
41 lines
1018 B

// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
export type JobQueueStore = {
* Add a job to the database. Doing this should enqueue it in the stream.
job: Readonly<StoredJob>,
options?: Readonly<{ shouldPersist?: boolean }>
): Promise<void>;
* Remove a job. This should be called when a job finishes successfully or
* if a job has totally failed.
* It should NOT be called to cancel a job.
delete(id: string): Promise<void>;
* Stream jobs for a given queue. At startup, this stream may produce a bunch of
* jobs. After that, it should produce one job per `insert`.
stream(queueType: string): AsyncIterable<StoredJob>;
export type ParsedJob<T> = {
readonly id: string;
readonly timestamp: number;
readonly queueType: string;
readonly data: T;
export type StoredJob = {
readonly id: string;
readonly timestamp: number;
readonly queueType: string;
readonly data?: unknown;