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synced 2024-12-22 13:14:28 +00:00
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56 lines
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{%- import "utils.html" as utils with context -%}
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block head %}
{% if outbox_object %}
{% if outbox_object.content %}
{% set excerpt = outbox_object.content | html2text | trim | truncate(50) %}
{% else %}
{% set excerpt = outbox_object.summary | html2text | trim | truncate(50) %}
{% endif %}
<title>{% if outbox_object.name %}{{ outbox_object.name }}{% else %}{{ local_actor.display_name }}: "{{ excerpt }}"{% endif %}</title>
<link rel="webmention" href="{{ url_for("webmention_endpoint") }}">
<link rel="alternate" href="{{ request.url }}" type="application/activity+json">
<meta name="description" content="{{ excerpt }}">
<meta content="article" property="og:type" />
<meta content="{{ outbox_object.url }}" property="og:url" />
<meta content="{{ local_actor.display_name }}'s microblog" property="og:site_name" />
<meta content="{% if outbox_object.name %}{{ name }}{% else %}Note{% endif %}" property="og:title" />
<meta content="{{ excerpt }}" property="og:description" />
<meta content="{{ local_actor.icon_url }}" property="og:image" />
<meta content="summary" property="twitter:card" />
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% if outbox_object %}
{% include "header.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% macro display_replies_tree(replies_tree_node) %}
{% if replies_tree_node.is_requested %}
{{ utils.display_object(replies_tree_node.ap_object, likes=likes, shares=shares, webmentions=webmentions, expanded=not replies_tree_node.is_root, is_object_page=True, is_h_entry=False) }}
{% else %}
{% if replies_tree_node.wm_reply %}
{# u-comment h-cite is displayed by default for webmention #}
{{ utils.display_webmention_reply(replies_tree_node.wm_reply) }}
{% else %}
<div class="u-comment h-cite">
{{ utils.display_object(replies_tree_node.ap_object, is_h_entry=False) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for child in replies_tree_node.children %}
{{ display_replies_tree(child) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
<div class="h-entry">
{{ display_replies_tree(replies_tree) }}
{% endblock %}