
1395 lines
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# Auto generated from activitystreams.yaml by version: 0.0.1
# Generation date: 2024-01-14T21:50:38
# Schema: linkml-activitystreams
# id:
# description: LinkML representation of ActivityStreams 2 Schema.
# license: GNU GPL v3.0
import dataclasses
import re
from jsonasobj2 import JsonObj, as_dict
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Dict, ClassVar, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.meta import EnumDefinition, PermissibleValue, PvFormulaOptions
from linkml_runtime.utils.slot import Slot
from linkml_runtime.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml_runtime.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml_runtime.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml_runtime.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml_runtime.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml_runtime.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model.types import Datetime, Float, Integer, String
from linkml_runtime.utils.metamodelcore import XSDDateTime
metamodel_version = "1.7.0"
version = None
# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
# Namespaces
AS = CurieNamespace('as', '')
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
OWL = CurieNamespace('owl', '')
RDF = CurieNamespace('rdf', '')
RDFS = CurieNamespace('rdfs', '')
SCHEMA = CurieNamespace('schema', '')
UNIT = CurieNamespace('unit', '')
XML = CurieNamespace('xml', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')
# Types
class AnyURI(String):
type_class_uri = XSD["anyURI"]
type_class_curie = "xsd:anyURI"
type_name = "anyURI"
type_model_uri = AS.AnyURI
class DurationType(String):
type_class_uri = XSD["duration"]
type_class_curie = "xsd:duration"
type_name = "durationType"
type_model_uri = AS.DurationType
class NonNegativeInteger(Integer):
type_class_uri = XSD["nonNegativeInteger"]
type_class_curie = "xsd:nonNegativeInteger"
type_name = "nonNegativeInteger"
type_model_uri = AS.NonNegativeInteger
class LangString(String):
type_class_uri = RDF["langString"]
type_class_curie = "rdf:langString"
type_name = "langString"
type_model_uri = AS.LangString
# Class references
class Property(YAMLRoot):
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = RDF["Property"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "rdf:Property"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Property"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Property
class Statement(YAMLRoot):
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = RDF["Statement"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "rdf:Statement"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Statement"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Statement
class Object(YAMLRoot):
Describes an object of any kind. The Object type serves as the base type for most of the other kinds of objects
defined in the Activity Vocabulary, including other Core types such as Activity, IntransitiveActivity, Collection
and OrderedCollection.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Object"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Object"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Object"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Object
attachment: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
attributedTo: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
audience: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
bcc: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
bto: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
cc: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
content: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
context: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
generator: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
icon: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
image: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
inReplyTo: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
location: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
name: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
preview: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
replies: Optional[Union[dict, "Collection"]] = None
summary: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
tag: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
to: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
url: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
duration: Optional[Union[str, DurationType]] = None
endTime: Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]] = None
id: Optional[Union[str, AnyURI]] = None
mediaType: Optional[str] = None
published: Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]] = None
startTime: Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]] = None
updated: Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]] = None
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if not isinstance(self.attachment, list):
self.attachment = [self.attachment] if self.attachment is not None else []
self.attachment = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.attachment]
if not isinstance(self.attributedTo, list):
self.attributedTo = [self.attributedTo] if self.attributedTo is not None else []
self.attributedTo = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.attributedTo]
if not isinstance(self.audience, list):
self.audience = [self.audience] if self.audience is not None else []
self.audience = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.audience]
if not isinstance(self.bcc, list):
self.bcc = [self.bcc] if self.bcc is not None else []
self.bcc = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.bcc]
if not isinstance(self.bto, list):
self.bto = [self.bto] if self.bto is not None else []
self.bto = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.bto]
if not isinstance(, list): = [] if is not None else [] = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in]
if not isinstance(self.content, list):
self.content = [self.content] if self.content is not None else []
self.content = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.content]
if not isinstance(self.context, list):
self.context = [self.context] if self.context is not None else []
self.context = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.context]
if not isinstance(self.generator, list):
self.generator = [self.generator] if self.generator is not None else []
self.generator = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.generator]
if not isinstance(self.icon, list):
self.icon = [self.icon] if self.icon is not None else []
self.icon = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.icon]
if not isinstance(self.image, list):
self.image = [self.image] if self.image is not None else []
self.image = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.image]
if not isinstance(self.inReplyTo, list):
self.inReplyTo = [self.inReplyTo] if self.inReplyTo is not None else []
self.inReplyTo = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.inReplyTo]
if not isinstance(self.location, list):
self.location = [self.location] if self.location is not None else []
self.location = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.location]
if not isinstance(, list): = [] if is not None else [] = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in]
if not isinstance(self.preview, list):
self.preview = [self.preview] if self.preview is not None else []
self.preview = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.preview]
if self.replies is not None and not isinstance(self.replies, Collection):
self.replies = Collection(**as_dict(self.replies))
if not isinstance(self.summary, list):
self.summary = [self.summary] if self.summary is not None else []
self.summary = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.summary]
if not isinstance(self.tag, list):
