import base64 import os import sys import time from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO from typing import Any from typing import Type import httpx from dateutil.parser import isoparse from fastapi import Depends from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi import Form from fastapi import Request from fastapi import Response from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException from fastapi.responses import FileResponse from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from loguru import logger from PIL import Image from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from starlette.background import BackgroundTask from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from app import activitypub as ap from app import admin from app import boxes from app import config from app import httpsig from app import models from app import templates from import LOCAL_ACTOR from import get_actors_metadata from app.boxes import public_outbox_objects_count from app.boxes import save_to_inbox from app.config import BASE_URL from app.config import DEBUG from app.config import DOMAIN from app.config import ID from app.config import USER_AGENT from app.config import USERNAME from app.config import generate_csrf_token from app.config import is_activitypub_requested from app.config import verify_csrf_token from app.database import get_db from app.templates import is_current_user_admin from app.uploads import UPLOAD_DIR from app.webfinger import get_remote_follow_template # TODO(ts): # # Next: # - inbox/outbox admin # - no counters anymore? # - allow to show tags in the menu # - support update post with history # - inbox/outbox in the admin (as in show every objects) # - show likes/announces counter for outbox activities # - update actor support # - hash config/profile to detect when to send Update actor # # - [ ] block support # - [ ] make the media proxy authenticated # - [ ] prevent SSRF (urlutils from little-boxes) # - [ ] Dockerization # - [ ] Webmentions # - [ ] custom emoji # - [ ] poll/questions support # - [ ] cleanup tasks app = FastAPI(docs_url=None, redoc_url=None) app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="app/static"), name="static") app.include_router(admin.router, prefix="/admin") app.include_router(admin.unauthenticated_router, prefix="/admin") logger.configure(extra={"request_id": "no_req_id"}) logger.remove() logger_format = ( "{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS} | " "{level: <8} | " "{name}:{function}:{line} | " "{extra[request_id]} - {message}" ) logger.add(sys.stdout, format=logger_format) @app.middleware("http") async def request_middleware(request, call_next): start_time = time.perf_counter() request_id = os.urandom(8).hex() with logger.contextualize(request_id=request_id): f"{}:{request.client.port} - " f"{request.method} {request.url}" ) try: response = await call_next(request) response.headers["X-Request-ID"] = request_id response.headers["Server"] = "microblogpub" elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time"status_code={response.status_code} {elapsed_time=:.2f}s") return response except Exception: logger.exception("Request failed") raise @app.middleware("http") async def add_security_headers(request: Request, call_next): response = await call_next(request) response.headers["referrer-policy"] = "no-referrer, strict-origin-when-cross-origin" response.headers["x-content-type-options"] = "nosniff" response.headers["x-xss-protection"] = "1; mode=block" response.headers["x-frame-options"] = "SAMEORIGIN" # TODO(ts): disallow inline CSS? if DEBUG: return response response.headers["content-security-policy"] = ( "default-src 'self'" + " style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';" ) if not DEBUG: response.headers[ "strict-transport-security" ] = "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains" return response DEFAULT_CTX = COLLECTION_CTX = [ "", "", { # AS ext "Hashtag": "as:Hashtag", "sensitive": "as:sensitive", "manuallyApprovesFollowers": "as:manuallyApprovesFollowers", # toot "toot": "", # "featured": "toot:featured", # schema "schema": "", "PropertyValue": "schema:PropertyValue", "value": "schema:value", }, ] class ActivityPubResponse(JSONResponse): media_type = "application/activity+json" @app.get("/") def index( request: Request, db: Session = Depends(get_db), _: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.httpsig_checker), ) -> templates.TemplateResponse | ActivityPubResponse: if is_activitypub_requested(request): return ActivityPubResponse(LOCAL_ACTOR.ap_actor) outbox_objects = ( db.query(models.OutboxObject) .options( joinedload(models.OutboxObject.outbox_object_attachments).options( joinedload(models.OutboxObjectAttachment.upload) ) ) .filter( models.OutboxObject.visibility == ap.VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC, models.OutboxObject.is_deleted.is_(False), models.OutboxObject.is_hidden_from_homepage.is_(False), ) .order_by(models.OutboxObject.ap_published_at.desc()) .limit(20) .all() ) return templates.render_template( db, request, "index.html", {"request": request, "objects": outbox_objects}, ) def _build_followx_collection( db: Session, model_cls: Type[models.Following | models.Follower], path: str, page: bool | None, next_cursor: str | None, ) -> ap.RawObject: total_items = db.query(model_cls).count() if not page and not next_cursor: return { "@context": ap.AS_CTX, "id": ID + path, "first": ID + path + "?page=true", "type": "OrderedCollection", "totalItems": total_items, } q = db.query(model_cls).order_by(model_cls.created_at.desc()) # type: ignore if next_cursor: q = q.filter(model_cls.created_at < _decode_cursor(next_cursor)) # type: ignore q = q.limit(20) items = [followx for followx in q.all()] next_cursor = None if ( items and db.query(model_cls) .filter(model_cls.created_at < items[-1].created_at) .count() > 0 ): next_cursor = _encode_cursor(items[-1].created_at) collection_page = { "@context": ap.AS_CTX, "id": ( ID + path + "?page=true" if not next_cursor else ID + path + f"?next_cursor={next_cursor}" ), "partOf": ID + path, "type": "OrderedCollectionPage", "orderedItems": [item.ap_actor_id for item in items], } if next_cursor: collection_page["next"] = ID + path + f"?next_cursor={next_cursor}" return collection_page def _encode_cursor(val: datetime) -> str: return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(val.isoformat().encode()).decode() def _decode_cursor(cursor: str) -> datetime: return isoparse(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(cursor).decode()) @app.get("/followers") def followers( request: Request, page: bool | None = None, next_cursor: str | None = None, prev_cursor: str | None = None, db: Session = Depends(get_db), _: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.httpsig_checker), ) -> ActivityPubResponse | templates.TemplateResponse: if is_activitypub_requested(request): return ActivityPubResponse( _build_followx_collection( db=db, model_cls=models.Follower, path="/followers", page=page, next_cursor=next_cursor, ) ) followers = ( db.query(models.Follower) .options(joinedload( .order_by(models.Follower.created_at.desc()) .limit(20) .all() ) # TODO: support next_cursor/prev_cursor actors_metadata = {} if is_current_user_admin(request): actors_metadata = get_actors_metadata( db, [ for f in followers], ) return templates.render_template( db, request, "followers.html", { "followers": followers, "actors_metadata": actors_metadata, }, ) @app.get("/following") def following( request: Request, page: bool | None = None, next_cursor: str | None = None, prev_cursor: str | None = None, db: Session = Depends(get_db), _: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.httpsig_checker), ) -> ActivityPubResponse | templates.TemplateResponse: if is_activitypub_requested(request): return ActivityPubResponse( _build_followx_collection( db=db, model_cls=models.Following, path="/following", page=page, next_cursor=next_cursor, ) ) q = ( db.query(models.Following) .options(joinedload( .order_by(models.Following.created_at.desc()) .limit(20) ) following = q.all() # TODO: support next_cursor/prev_cursor actors_metadata = {} if is_current_user_admin(request): actors_metadata = get_actors_metadata( db, [ for f in following], ) return templates.render_template( db, request, "following.html", { "following": following, "actors_metadata": actors_metadata, }, ) @app.get("/outbox") def outbox( db: Session = Depends(get_db), _: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.httpsig_checker), ) -> ActivityPubResponse: outbox_objects = ( db.query(models.OutboxObject) .filter( models.OutboxObject.visibility == ap.VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC, models.OutboxObject.is_deleted.is_(False), ) .order_by(models.OutboxObject.ap_published_at.desc()) .limit(20) .all() ) return ActivityPubResponse( { "@context": DEFAULT_CTX, "id": f"{ID}/outbox", "type": "OrderedCollection", "totalItems": len(outbox_objects), "orderedItems": [ ap.remove_context(ap.wrap_object_if_needed(a.ap_object)) for a in outbox_objects ], } ) @app.get("/o/{public_id}") def outbox_by_public_id( public_id: str, request: Request, db: Session = Depends(get_db), _: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.httpsig_checker), ) -> ActivityPubResponse | templates.TemplateResponse: # TODO: ACL? maybe_object = ( db.query(models.OutboxObject) .options( joinedload(models.OutboxObject.outbox_object_attachments).options( joinedload(models.OutboxObjectAttachment.upload) ) ) .filter( models.OutboxObject.public_id == public_id, models.OutboxObject.is_deleted.is_(False), ) .one_or_none() ) if not maybe_object: raise HTTPException(status_code=404) if is_activitypub_requested(request): return ActivityPubResponse(maybe_object.ap_object) replies_tree = boxes.get_replies_tree(db, maybe_object) return templates.render_template( db, request, "object.html", { "replies_tree": replies_tree, "outbox_object": maybe_object, }, ) @app.get("/o/{public_id}/activity") def outbox_activity_by_public_id( public_id: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db), _: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.httpsig_checker), ) -> ActivityPubResponse: # TODO: ACL? maybe_object = ( db.query(models.OutboxObject) .filter( models.OutboxObject.public_id == public_id, models.OutboxObject.is_deleted.is_(False), ) .one_or_none() ) if not maybe_object: raise HTTPException(status_code=404) return ActivityPubResponse(ap.wrap_object(maybe_object.ap_object)) @app.get("/t/{tag}") def tag_by_name( tag: str, request: Request, db: Session = Depends(get_db), _: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.httpsig_checker), ) -> ActivityPubResponse | templates.TemplateResponse: # TODO(ts): implement HTML version # if is_activitypub_requested(request): return ActivityPubResponse( { "@context": ap.AS_CTX, "id": BASE_URL + f"/t/{tag}", "type": "OrderedCollection", "totalItems": 0, "orderedItems": [], } )"/inbox") async def inbox( request: Request, db: Session = Depends(get_db), httpsig_info: httpsig.HTTPSigInfo = Depends(httpsig.enforce_httpsig), ) -> Response:"headers={request.headers}") payload = await request.json()"{payload=}") save_to_inbox(db, payload) return Response(status_code=204) @app.get("/remote_follow") def get_remote_follow( request: Request, db: Session = Depends(get_db), ) -> templates.TemplateResponse: return templates.render_template( db, request, "remote_follow.html", {"remote_follow_csrf_token": generate_csrf_token()}, )"/remote_follow") def post_remote_follow( request: Request, db: Session = Depends(get_db), csrf_check: None = Depends(verify_csrf_token), profile: str = Form(), ) -> RedirectResponse: if not profile.startswith("@"): profile = f"@{profile}" remote_follow_template = get_remote_follow_template(profile) if not remote_follow_template: raise HTTPException(status_code=404) return RedirectResponse( remote_follow_template.format(uri=ID), status_code=302, ) @app.get("/.well-known/webfinger") def wellknown_webfinger(resource: str) -> JSONResponse: """Exposes/servers WebFinger data.""" if resource not in [f"acct:{USERNAME}@{DOMAIN}", ID]: raise HTTPException(status_code=404) out = { "subject": f"acct:{USERNAME}@{DOMAIN}", "aliases": [ID], "links": [ { "rel": "", "type": "text/html", "href": ID, }, {"rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json", "href": ID}, { "rel": "", "template": BASE_URL + "/admin/lookup?query={uri}", }, ], } return JSONResponse(out, media_type="application/jrd+json; charset=utf-8") @app.get("/.well-known/nodeinfo") async def well_known_nodeinfo() -> dict[str, Any]: return { "links": [ { "rel": "", "href": f"{BASE_URL}/nodeinfo", } ] } @app.get("/nodeinfo") def nodeinfo( db: Session = Depends(get_db), ): local_posts = public_outbox_objects_count(db) return JSONResponse( { "version": "2.1", "software": { "name": "microblogpub", "version": config.VERSION, "repository": "", }, "protocols": ["activitypub"], "services": {"inbound": [], "outbound": []}, "openRegistrations": False, "usage": {"users": {"total": 1}, "localPosts": local_posts}, "metadata": { "nodeName": LOCAL_ACTOR.handle, }, }, media_type=( "application/json; " "profile=" ), ) proxy_client = httpx.AsyncClient() @app.get("/proxy/media/{encoded_url}") async def serve_proxy_media(request: Request, encoded_url: str) -> StreamingResponse: # Decode the base64-encoded URL url = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded_url).decode() # Request the URL (and filter request headers) proxy_req = proxy_client.build_request( request.method, url, headers=[ (k, v) for (k, v) in request.headers.raw if k.lower() not in [b"host", b"cookie", b"x-forwarded-for", b"x-real-ip", b"user-agent"] ] + [(b"user-agent", USER_AGENT.encode())], ) proxy_resp = await proxy_client.send(proxy_req, stream=True) # Filter the headers proxy_resp_headers = [ (k, v) for (k, v) in proxy_resp.headers.items() if k.lower() in [ "content-length", "content-type", "content-range", "accept-ranges" "etag", "cache-control", "expires", "date", "last-modified", ] ] return StreamingResponse( proxy_resp.aiter_raw(), status_code=proxy_resp.status_code, headers=dict(proxy_resp_headers), background=BackgroundTask(proxy_resp.aclose), ) @app.get("/proxy/media/{encoded_url}/{size}") def serve_proxy_media_resized( request: Request, encoded_url: str, size: int, ) -> PlainTextResponse: if size not in {50, 740}: raise ValueError("Unsupported size") # Decode the base64-encoded URL url = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded_url).decode() # Request the URL (and filter request headers) proxy_resp = httpx.get( url, headers=[ (k, v) for (k, v) in request.headers.raw if k.lower() not in [b"host", b"cookie", b"x-forwarded-for", b"x-real-ip", b"user-agent"] ] + [(b"user-agent", USER_AGENT.encode())], ) if proxy_resp.status_code != 200: return PlainTextResponse( proxy_resp.content, status_code=proxy_resp.status_code, ) # Filter the headers proxy_resp_headers = { k: v for (k, v) in proxy_resp.headers.items() if k.lower() in [ "content-type", "etag", "cache-control", "expires", "last-modified", ] } try: out = BytesIO(proxy_resp.content) i = i.thumbnail((size, size)) resized_buf = BytesIO(), format=i.format) return PlainTextResponse(, media_type=i.get_format_mimetype(), # type: ignore headers=proxy_resp_headers, ) except Exception: logger.exception(f"Failed to resize {url} on the fly") return PlainTextResponse( proxy_resp.content, headers=proxy_resp_headers, ) @app.get("/attachments/{content_hash}/{filename}") def serve_attachment( content_hash: str, filename: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db), ): upload = ( db.query(models.Upload) .filter( models.Upload.content_hash == content_hash, ) .one_or_none() ) if not upload: raise HTTPException(status_code=404) return FileResponse( UPLOAD_DIR / content_hash, media_type=upload.content_type, ) @app.get("/attachments/thumbnails/{content_hash}/{filename}") def serve_attachment_thumbnail( content_hash: str, filename: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db), ): upload = ( db.query(models.Upload) .filter( models.Upload.content_hash == content_hash, ) .one_or_none() ) if not upload or not upload.has_thumbnail: raise HTTPException(status_code=404) return FileResponse( UPLOAD_DIR / (content_hash + "_resized"), media_type=upload.content_type, ) @app.get("/robots.txt", response_class=PlainTextResponse) async def robots_file(): return """User-agent: * Disallow: /followers Disallow: /following Disallow: /admin"""