import { Entity, Column, Index, OneToMany, TableInheritance, ChildEntity } from 'typeorm'; import Model from './model.entity'; import { Channel } from "./channel.entity"; export enum BridgeEnumType { SLACK = 'slack', DISCORD = 'discord', MATRIX = 'matrix' } @Entity('bridges') @TableInheritance({column: { type: "varchar", name: "type" }}) export class Bridge extends Model { @Column({ type: "enum", enum: BridgeEnumType }) Protocol: string; @Column() Label: string; // The ID of the team @Column({nullable:true}) team_id: string; @Column({nullable:true}) team_name: string; @Column({ unique: true }) Token: string; @Column({ default: true }) PrefixMessagesWithNick: boolean; // See @Column({ default: "[{LABEL}] <{NICK}> " }) RemoteNickFormat: string; @OneToMany(() => Channel, (channel) => channel.bridge) channels: Channel[] } @ChildEntity() export class MatrixBridge extends Bridge { // Matrix-specific @Column() Server: string; @Column() Login: string; @Column() Password: string; }