self.tag = [self.tag] if self.tag is not None else []
self.tag = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.tag]
if not isinstance(, list): = [] if is not None else [] = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in]
if not isinstance(self.url, list):
self.url = [self.url] if self.url is not None else []
self.url = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.url]
if self.duration is not None and not isinstance(self.duration, DurationType):
self.duration = DurationType(self.duration)
if self.endTime is not None and not isinstance(self.endTime, XSDDateTime):
self.endTime = XSDDateTime(self.endTime)
if is not None and not isinstance(, AnyURI): = AnyURI(
if self.mediaType is not None and not isinstance(self.mediaType, str):
self.mediaType = str(self.mediaType)
if self.published is not None and not isinstance(self.published, XSDDateTime):
self.published = XSDDateTime(self.published)
if self.startTime is not None and not isinstance(self.startTime, XSDDateTime):
self.startTime = XSDDateTime(self.startTime)
if self.updated is not None and not isinstance(self.updated, XSDDateTime):
self.updated = XSDDateTime(self.updated)
class Link(YAMLRoot):
A Link is an indirect, qualified reference to a resource identified by a URL. The fundamental model for links is
established by [ RFC5988]. Many of the properties defined by the Activity Vocabulary allow values that are either
instances of Object or Link. When a Link is used, it establishes a qualified relation connecting the subject (the
containing object) to the resource identified by the href. Properties of the Link are properties of the reference
as opposed to properties of the resource.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Link"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Link"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Link"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Link
name: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
preview: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
height: Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]] = None
href: Optional[Union[str, AnyURI]] = None
hreflang: Optional[str] = None
id: Optional[Union[str, AnyURI]] = None
mediaType: Optional[str] = None
rel: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
width: Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]] = None
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if not isinstance(, list): = [] if is not None else [] = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in]
if not isinstance(self.preview, list):
self.preview = [self.preview] if self.preview is not None else []
self.preview = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.preview]
if self.height is not None and not isinstance(self.height, NonNegativeInteger):
self.height = NonNegativeInteger(self.height)
if self.href is not None and not isinstance(self.href, AnyURI):
self.href = AnyURI(self.href)
if self.hreflang is not None and not isinstance(self.hreflang, str):
self.hreflang = str(self.hreflang)
if is not None and not isinstance(, AnyURI): = AnyURI(
if self.mediaType is not None and not isinstance(self.mediaType, str):
self.mediaType = str(self.mediaType)
if not isinstance(self.rel, list):
self.rel = [self.rel] if self.rel is not None else []
self.rel = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.rel]
if self.width is not None and not isinstance(self.width, NonNegativeInteger):
self.width = NonNegativeInteger(self.width)
class Activity(Object):
An Activity is a subtype of Object that describes some form of action that may happen, is currently happening, or
has already happened. The Activity type itself serves as an abstract base type for all types of activities. It is
important to note that the Activity type itself does not carry any specific semantics about the kind of action
being taken.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Activity"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Activity"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Activity"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Activity
actor: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
instrument: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
object: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
origin: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
result: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
target: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if not isinstance(, list): = [] if is not None else [] = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in]
if not isinstance(self.instrument, list):
self.instrument = [self.instrument] if self.instrument is not None else []
self.instrument = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.instrument]
if not isinstance(self.object, list):
self.object = [self.object] if self.object is not None else []
self.object = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.object]
if not isinstance(self.origin, list):
self.origin = [self.origin] if self.origin is not None else []
self.origin = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.origin]
if not isinstance(self.result, list):
self.result = [self.result] if self.result is not None else []
self.result = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.result]
if not isinstance(, list): = [] if is not None else [] = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in]
class IntransitiveActivity(Activity):
['An Activity that has no direct object@en']
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["IntransitiveActivity"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:IntransitiveActivity"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "IntransitiveActivity"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.IntransitiveActivity
class Collection(Object):
A Collection is a subtype of Object that represents ordered or unordered sets of Object or Link instances. Refer
to the Activity Streams 2.0 Core specification for a complete description of the Collection type.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Collection"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Collection"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Collection"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Collection
current: Optional[str] = None
first: Optional[str] = None
items: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
last: Optional[str] = None
totalItems: Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]] = None
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if self.current is not None and not isinstance(self.current, str):
self.current = str(self.current)
if self.first is not None and not isinstance(self.first, str):
self.first = str(self.first)
if not isinstance(self.items, list):
self.items = [self.items] if self.items is not None else []
self.items = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.items]
if self.last is not None and not isinstance(self.last, str):
self.last = str(self.last)
if self.totalItems is not None and not isinstance(self.totalItems, NonNegativeInteger):
self.totalItems = NonNegativeInteger(self.totalItems)
class OrderedCollection(Collection):
A subtype of Collection in which members of the logical collection are assumed to always be strictly ordered.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["OrderedCollection"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:OrderedCollection"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "OrderedCollection"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.OrderedCollection
items: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if not isinstance(self.items, list):
self.items = [self.items] if self.items is not None else []
self.items = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.items]
class CollectionPage(Collection):
