id: title: LinkML Schema Metamodel name: meta description: |- The metamodel for schemas defined using the Linked Data Modeling Language framework. For more information on LinkML: * []( main website * [specification]( LinkML is self-describing. Every LinkML schema consists of elements that instantiate classes in this metamodel. Core metaclasses: * [SchemaDefinition]( * [ClassDefinition]( * [SlotDefinition]( * [TypeDefinition]( There are many subsets of *profiles* of the metamodel, for different purposes: * [MinimalSubset]( * [BasicSubset]( For canonical reference documentation on any metamodel construct, refer to the official URI for each construct, e.g. []( license: prefixes: linkml: skos: skosxl: OIO: NCIT: pav: oslc: schema: bibo: swrl: sh: owl: qb: prov: vann: qudt: cdisc: SIO: default_prefix: linkml default_range: string default_curi_maps: - semweb_context emit_prefixes: - linkml - rdf - rdfs - xsd - skos - dcterms - OIO - owl - pav imports: - linkml:types - linkml:mappings - linkml:extensions - linkml:annotations # - linkml:validation - linkml:units subsets: MinimalSubset: rank: 0 title: minimal subset description: |- The absolute minimal set of elements necessary for defining any schema. schemas conforming to the minimal subset consist of classes, with all slots inlined as attributes. There are no enums. BasicSubset: rank: 1 title: basic subset description: |- An extension of MinimalSubset that avoids advanced constructs and can be implemented by a broad variety of tools. This subset roughly corresponds to the union of most standard constructs used in relational datamodel modeling, object oriented modeling, and simple JSON-style modeling, while avoiding more advanced constructs from these languages. It is often possible to translate from a more expressive schema to a BasicSubset schema, through a schema derivation process SpecificationSubset: rank: 2 title: specification subset description: |- A subset that includes all the metamodel elements that form part of the normative LinkML specification. The complete LinkML specification can be found at [linkml:specification]( RelationalModelProfile: rank: 3 title: relational model profile description: |- A profile that includes all the metamodel elements whose semantics can be expressed using the classic Relational Model. The Relational Model excludes collections (multivalued slots) as first class entities. Instead, these must be mapped to backreferences The classic Relational Model excludes inheritance and polymorphism -- these must be rolled down to concrete classes or otherwise transformed. ObjectOrientedProfile: rank: 4 title: object oriented profile description: |- A profile that includes all the metamodel elements whose semantics can be expressed using a minimal implementation of the object oriented metamodel as employed by languages such as Java and Python, or in modeling frameworks like UML OwlProfile: title: owl profile description: |- A profile that includes all the metamodel elements whose semantics can be expressed in OWL # ================================== # Slots # # ================================== slots: # ----------------------------------- # Common metadata shared by all elements # ----------------------------------- name: rank: 1 aliases: - short name - unique name domain: element identifier: true description: >- the unique name of the element within the context of the schema. Name is combined with the default prefix to form the globally unique subject of the target class. slot_uri: rdfs:label in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - OwlProfile - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile exact_mappings: - schema:name see_also: - - title: rank: 3 aliases: - long name domain: element description: >- A concise human-readable display label for the element. The title should mirror the name, and should use ordinary textual punctuation. slot_uri: dcterms:title in_subset: - BasicSubset conforms_to: domain: element description: An established standard to which the element conforms. slot_uri: dcterms:conformsTo in_subset: - BasicSubset see_also: - linkml:implements implements: domain: element range: uriorcurie description: >- An element in another schema which this element conforms to. The referenced element is not imported into the schema for the implementing element. However, the referenced schema may be used to check conformance of the implementing element. multivalued: true instantiates: domain: element range: uriorcurie description: >- An element in another schema which this element instantiates. multivalued: true categories: range: uriorcurie singular_name: category slot_uri: dcterms:subject multivalued: true description: >- Controlled terms used to categorize an element. comments: - if you wish to use uncontrolled terms or terms that lack identifiers then use the keywords element in_subset: - BasicSubset keywords: domain: element singular_name: keyword description: >- Keywords or tags used to describe the element slot_uri: schema:keywords range: string multivalued: true in_subset: - BasicSubset definition_uri: domain: element description: >- The native URI of the element. This is always within the namespace of the containing schema. Contrast with the assigned URI, via class_uri or slot_uri comments: - Formed by combining the default_prefix with the normalized element name range: uriorcurie readonly: filled in by the schema loader or schema view see_also: - linkml:class_uri - linkml:slot_uri id_prefixes: domain: element multivalued: true range: ncname description: >- An allowed list of prefixes for which identifiers must conform. The identifier of this class or slot must begin with the URIs referenced by this prefix comments: - Order of elements may be used to indicate priority order - If identifiers are treated as CURIEs, then the CURIE must start with one of the indicated prefixes followed by `:` (_should_ start if the list is open) - If identifiers are treated as URIs, then the URI string must start with the expanded for of the prefix (_should_ start if the list is open) see_also: - in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset id_prefixes_are_closed: domain: element range: boolean description: >- If true, then the id_prefixes slot is treated as being closed, and any use of an id that does not have this prefix is considered a violation. see_also: - description: rank: 5 aliases: - definition domain: element description: >- a textual description of the element's purpose and use slot_uri: skos:definition exact_mappings: - dcterms:description - schema:description recommended: true in_subset: - BasicSubset structured_aliases: slot_uri: skosxl:altLabel range: structured_alias multivalued: true inlined: true description: >- A list of structured_alias objects, used to provide aliases in conjunction with additional metadata. see_also: - linkml:aliases aliases: aliases: - synonyms - alternate names - alternative labels - designations domain: element description: >- Alternate names/labels for the element. These do not alter the semantics of the schema, but may be useful to support search and alignment. comments: - not be confused with the metaslot alias. range: string multivalued: true slot_uri: skos:altLabel exact_mappings: - schema:alternateName in_subset: - BasicSubset deprecated: domain: element range: string description: >- Description of why and when this element will no longer be used comments: - note that linkml does not use a boolean to indicate deprecation status - the presence of a string value in this field is sufficient to indicate deprecation. close_mappings: - owl:deprecated in_subset: - BasicSubset todos: domain: element range: string description: Outstanding issues that needs resolution multivalued: true in_subset: - BasicSubset notes: domain: element multivalued: true description: editorial notes about an element intended primarily for internal consumption slot_uri: skos:editorialNote in_subset: - BasicSubset comments: domain: element multivalued: true description: notes and comments about an element intended primarily for external consumption slot_uri: skos:note exact_mappings: - rdfs:comment in_subset: - BasicSubset in_subset: domain: element multivalued: true range: subset_definition description: >- used to indicate membership of a term in a defined subset of terms used for a particular domain or application. comments: - an example of use in the translator_minimal subset in the biolink model, holding the minimal set of predicates used in a translator knowledge graph slot_uri: OIO:inSubset in_subset: - BasicSubset from_schema: domain: element range: uri readonly: supplied by the schema loader or schema view description: id of the schema that defined the element notes: - A stronger model would be range schema_definition, but this doesn't address the import model slot_uri: skos:inScheme in_subset: - SpecificationSubset imported_from: domain: element range: string readonly: supplied by the schema loader or schema view description: >- the imports entry that this element was derived from. Empty means primary source see_also: domain: element multivalued: true range: uriorcurie description: A list of related entities or URLs that may be of relevance slot_uri: rdfs:seeAlso in_subset: - BasicSubset owned_by: aliases: - steward - owner domain: element range: uriorcurie description: agent that owns or is the steward of the element close_mappings: - rdfs:isDefinedBy in_subset: - BasicSubset created_by: domain: element range: uriorcurie description: agent that created the element slot_uri: pav:createdBy in_subset: - BasicSubset contributors: domain: element range: uriorcurie description: agent that contributed to the element slot_uri: dcterms:contributor multivalued: true in_subset: - BasicSubset created_on: domain: element range: datetime description: time at which the element was created slot_uri: pav:createdOn in_subset: - BasicSubset last_updated_on: domain: element range: datetime description: time at which the element was last updated slot_uri: pav:lastUpdatedOn in_subset: - BasicSubset modified_by: domain: element range: uriorcurie description: agent that modified the element slot_uri: oslc:modifiedBy in_subset: - BasicSubset status: aliases: - workflow status domain: element range: uriorcurie description: status of the element slot_uri: bibo:status examples: - value: "bibo:draft" see_also: - ## Draft, Active, Retired, Unknown - ## Draft, Trial Use, Normative, Informative, Deprecated in_subset: - BasicSubset literal_form: aliases: - alias_name - string_value domain: structured_alias range: string required: true slot_uri: skosxl:literalForm description: >- The literal lexical form of a structured alias; i.e the actual alias value. alias_predicate: alias: predicate recommended: true slot_uri: rdf:predicate domain: structured_alias range: alias_predicate_enum description: >- The relationship between an element and its alias. in_language: slot_uri: schema:inLanguage range: string description: >- the primary language used in the sources comments: - Recommended to use a string from IETF BCP 47 conforms_to: source: aliases: - origin - derived from domain: element range: uriorcurie description: A related resource from which the element is derived. slot_uri: dcterms:source close_mappings: - prov:wasDerivedFrom - schema:isBasedOn comments: - The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part in_subset: - BasicSubset publisher: domain: element range: uriorcurie description: An entity responsible for making the resource available slot_uri: dcterms:publisher in_subset: - BasicSubset # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Slots that are common to slot definition and class definition # -------------------------------------------------------------- is_a: rank: 11 domain: definition range: definition abstract: true description: >- A primary parent class or slot from which inheritable metaslots are propagated from. While multiple inheritance is not allowed, mixins can be provided effectively providing the same thing. The semantics are the same when translated to formalisms that allow MI (e.g. RDFS/OWL). When translating to a SI framework (e.g. java classes, python classes) then is a is used. When translating a framework without polymorphism (e.g. json-schema, solr document schema) then is a and mixins are recursively unfolded in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile abstract: domain: definition range: boolean description: >- Indicates the class or slot cannot be directly instantiated and is intended for grouping purposes. