// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import type { MenuItemConstructorOptions } from 'electron'; import type { MenuOptionsType, MenuActionType } from '../types/menu'; import type { IPCEventsValuesType } from '../util/createIPCEvents'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import type { LocaleMessagesType } from '../types/I18N'; import type { NativeThemeType } from '../context/createNativeThemeListener'; import type { SettingType } from '../util/preload'; import type { RendererConfigType } from '../types/RendererConfig'; import { ActiveWindowService } from '../services/ActiveWindowService'; import { Bytes } from '../context/Bytes'; import { Crypto } from '../context/Crypto'; import { Timers } from '../context/Timers'; import { setupI18n } from '../util/setupI18n'; import { getEnvironment, parseEnvironment, setEnvironment, } from '../environment'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { createSetting } from '../util/preload'; import { initialize as initializeLogging } from '../logging/set_up_renderer_logging'; import { waitForSettingsChange } from './waitForSettingsChange'; import { createNativeThemeListener } from '../context/createNativeThemeListener'; import { isWindows, isLinux, isMacOS, hasCustomTitleBar } from '../OS'; const activeWindowService = new ActiveWindowService(); activeWindowService.initialize(window.document, ipcRenderer); const params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search); const configParam = params.get('config'); strictAssert(typeof configParam === 'string', 'config is not a string'); const config = JSON.parse(configParam); const { locale } = config; strictAssert(locale, 'locale could not be parsed from config'); strictAssert(typeof locale === 'string', 'locale is not a string'); const localeMessages = ipcRenderer.sendSync('locale-data'); setEnvironment(parseEnvironment(config.environment)); strictAssert(Boolean(window.SignalContext), 'context must be defined'); initializeLogging(); export type MainWindowStatsType = Readonly<{ isMaximized: boolean; isFullScreen: boolean; }>; export type SignalContextType = { bytes: Bytes; crypto: Crypto; timers: Timers; nativeThemeListener: NativeThemeType; setIsCallActive: (isCallActive: boolean) => unknown; activeWindowService: typeof activeWindowService; Settings: { themeSetting: SettingType; waitForChange: () => Promise; }; OS: { platform: string; isWindows: typeof isWindows; isLinux: typeof isLinux; isMacOS: typeof isMacOS; hasCustomTitleBar: typeof hasCustomTitleBar; }; config: RendererConfigType; getAppInstance: () => string | undefined; getEnvironment: () => string; getNodeVersion: () => string; getVersion: () => string; getPath: (name: 'userData' | 'home') => string; i18n: LocalizerType; localeMessages: LocaleMessagesType; log: LoggerType; renderWindow?: () => void; executeMenuRole: (role: MenuItemConstructorOptions['role']) => Promise; getMainWindowStats: () => Promise; getMenuOptions: () => Promise; executeMenuAction: (action: MenuActionType) => Promise; }; export const SignalContext: SignalContextType = { activeWindowService, Settings: { themeSetting: createSetting('themeSetting', { setter: false }), waitForChange: waitForSettingsChange, }, OS: { platform: process.platform, isWindows, isLinux, isMacOS, hasCustomTitleBar, }, bytes: new Bytes(), config, crypto: new Crypto(), getAppInstance: (): string | undefined => config.appInstance ? String(config.appInstance) : undefined, getEnvironment, getNodeVersion: (): string => String(config.nodeVersion), getVersion: (): string => String(config.version), getPath: (name: 'userData' | 'home'): string => { return String(config[`${name}Path`]); }, i18n: setupI18n(locale, localeMessages), localeMessages, log: window.SignalContext.log, nativeThemeListener: createNativeThemeListener(ipcRenderer, window), setIsCallActive(isCallActive: boolean): void { ipcRenderer.send('set-is-call-active', isCallActive); }, timers: new Timers(), async executeMenuRole( role: MenuItemConstructorOptions['role'] ): Promise { await ipcRenderer.invoke('executeMenuRole', role); }, async getMainWindowStats(): Promise { return ipcRenderer.invoke('getMainWindowStats'); }, async getMenuOptions(): Promise { return ipcRenderer.invoke('getMenuOptions'); }, async executeMenuAction(action: MenuActionType): Promise { return ipcRenderer.invoke('executeMenuAction', action); }, }; window.SignalContext = SignalContext; window.i18n = SignalContext.i18n;