Used to represent distinct subsets of items from a Collection. Refer to the Activity Streams 2.0 Core for a
complete description of the CollectionPage object.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["CollectionPage"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:CollectionPage"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "CollectionPage"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.CollectionPage
next: Optional[str] = None
partOf: Optional[str] = None
prev: Optional[str] = None
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if is not None and not isinstance(, str): = str(
if self.partOf is not None and not isinstance(self.partOf, str):
self.partOf = str(self.partOf)
if self.prev is not None and not isinstance(self.prev, str):
self.prev = str(self.prev)
class OrderedCollectionPage(OrderedCollection):
Used to represent ordered subsets of items from an OrderedCollection. Refer to the Activity Streams 2.0 Core for a
complete description of the OrderedCollectionPage object.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["OrderedCollectionPage"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:OrderedCollectionPage"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "OrderedCollectionPage"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.OrderedCollectionPage
startIndex: Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]] = None
next: Optional[str] = None
partOf: Optional[str] = None
prev: Optional[str] = None
items: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if self.startIndex is not None and not isinstance(self.startIndex, NonNegativeInteger):
self.startIndex = NonNegativeInteger(self.startIndex)
if is not None and not isinstance(, str): = str(
if self.partOf is not None and not isinstance(self.partOf, str):
self.partOf = str(self.partOf)
if self.prev is not None and not isinstance(self.prev, str):
self.prev = str(self.prev)
if not isinstance(self.items, list):
self.items = [self.items] if self.items is not None else []
self.items = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.items]
class Accept(Activity):
Indicates that the actor accepts the object. The target property can be used in certain circumstances to indicate
the context into which the object has been accepted.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Accept"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Accept"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Accept"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Accept
class TentativeAccept(Accept):
A specialization of Accept indicating that the acceptance is tentative.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["TentativeAccept"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:TentativeAccept"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "TentativeAccept"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.TentativeAccept
class Add(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has added the object to the target. If the target property is not explicitly specified,
the target would need to be determined implicitly by context. The origin can be used to identify the context from
which the object originated.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Add"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Add"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Add"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Add
class Arrive(IntransitiveActivity):
An IntransitiveActivity that indicates that the actor has arrived at the location. The origin can be used to
identify the context from which the actor originated. The target typically has no defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Arrive"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Arrive"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Arrive"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Arrive
class Create(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has created the object.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Create"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Create"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Create"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Create
class Delete(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has deleted the object. If specified, the origin indicates the context from which the
object was deleted.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Delete"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Delete"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Delete"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Delete
class Follow(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is "following" the object. Following is defined in the sense typically used within Social
systems in which the actor is interested in any activity performed by or on the object. The target and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Follow"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Follow"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Follow"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Follow
class Ignore(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is ignoring the object. The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Ignore"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Ignore"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Ignore"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Ignore
class Join(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has joined the object. The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Join"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Join"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Join"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Join
class Leave(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has left the object. The target and origin typically have no meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Leave"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Leave"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Leave"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Leave
class Like(Activity):
Indicates that the actor likes, recommends or endorses the object. The target and origin typically have no defined
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Like"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Like"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Like"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Like
class Offer(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is offering the object. If specified, the target indicates the entity to which the object
is being offered.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Offer"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Offer"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Offer"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Offer
class Invite(Offer):
A specialization of Offer in which the actor is extending an invitation for the object to the target.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Invite"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Invite"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Invite"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Invite
class Reject(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is rejecting the object. The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Reject"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Reject"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Reject"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Reject
class TentativeReject(Reject):
A specialization of Reject in which the rejection is considered tentative.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["TentativeReject"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:TentativeReject"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "TentativeReject"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.TentativeReject
