from uuid import uuid4 import httpx import respx from fastapi.testclient import TestClient from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from app import activitypub as ap from app import models from import LOCAL_ACTOR from app.ap_object import RemoteObject from tests import factories from tests.utils import mock_httpsig_checker def test_inbox_requires_httpsig( client: TestClient, ): response = "/inbox", headers={"Content-Type": ap.AS_CTX}, json={}, ) assert response.status_code == 401 assert response.json()["detail"] == "Invalid HTTP sig" def test_inbox_follow_request( db: Session, client: TestClient, respx_mock: respx.MockRouter, ) -> None: # Given a remote actor ra = factories.RemoteActorFactory( base_url="", username="toto", public_key="pk", ) respx_mock.get(ra.ap_id).mock(return_value=httpx.Response(200, json=ra.ap_actor)) # When sending a Follow activity follow_activity = RemoteObject( factories.build_follow_activity( from_remote_actor=ra, for_remote_actor=LOCAL_ACTOR, ), ra, ) with mock_httpsig_checker(ra): response = "/inbox", headers={"Content-Type": ap.AS_CTX}, json=follow_activity.ap_object, ) # Then the server returns a 204 assert response.status_code == 204 # And the actor was saved in DB saved_actor = db.query(models.Actor).one() assert saved_actor.ap_id == ra.ap_id # And the Follow activity was saved in the inbox inbox_object = db.query(models.InboxObject).one() assert inbox_object.ap_object == follow_activity.ap_object # And a follower was internally created follower = db.query(models.Follower).one() assert follower.ap_actor_id == ra.ap_id assert follower.actor_id == assert follower.inbox_object_id == # And an Accept activity was created in the outbox outbox_object = db.query(models.OutboxObject).one() assert outbox_object.ap_type == "Accept" assert outbox_object.activity_object_ap_id == follow_activity.ap_id # And an outgoing activity was created to track the Accept activity delivery outgoing_activity = db.query(models.OutgoingActivity).one() assert outgoing_activity.outbox_object_id == def test_inbox_accept_follow_request( db: Session, client: TestClient, respx_mock: respx.MockRouter, ) -> None: # Given a remote actor ra = factories.RemoteActorFactory( base_url="", username="toto", public_key="pk", ) respx_mock.get(ra.ap_id).mock(return_value=httpx.Response(200, json=ra.ap_actor)) actor_in_db = factories.ActorFactory.from_remote_actor(ra) # And a Follow activity in the outbox follow_id = uuid4().hex follow_from_outbox = RemoteObject( factories.build_follow_activity( from_remote_actor=LOCAL_ACTOR, for_remote_actor=ra, outbox_public_id=follow_id, ), LOCAL_ACTOR, ) outbox_object = factories.OutboxObjectFactory.from_remote_object( follow_id, follow_from_outbox ) # When sending a Accept activity accept_activity = RemoteObject( factories.build_accept_activity( from_remote_actor=ra, for_remote_object=follow_from_outbox, ), ra, ) with mock_httpsig_checker(ra): response = "/inbox", headers={"Content-Type": ap.AS_CTX}, json=accept_activity.ap_object, ) # Then the server returns a 204 assert response.status_code == 204 # And the Accept activity was saved in the inbox inbox_activity = db.query(models.InboxObject).one() assert inbox_activity.ap_type == "Accept" assert inbox_activity.relates_to_outbox_object_id == assert inbox_activity.actor_id == # And a following entry was created internally following = db.query(models.Following).one() assert following.ap_actor_id == actor_in_db.ap_id