{%- import "utils.html" as utils with context -%} {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block head %} <title>{{ local_actor.display_name }} - Inbox</title> {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if show_filters %} {{ utils.display_box_filters("admin_inbox") }} {% endif %} {% if not inbox %} <div class="box"> <p>Nothing to see yet, <a href="{{ url_for("get_lookup") }}">start following people in the lookup section</a>.</p> </div> {% endif %} {% for inbox_object in inbox %} {% if inbox_object.ap_type == "Announce" %} {{ utils.actor_action(inbox_object, "shared", with_icon=True) }} {{ utils.display_object(inbox_object.relates_to_anybox_object) }} {% elif inbox_object.ap_type in ["Article", "Note", "Video", "Page", "Question"] %} {{ utils.display_object(inbox_object) }} {% elif inbox_object.ap_type == "Follow" %} {{ utils.actor_action(inbox_object, "followed you") }} {{ utils.display_actor(inbox_object.actor, actors_metadata) }} {% elif inbox_object.ap_type == "Like" %} {{ utils.actor_action(inbox_object, "liked one of your posts", with_icon=True) }} {{ utils.display_object(inbox_object.relates_to_anybox_object) }} {% else %} <p> Implement {{ inbox_object.ap_type }} {{ inbox_object.ap_object }} </p> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if next_cursor %} <div class="box"> <p><a href="{{ request.url._path }}?cursor={{ next_cursor }}{% if request.query_params.filter_by %}&filter_by={{ request.query_params.filter_by }}{% endif %}">See more</a></p> </div> {% endif %} {% endblock %}