class Remove(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is removing the object. If specified, the origin indicates the context from which the
object is being removed.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Remove"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Remove"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Remove"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Remove
class Undo(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is undoing the object. In most cases, the object will be an Activity describing some
previously performed action (for instance, a person may have previously "liked" an article but, for whatever
reason, might choose to undo that like at some later point in time). The target and origin typically have no
defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Undo"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Undo"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Undo"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Undo
class Update(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has updated the object. Note, however, that this vocabulary does not define a mechanism
for describing the actual set of modifications made to object. The target and origin typically have no defined
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Update"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Update"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Update"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Update
class View(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has viewed the object.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["View"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:View"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "View"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.View
class Listen(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has listened to the object.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Listen"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Listen"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Listen"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Listen
class Read(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has read the object.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Read"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Read"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Read"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Read
class Move(Activity):
Indicates that the actor has moved object from origin to target. If the origin or target are not specified, either
can be determined by context.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Move"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Move"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Move"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Move
class Travel(IntransitiveActivity):
Indicates that the actor is traveling to target from origin. Travel is an IntransitiveObject whose actor specifies
the direct object. If the target or origin are not specified, either can be determined by context.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Travel"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Travel"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Travel"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Travel
class Announce(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is calling the target's attention the object. The origin typically has no defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Announce"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Announce"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Announce"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Announce
class Block(Ignore):
Indicates that the actor is blocking the object. Blocking is a stronger form of Ignore. The typical use is to
support social systems that allow one user to block activities or content of other users. The target and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Block"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Block"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Block"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Block
class Flag(Activity):
Indicates that the actor is "flagging" the object. Flagging is defined in the sense common to many social
platforms as reporting content as being inappropriate for any number of reasons.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Flag"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Flag"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Flag"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Flag
class Dislike(Activity):
Indicates that the actor dislikes the object.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Dislike"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Dislike"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Dislike"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Dislike
class Question(IntransitiveActivity):
Represents a question being asked. Question objects are an extension of IntransitiveActivity. That is, the
Question object is an Activity, but the direct object is the question itself and therefore it would not contain an
object property.
Either of the anyOf and oneOf properties MAY be used to express possible answers, but a Question object MUST NOT
have both properties.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Question"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Question"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Question"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Question
anyOf: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
oneOf: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if not isinstance(self.anyOf, list):
self.anyOf = [self.anyOf] if self.anyOf is not None else []
self.anyOf = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.anyOf]
if not isinstance(self.oneOf, list):
self.oneOf = [self.oneOf] if self.oneOf is not None else []
self.oneOf = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.oneOf]
class Application(Object):
Describes a software application.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Application"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Application"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Application"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Application
class Group(Object):
Represents a formal or informal collective of Actors.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Group"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Group"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Group"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Group
class Organization(Object):
Represents an organization.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Organization"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Organization"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Organization"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Organization
class Person(Object):
Represents an individual person.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Person"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Person"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Person"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Person
class Service(Object):
Represents a service of any kind.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Service"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Service"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Service"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Service
class Relationship(Object):
Describes a relationship between two individuals. The subject and object properties are used to identify the
connected individuals.
