{% macro display_actor_inline(follower, size=50) -%} {% if follower and follower.id %} {% if not follower.icon %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{{ follower.name or follower.preferredUsername }}
@{{ follower.preferredUsername }}@{{ follower | url_or_id | get_url | domain }}
{% endif %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro display_note(obj, perma=False, ui=False, likes=[], shares=[], meta={}, no_color=False) -%} {% if meta.actor %} {% set actor = meta.actor %} {% else %} {% set actor = obj.attributedTo | get_actor %} {% endif %}
{{ actor.name or actor.preferredUsername }} @{% if not no_color and obj.id | is_from_outbox %}{{ actor.preferredUsername }}{% else %}{{ actor.preferredUsername }}{% endif %}@{% if not no_color and obj.id | is_from_outbox %}{{ actor | url_or_id | get_url | domain }}{% else %}{{ actor | url_or_id | get_url | domain }}{% endif %} {% if not perma %} {% endif %}
{% if obj.summary %}

{{ obj.summary | clean }}

{% endif %}
{% if obj | has_type('Article') %} {{ obj.name }} {{ obj | url_or_id | get_url }} {% else %} {{ obj.content | clean | safe }} {% endif %}
{% if obj.attachment and obj | has_type('Note') %}
{% if obj.attachment | not_only_imgs %}


{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if meta and meta.og_metadata and obj | has_type('Note') %} {% for og in meta.og_metadata %} {% if og.url %}
{{ og.title }}

{{ og.description | truncate(80) }}

{{ og.site_name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if perma %}{{ obj.published | format_time }} {% if not (obj.id | is_from_outbox) %} permalink {% endif %} {% else %} permalink {% endif %} {% if session.logged_in %} {% set perma_id = obj.id | permalink_id %} {% set redir = request.path + "#activity-" + perma_id %} {% set aid = obj.id | quote_plus %} {% endif %} {% if meta.count_reply and obj.id | is_from_outbox %}{{ meta.count_reply }} replies {% elif meta.count_reply and session.logged_in %} {{ meta.count_reply }} replies{% endif %} {% if not perma and meta.count_boost and obj.id | is_from_outbox %}{{ meta.count_boost }} boosts{% endif %} {% if not perma and meta.count_like and obj.id | is_from_outbox %}{{ meta.count_like }} likes{% endif %} {% if session.logged_in %} {% if ui%} reply {% if meta.boosted %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% if meta.liked %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if obj.id | is_from_outbox %}
{% if meta.pinned %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% else %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if likes or shares %}
{% if likes %}

{{ likes|length }} likes

{% for like in likes %} {{ display_actor_inline(like) }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if shares %}

{{ shares|length }} boosts

{% for boost in shares %} {{ display_actor_inline(boost) }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro %} {% macro display_thread(thread, likes=[], shares=[]) -%} {% for reply in thread %} {% if reply._requested %} {{ display_note(reply.activity.object, perma=True, ui=False, likes=likes, shares=shares, meta=reply.meta) }} {% else %} {{ display_note(reply.activity.object, perma=False, ui=True, meta=reply.meta) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endmacro -%} {% macro display_pagination(older_than, newer_than) -%}
{% if older_than %} {% endif %} {% if newer_than %} {% endif %}
{% endmacro -%} {% macro display_pagination_links(older_than, newer_than) -%} {% if older_than %}{% endif %} {% if newer_than %}{% endif %} {% endmacro -%}