import lazy_import import import json as jay_son from typing import List from import Callable from collections import ChainMap as cm mod_variable = 10 my_list = [1,2,3] my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b':2} list_comprehension = [item for item in my_list] dict_comprehension = {key: val for key, val in my_dict.items()} for item in my_list: zzz = 1 def imports_are_lazy(): ast typing.List re.match('hell ya', 'hell ya') match('hell ya again', 'hell ya again') # one day you should be able to do this # numpy as np def a_function(a: typing.Iterable) -> a = 1 def another_function(a: 'pathlib.Path') -> 'os.path.basename': pass class AClass(): zz = 1 yy = array.array() def __init__(self): _ = base64.b64decode(f"{binascii.hexlify(b'abc')}") def regular_names_still_work(): # assert mod_variable == 10 x = 20 # assert x == 20 def afunc(y, z=1, *args, **kwargs): z = 10 assert z == 10 assert y == 30 class AClass(): z = 1 afunc(30) def test_names_are_lazy(): """ you can just use the last unique segment """ _ = random.randint(1, 10) _ = randint(1, 10) assert randint is random.randint