
224 lines
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// @ts-nocheck
Creating and synchronizing the .toml configuration files for matterbridge
import {AppDataSource} from "../db/data-source";
import {Group} from "../entities/group.entity";
const slugify = require('slugify');
import * as TOML from '@ltd/j-toml';
const fs = require('fs');
const groupRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Group)
Token = {token}
PrefixMessagesWithNick = true
RemoteNickFormat = {RemoteNickFormat}
type BridgeEntry = {
protocol: string;
name: string;
Label: string;
Token: string;
PrefixMessagesWithNick: boolean;
RemoteNickFormat: string
account = {BridgeEntry.protocol}.{}
channel = {channel}
type GatewayInOut = {
account: string;
channel: string;
name = {name}
enable = {enable}
type Gateway = {
name: string;
enable: boolean;
bridges: BridgeEntry[];
inOuts: GatewayInOut[];
export const getGroupConfig = async (group_name: string, group:object): Promise<Gateway> => {
let group = await groupRepository.findOne({
where: {name: group_name},
relations: {channels: true}
// Construct config in the gateway style for programmatic use
let gateway = <Gateway>{
enable: group.enable,
bridges: => {
return {
protocol: channel.bridge.Protocol,
name: slugify(channel.bridge.Label),
Label: channel.bridge.Label,
Token: channel.bridge.Token,
PrefixMessagesWithNick: channel.bridge.PrefixMessagesWithNick,
RemoteNickFormat: channel.bridge.RemoteNickFormat
inOuts: => {
return {
account: `${channel.bridge.Protocol}.${slugify(channel.bridge.Label)}`,
return gateway
Token = ""
PrefixMessagesWithNick = true
RemoteNickFormat = "[{PROTOCOL}] <{NICK}> "
Token = ""
PrefixMessagesWithNick = true
RemoteNickFormat = "[{PROTOCOL}] <{NICK}> "
name = "myGateway"
enable = true
account = "slack.0"
channel = "test"
account = "slack.1"
channel = "test"
Object <[Object: null prototype] {}> {
slack: Object <[Object: null prototype] {}> {
'0': Object <[Object: null prototype] {}> {
Token: '',
PrefixMessagesWithNick: true,
RemoteNickFormat: '[{PROTOCOL}] <{NICK}> '
'1': Object <[Object: null prototype] {}> {
Token: '',
PrefixMessagesWithNick: true,
RemoteNickFormat: '[{PROTOCOL}] <{NICK}> '
gateway: [
Object <[Object: null prototype] {}> {
name: 'myGateway',
enable: true,
inout: [Array]
export const GatewayToTOML = (gateway: Gateway) => {
let protocols = {};
// Each bridge is prefixed by the protocol as a TOML object, so
// we have to do a sort of "groupBy" operation here
// The TOML.Section calls are just for formatting when we write the file out
// (ie. separate the different TOML table entries rather than representing them
// inline. See
gateway.bridges.forEach((bridge) => {
let bridgeEntry = {
Token: bridge.Token,
PrefixMessagesWithNick: bridge.PrefixMessagesWithNick,
RemoteNickFormat: bridge.RemoteNickFormat,
Label: bridge.Label
if (!protocols.hasOwnProperty(bridge.protocol)){
protocols[bridge.protocol] = {};
protocols[bridge.protocol][] = TOML.Section(bridgeEntry)
console.log('protocols', protocols)
return {
'gateway': [TOML.Section({
enable: gateway.enable,
inout: => TOML.Section(inout))
export const writeTOML = (gateway_toml: object, out_file: string) => {
let toml_string = TOML.stringify(
newline: '\n'
fs.writeFileSync(out_file, toml_string)
export const writeGroupConfig = async (group_name: string, out_file: string) => {
.then((group_config) => {
writeTOML(GatewayToTOML(group_config), out_file)
// const testGroup = {
// name: 'testGroup',
// enable: true,
// channels: [
// {
// name: 'a-channel',
// bridge: {
// Protocol: 'slack',
// Label:" My Lab",
// Token: 'token',
// PrefixMessagesWithNick: true,
// RemoteNickFormat: 'hey'
// }
// },
// {
// name: 'b-channel',
// bridge: {
// Protocol: 'slack',
// Label:" My Lab2",
// Token: 'token',
// PrefixMessagesWithNick: true,
// RemoteNickFormat: 'hey'
// }
// }
// ]
// }
// getGroupConfig('a', testGroup)
// .then((res) => {
// console.log('1', res);
// console.log('toml', GatewayToTOML(res));
// let toml_format = GatewayToTOML(res);
// writeTOML(toml_format, 'test.toml')
// })