See 5.2 Representing Relationships Between Entities for additional information.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Relationship"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Relationship"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Relationship"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Relationship
object: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
relationship: Optional[Union[Union[dict, Object], List[Union[dict, Object]]]] = empty_list()
subject: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = empty_list()
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if not isinstance(self.object, list):
self.object = [self.object] if self.object is not None else []
self.object = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.object]
if not isinstance(self.relationship, list):
self.relationship = [self.relationship] if self.relationship is not None else []
self.relationship = [v if isinstance(v, Object) else Object(**as_dict(v)) for v in self.relationship]
if not isinstance(self.subject, list):
self.subject = [self.subject] if self.subject is not None else []
self.subject = [v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in self.subject]
class Document(Object):
Represents a document of any kind.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Document"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Document"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Document"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Document
class Article(Object):
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Article"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Article"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Article"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Article
class Audio(Document):
Represents an audio document of any kind.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Audio"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Audio"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Audio"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Audio
class Image(Document):
An image document of any kind
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Image"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Image"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Image"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Image
class Video(Document):
Represents a video document of any kind.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Video"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Video"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Video"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Video
class Note(Object):
Represents a short written work typically less than a single paragraph in length.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Note"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Note"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Note"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Note
class Page(Object):
Represents a Web Page.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Page"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Page"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Page"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Page
class Event(Object):
Represents any kind of event.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Event"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Event"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Event"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Event
class Place(Object):
Represents a logical or physical location. See 5.3 Representing Places for additional information.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Place"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Place"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Place"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Place
accuracy: Optional[float] = None
altitude: Optional[float] = None
latitude: Optional[float] = None
longitude: Optional[float] = None
radius: Optional[float] = None
units: Optional[str] = None
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if self.accuracy is not None and not isinstance(self.accuracy, float):
self.accuracy = float(self.accuracy)
if self.altitude is not None and not isinstance(self.altitude, float):
self.altitude = float(self.altitude)
if self.latitude is not None and not isinstance(self.latitude, float):
self.latitude = float(self.latitude)
if self.longitude is not None and not isinstance(self.longitude, float):
self.longitude = float(self.longitude)
if self.radius is not None and not isinstance(self.radius, float):
self.radius = float(self.radius)
if self.units is not None and not isinstance(self.units, str):
self.units = str(self.units)
class Mention(Link):
A specialized Link that represents an @mention.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Mention"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Mention"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Mention"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Mention
class Profile(Object):
A Profile is a content object that describes another Object, typically used to describe Actor Type objects. The
describes property is used to reference the object being described by the profile.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Profile"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Profile"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Profile"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Profile
describes: Optional[Union[dict, Object]] = None
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if self.describes is not None and not isinstance(self.describes, Object):
