"""Basic wizard for setting up microblog.pub configuration files.""" import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Any import bcrypt import tomli_w from markdown import markdown # type: ignore from app.key import generate_key _ROOT_DIR = Path().parent.parent.resolve() _KEY_PATH = _ROOT_DIR / "data" / "key.pem" _CONFIG_PATH = _ROOT_DIR / "data" / "profile.toml" def setup_config_file( domain: str, username: str, name: str, summary: str, password: str, ) -> None: print("Generating microblog.pub config\n") if _KEY_PATH.exists(): sys.exit(2) generate_key(_KEY_PATH) config_file = _CONFIG_PATH if config_file.exists(): # Spit out the relative path for the "config artifacts" rconfig_file = "data/profile.toml" print( f"Existing setup detected, please delete {rconfig_file} " "before restarting the wizard" ) sys.exit(2) dat: dict[str, Any] = {} dat["domain"] = domain dat["username"] = username dat["admin_password"] = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode() dat["name"] = name dat["summary"] = markdown(summary) dat["https"] = True proto = "https" dat["icon_url"] = f'{proto}://{dat["domain"]}/static/nopic.png' dat["secret"] = os.urandom(16).hex() with config_file.open("w") as f: f.write(tomli_w.dumps(dat)) print("Done") sys.exit(0)