor.ap_id in blocks, ) return idx def _actor_hash(actor: Actor) -> bytes: """Used to detect when an actor is updated""" h = hashlib.blake2b(digest_size=32) h.update(actor.ap_id.encode()) h.update(actor.handle.encode()) if h.update( if actor.summary: h.update(actor.summary.encode()) if actor.url: h.update(actor.url.encode()) h.update(actor.display_name.encode()) if actor.icon_url: h.update(actor.icon_url.encode()) if actor.image_url: h.update(actor.image_url.encode()) if actor.attachments: for a in actor.attachments: if a.get("type") != "PropertyValue": continue h.update(a["name"].encode()) h.update(a["value"].encode()) h.update(actor.public_key_id.encode()) h.update(actor.public_key_as_pem.encode()) if actor.moved_to: h.update(actor.moved_to.encode()) return h.digest()