self.describes = Object(**as_dict(self.describes))
class Tombstone(Object):
A Tombstone represents a content object that has been deleted. It can be used in Collections to signify that there
used to be an object at this position, but it has been deleted.
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["Tombstone"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:Tombstone"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "Tombstone"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.Tombstone
formerType: Optional[Union[Union[dict, Object], List[Union[dict, Object]]]] = empty_list()
deleted: Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]] = None
def __post_init__(self, *_: List[str], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
if not isinstance(self.formerType, list):
self.formerType = [self.formerType] if self.formerType is not None else []
self.formerType = [v if isinstance(v, Object) else Object(**as_dict(v)) for v in self.formerType]
if self.deleted is not None and not isinstance(self.deleted, XSDDateTime):
self.deleted = XSDDateTime(self.deleted)
class OrderedItems(YAMLRoot):
OrderedItems is not a real class in the ActivityStreams specification, but it is used as the container of the
items in `OrderedCollections`
_inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS["OrderedItems"]
class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "as:OrderedItems"
class_name: ClassVar[str] = "OrderedItems"
class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = AS.OrderedItems
# Enumerations
class UnitEnum(EnumDefinitionImpl):
cm = PermissibleValue(
feet = PermissibleValue(
inches = PermissibleValue(
km = PermissibleValue(
m = PermissibleValue(
miles = PermissibleValue(
_defn = EnumDefinition(
# Slots
class slots:
pass = Slot(, name="id", curie=AS.curie('id'),, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, AnyURI]])
slots.type = Slot(uri=AS.type, name="type", curie=AS.curie('type'),
model_uri=AS.type, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[Union[str, AnyURI], List[Union[str, AnyURI]]]]) = Slot(, name="actor", curie=AS.curie('actor'),, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.attachment = Slot(uri=AS.attachment, name="attachment", curie=AS.curie('attachment'),
model_uri=AS.attachment, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.attributedTo = Slot(uri=AS.attributedTo, name="attributedTo", curie=AS.curie('attributedTo'),
model_uri=AS.attributedTo, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.audience = Slot(uri=AS.audience, name="audience", curie=AS.curie('audience'),
model_uri=AS.audience, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.bcc = Slot(uri=AS.bcc, name="bcc", curie=AS.curie('bcc'),
model_uri=AS.bcc, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.bto = Slot(uri=AS.bto, name="bto", curie=AS.curie('bto'),
model_uri=AS.bto, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) = Slot(, name="cc", curie=AS.curie('cc'),, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.context = Slot(uri=AS.context, name="context", curie=AS.curie('context'),
model_uri=AS.context, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.current = Slot(uri=AS.current, name="current", curie=AS.curie('current'),
model_uri=AS.current, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.first = Slot(uri=AS.first, name="first", curie=AS.curie('first'),
model_uri=AS.first, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.generator = Slot(uri=AS.generator, name="generator", curie=AS.curie('generator'),
model_uri=AS.generator, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.icon = Slot(uri=AS.icon, name="icon", curie=AS.curie('icon'),
model_uri=AS.icon, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.image = Slot(uri=AS.image, name="image", curie=AS.curie('image'),
model_uri=AS.image, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.inReplyTo = Slot(uri=AS.inReplyTo, name="inReplyTo", curie=AS.curie('inReplyTo'),
model_uri=AS.inReplyTo, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.instrument = Slot(uri=AS.instrument, name="instrument", curie=AS.curie('instrument'),
model_uri=AS.instrument, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.last = Slot(uri=AS.last, name="last", curie=AS.curie('last'),
model_uri=AS.last, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.location = Slot(uri=AS.location, name="location", curie=AS.curie('location'),
model_uri=AS.location, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.items = Slot(uri=AS.items, name="items", curie=AS.curie('items'),
model_uri=AS.items, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.oneOf = Slot(uri=AS.oneOf, name="oneOf", curie=AS.curie('oneOf'),
model_uri=AS.oneOf, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.anyOf = Slot(uri=AS.anyOf, name="anyOf", curie=AS.curie('anyOf'),
model_uri=AS.anyOf, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.closed = Slot(uri=AS.closed, name="closed", curie=AS.curie('closed'),
model_uri=AS.closed, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.origin = Slot(uri=AS.origin, name="origin", curie=AS.curie('origin'),
model_uri=AS.origin, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) = Slot(, name="next", curie=AS.curie('next'),, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.object = Slot(uri=AS.object, name="object", curie=AS.curie('object'),
model_uri=AS.object, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.prev = Slot(uri=AS.prev, name="prev", curie=AS.curie('prev'),
model_uri=AS.prev, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.preview = Slot(uri=AS.preview, name="preview", curie=AS.curie('preview'),
model_uri=AS.preview, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.result = Slot(uri=AS.result, name="result", curie=AS.curie('result'),
