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// Copyright 2020-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import type { AudioDevice } from 'ringrtc';
import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations';
// These are strings (1) for the database (2) for Storybook.
export enum CallMode {
None = 'None',
Direct = 'Direct',
Group = 'Group',
// Speaker and Presentation has the same UI, but Presentation mode will switch
// to Grid mode when the presentation is over.
export enum CallViewMode {
Grid = 'Grid',
Speaker = 'Speaker',
Presentation = 'Presentation',
export type PresentableSource = {
appIcon?: string;
id: string;
name: string;
isScreen: boolean;
thumbnail: string;
export type PresentedSource = {
id: string;
name: string;
type ActiveCallBaseType = {
conversation: ConversationType;
hasLocalAudio: boolean;
hasLocalVideo: boolean;
localAudioLevel: number;
viewMode: CallViewMode;
isSharingScreen?: boolean;
joinedAt?: number;
outgoingRing: boolean;
pip: boolean;
presentingSource?: PresentedSource;
presentingSourcesAvailable?: Array<PresentableSource>;
settingsDialogOpen: boolean;
showNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsWarning?: boolean;
showParticipantsList: boolean;
type ActiveDirectCallType = ActiveCallBaseType & {
callMode: CallMode.Direct;
callState?: CallState;
callEndedReason?: CallEndedReason;
peekedParticipants: [];
remoteParticipants: [
hasRemoteVideo: boolean;
presenting: boolean;
title: string;
uuid?: string;
type ActiveGroupCallType = ActiveCallBaseType & {
callMode: CallMode.Group;
connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState;
conversationsWithSafetyNumberChanges: Array<ConversationType>;
joinState: GroupCallJoinState;
maxDevices: number;
deviceCount: number;
groupMembers: Array<Pick<ConversationType, 'id' | 'firstName' | 'title'>>;
peekedParticipants: Array<ConversationType>;
remoteParticipants: Array<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType>;
remoteAudioLevels: Map<number, number>;
export type ActiveCallType = ActiveDirectCallType | ActiveGroupCallType;
// Ideally, we would import many of these directly from RingRTC. But because Storybook
// cannot import RingRTC (as it runs in the browser), we have these copies. That also
// means we have to convert the "real" enum to our enum in some cases.
// Must be kept in sync with RingRTC.CallState
export enum CallState {
Prering = 'idle',
Ringing = 'ringing',
Accepted = 'connected',
Reconnecting = 'connecting',
Ended = 'ended',
// Must be kept in sync with RingRTC.CallEndedReason
export enum CallEndedReason {
LocalHangup = 'LocalHangup',
RemoteHangup = 'RemoteHangup',
RemoteHangupNeedPermission = 'RemoteHangupNeedPermission',
Declined = 'Declined',
Busy = 'Busy',
Glare = 'Glare',
ReCall = 'ReCall',
ReceivedOfferExpired = 'ReceivedOfferExpired',
ReceivedOfferWhileActive = 'ReceivedOfferWhileActive',
ReceivedOfferWithGlare = 'ReceivedOfferWithGlare',
SignalingFailure = 'SignalingFailure',
GlareFailure = 'GlareFailure',
ConnectionFailure = 'ConnectionFailure',
InternalFailure = 'InternalFailure',
Timeout = 'Timeout',
AcceptedOnAnotherDevice = 'AcceptedOnAnotherDevice',
DeclinedOnAnotherDevice = 'DeclinedOnAnotherDevice',
BusyOnAnotherDevice = 'BusyOnAnotherDevice',
CallerIsNotMultiring = 'CallerIsNotMultiring',
// Must be kept in sync with RingRTC's ConnectionState
export enum GroupCallConnectionState {
NotConnected = 0,
Connecting = 1,
Connected = 2,
Reconnecting = 3,
// Must be kept in sync with RingRTC's JoinState
export enum GroupCallJoinState {
NotJoined = 0,
Joining = 1,
Joined = 2,
export type GroupCallRemoteParticipantType = ConversationType & {
demuxId: number;
hasRemoteAudio: boolean;
hasRemoteVideo: boolean;
presenting: boolean;
sharingScreen: boolean;
speakerTime?: number;
videoAspectRatio: number;
// Similar to RingRTC's `VideoRequest` but without the `framerate` property.
export type GroupCallVideoRequest = {
demuxId: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export enum CallingDeviceType {
export type AvailableIODevicesType = {
availableCameras: Array<MediaDeviceInfo>;
availableMicrophones: Array<AudioDevice>;
availableSpeakers: Array<AudioDevice>;
export type MediaDeviceSettings = AvailableIODevicesType & {
selectedMicrophone: AudioDevice | undefined;
selectedSpeaker: AudioDevice | undefined;
selectedCamera: string | undefined;
type DirectCallHistoryDetailsType = {
callMode: CallMode.Direct;
wasIncoming: boolean;
wasVideoCall: boolean;
wasDeclined: boolean;
acceptedTime?: number;
endedTime: number;
type GroupCallHistoryDetailsType = {
callMode: CallMode.Group;
creatorUuid: string;
eraId: string;
startedTime: number;
export type CallHistoryDetailsType =
| DirectCallHistoryDetailsType
| GroupCallHistoryDetailsType;
// Old messages weren't saved with a `callMode`.
export type CallHistoryDetailsFromDiskType =
| (Omit<DirectCallHistoryDetailsType, 'callMode'> &
Partial<Pick<DirectCallHistoryDetailsType, 'callMode'>>)
| GroupCallHistoryDetailsType;
export type ChangeIODevicePayloadType =
| { type: CallingDeviceType.CAMERA; selectedDevice: string }
| { type: CallingDeviceType.MICROPHONE; selectedDevice: AudioDevice }
| { type: CallingDeviceType.SPEAKER; selectedDevice: AudioDevice };
export enum ProcessGroupCallRingRequestResult {