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2024-05-14 05:46:17 +00:00
{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"Camp Established April 25 Early Thursday morning, UCLA students and employees set up tents on Dickson Court outside Royce Hall, establishing Palestine Solidarity Encampment. UCLA issues a BruinALERT: \"We're actively monitoring this situation to support a safe and peaceful campus environment that respects our community's right to free expression while minimizing disruption to our teaching and learning mission.\" UCLA Issues First Statement April 26 UCLA issues a statement on the encampment, including: \"we are following University of California systemwide policy guidance, which directs us not to request law enforcement involvement preemptively, and only if absolutely necessary to protect the physical safety of our campus community\" Peaceful Demonstration The first phase of the encampment is marked by education and solidarity - with daily programming including teach-ins and multi-faith prayer. Counter-protesters are almost continuously present around the encampment day and night, and organizers are careful to de-escalate the few small scuffles between groups, but some injuries are reported among members of the encampment and counter-protesters. First Major Counter-demonstration April 28 Several groups organize a counter-demonstration after raising $50,000 ($98,000 at the time of writing ) to fund a stage, jumbotron and loudspeakers for the event. Barricades separating the crowds of thousands are breached multiple times, and violence escalates as private security officers fail to maintain a barrier between protesters and counter-protesters. Psychological Warfare April 28-May 1 The jumbotron and loudspeakers are allowed to stay on Dickson court throughout the week, playing footage from October 7th and sounds like babies crying on repeat through the day and night to prevent sleep, a known torture tactic . Encampment Declared Illegal April 30 UCLA declares the encampment illegal and warns everyone to leave. April 30 - The Encampment is Attacked All times approximate. Attack Begins 10:40pm Members of the encampment are peacefully occupying the camp , when a crowd begins to tear apart the barricade surrounding the encampment. Members of the encampment reinforce the barricades, and private security halfheartedly tries to re-establish the buffer between the groups but do nothing to intervene. Police Notified 10:45pm Administrative Vice Chancellor Michael Beck requests assistance from LAPD Chief John Thomas, LASD, Beverly Hills, Culver City and Santa Monica Police Departments. Attack Escalates 10:50pm Private security abandons the area, and the metal barricades outside of the encampment are completely removed. Attacks come in waves, with attackers retreating into Dickson plaza, and then returning in force to attack the barricades together. Attackers alternate between tearing down the barricade and attacking students and staff in the encampment with pipes, boards, lasers, bear mace, skunk spray, and Tasers . Throughout the attack, members and organizers of the encampment do not pursue the attackers, maintaining their barricades. Private Security Leave 10:53pm Campus security guards leave the scene, or stand on the sidelines and watch. Fireworks Begin 11:00pm Attackers launch large mortar fireworks directly into the encampment, knocking a student unconscious and hospitalizing her with a concussion after one explodes feet from her head. UCPD Arrives, Leaves 11:15pm Two UCPD police cars arrive with an ambulance, treat someone, and leave 4 minutes later . Injured Students Carried Out, Attacked 11:27pm, continuous Injured students are being continuously carried out of the encampment to seek medical attention as no further ambulances are arriving, allegedly blocked by UCPD . Attackers throw a firework directly at an injured student on a makeshift gurney. LAPD Chief Arrives, Officers Told to Wait 12:00am LAPD chief Thomas arrives on campus shortly before midnight asking officers on the scene \"w