model_uri=AS.result, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.replies = Slot(uri=AS.replies, name="replies", curie=AS.curie('replies'),
model_uri=AS.replies, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[dict, Collection]])
slots.tag = Slot(uri=AS.tag, name="tag", curie=AS.curie('tag'),
model_uri=AS.tag, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) = Slot(, name="target", curie=AS.curie('target'),, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) = Slot(, name="to", curie=AS.curie('to'),, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.url = Slot(uri=AS.url, name="url", curie=AS.curie('url'),
model_uri=AS.url, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.accuracy = Slot(uri=AS.accuracy, name="accuracy", curie=AS.curie('accuracy'),
model_uri=AS.accuracy, domain=None, range=Optional[float])
slots.altitude = Slot(uri=AS.altitude, name="altitude", curie=AS.curie('altitude'),
model_uri=AS.altitude, domain=None, range=Optional[float])
slots.content = Slot(uri=AS.content, name="content", curie=AS.curie('content'),
model_uri=AS.content, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) = Slot(, name="name", curie=RDFS.curie('name'),, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.duration = Slot(uri=AS.duration, name="duration", curie=AS.curie('duration'),
model_uri=AS.duration, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, DurationType]])
slots.height = Slot(uri=AS.height, name="height", curie=AS.curie('height'),
model_uri=AS.height, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]])
slots.href = Slot(uri=AS.href, name="href", curie=AS.curie('href'),
model_uri=AS.href, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, AnyURI]])
slots.hreflang = Slot(uri=AS.hreflang, name="hreflang", curie=AS.curie('hreflang'),
model_uri=AS.hreflang, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.partOf = Slot(uri=AS.partOf, name="partOf", curie=AS.curie('partOf'),
model_uri=AS.partOf, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.latitude = Slot(uri=AS.latitude, name="latitude", curie=AS.curie('latitude'),
model_uri=AS.latitude, domain=None, range=Optional[float])
slots.longitude = Slot(uri=AS.longitude, name="longitude", curie=AS.curie('longitude'),
model_uri=AS.longitude, domain=None, range=Optional[float])
slots.mediaType = Slot(uri=AS.mediaType, name="mediaType", curie=AS.curie('mediaType'),
model_uri=AS.mediaType, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.endTime = Slot(uri=AS.endTime, name="endTime", curie=AS.curie('endTime'),
model_uri=AS.endTime, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]])
slots.published = Slot(uri=AS.published, name="published", curie=AS.curie('published'),
model_uri=AS.published, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]])
slots.startTime = Slot(uri=AS.startTime, name="startTime", curie=AS.curie('startTime'),
model_uri=AS.startTime, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]])
slots.radius = Slot(uri=AS.radius, name="radius", curie=AS.curie('radius'),
model_uri=AS.radius, domain=None, range=Optional[float])
slots.rel = Slot(uri=AS.rel, name="rel", curie=AS.curie('rel'),
model_uri=AS.rel, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.startIndex = Slot(uri=AS.startIndex, name="startIndex", curie=AS.curie('startIndex'),
model_uri=AS.startIndex, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]])
slots.summary = Slot(uri=AS.summary, name="summary", curie=AS.curie('summary'),
model_uri=AS.summary, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.totalItems = Slot(uri=AS.totalItems, name="totalItems", curie=AS.curie('totalItems'),
model_uri=AS.totalItems, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]])
slots.units = Slot(uri=AS.units, name="units", curie=AS.curie('units'),
model_uri=AS.units, domain=None, range=Optional[str])
slots.updated = Slot(uri=AS.updated, name="updated", curie=AS.curie('updated'),
model_uri=AS.updated, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]])
slots.width = Slot(uri=AS.width, name="width", curie=AS.curie('width'),
model_uri=AS.width, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[int, NonNegativeInteger]])
slots.subject = Slot(uri=AS.subject, name="subject", curie=AS.curie('subject'),
model_uri=AS.subject, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.relationship = Slot(uri=AS.relationship, name="relationship", curie=AS.curie('relationship'),
model_uri=AS.relationship, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[Union[dict, Object], List[Union[dict, Object]]]])
slots.describes = Slot(uri=AS.describes, name="describes", curie=AS.curie('describes'),
model_uri=AS.describes, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[dict, Object]])
slots.formerType = Slot(uri=AS.formerType, name="formerType", curie=AS.curie('formerType'),
model_uri=AS.formerType, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[Union[dict, Object], List[Union[dict, Object]]]])
slots.deleted = Slot(uri=AS.deleted, name="deleted", curie=AS.curie('deleted'),
model_uri=AS.deleted, domain=None, range=Optional[Union[str, XSDDateTime]])
slots.Collection_items = Slot(uri=AS.items, name="Collection_items", curie=AS.curie('items'),
model_uri=AS.Collection_items, domain=Collection, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.OrderedCollection_items = Slot(uri=AS.items, name="OrderedCollection_items", curie=AS.curie('items'),
model_uri=AS.OrderedCollection_items, domain=OrderedCollection, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])
slots.OrderedCollectionPage_items = Slot(uri=AS.items, name="OrderedCollectionPage_items", curie=AS.curie('items'),
model_uri=AS.OrderedCollectionPage_items, domain=OrderedCollectionPage, range=Optional[Union[str, List[str]]])