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - ObjectOrientedProfile mixin: aliases: - trait domain: definition range: boolean description: >- Indicates the class or slot is intended to be inherited from without being an is_a parent. mixins should not be inherited from using is_a, except by other mixins. see_also: - in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - ObjectOrientedProfile mixins: rank: 13 aliases: - traits domain: definition multivalued: true range: definition description: >- A collection of secondary parent classes or slots from which inheritable metaslots are propagated from. comments: - mixins act in the same way as parents (is_a). They allow a model to have a primary strict hierarchy, while keeping the benefits of multiple inheritance see_also: - in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile apply_to: domain: definition multivalued: true range: definition description: >- Used to extend class or slot definitions. For example, if we have a core schema where a gene has two slots for identifier and symbol, and we have a specialized schema for my_organism where we wish to add a slot systematic_name, we can avoid subclassing by defining a class gene_my_organism, adding the slot to this class, and then adding an apply_to pointing to the gene class. The new slot will be 'injected into' the gene class. status: testing values_from: domain: definition multivalued: true range: uriorcurie description: >- The identifier of a "value set" -- a set of identifiers that form the possible values for the range of a slot. Note: this is different than 'subproperty_of' in that 'subproperty_of' is intended to be a single ontology term while 'values_from' is the identifier of an entire value set. Additionally, this is different than an enumeration in that in an enumeration, the values of the enumeration are listed directly in the model itself. Setting this property on a slot does not guarantee an expansion of the ontological hierarchy into an enumerated list of possible values in every serialization of the model. status: testing # ----------------------------------- # Enum definition slots # ----------------------------------- code_set: domain: enum_expression range: uriorcurie description: >- the identifier of an enumeration code set. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset code_set_version: domain: enum_expression range: string description: >- the version identifier of the enumeration code set comments: - we assume that version identifiers lexically sort in temporal order. Recommend semver when possible in_subset: - BasicSubset code_set_tag: domain: enum_expression range: string description: >- the version tag of the enumeration code set comments: - enum_expression cannot have both a code_set_tag and a code_set_version in_subset: - BasicSubset pv_formula: domain: enum_expression range: pv_formula_options description: >- Defines the specific formula to be used to generate the permissible values. comments: - you cannot have BOTH the permissible_values and permissible_value_formula tag - code_set must be supplied for this to be valid in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset permissible_values: aliases: - coded values domain: enum_expression range: permissible_value multivalued: true inlined: true description: >- A list of possible values for a slot range in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset exact_mappings: - cdisc:PermissibleValue enum_uri: aliases: - public ID domain: enum_definition range: uriorcurie description: URI of the enum that provides a semantic interpretation of the element in a linked data context. The URI may come from any namespace and may be shared between schemas ifabsent: class_curie in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset include: description: An enum expression that yields a list of permissible values that are to be included, after subtracting the minus set domain: enum_expression range: anonymous_enum_expression multivalued: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset minus: description: An enum expression that yields a list of permissible values that are to be subtracted from the enum domain: enum_expression range: anonymous_enum_expression multivalued: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset inherits: description: An enum definition that is used as the basis to create a new enum comments: - All permissible values for all inherited enums are copied to form the initial seed set domain: enum_expression range: enum_definition multivalued: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset matches: description: Specifies a match query that is used to calculate the list of permissible values domain: enum_expression range: match_query in_subset: - SpecificationSubset identifier_pattern: description: A regular expression that is used to obtain a set of identifiers from a source_ontology to construct a set of permissible values domain: match_query range: string in_subset: - SpecificationSubset concepts: description: A list of identifiers that are used to construct a set of permissible values domain: enum_expression range: uriorcurie multivalued: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset reachable_from: description: Specifies a query for obtaining a list of permissible values based on graph reachability domain: enum_expression range: reachability_query in_subset: - SpecificationSubset source_ontology: aliases: - terminology - vocabulary description: An ontology or vocabulary or terminology that is used in a query to obtain a set of permissible values comments: - examples include, wikidata, or an OBO ontology - for obo ontologies we recommend CURIEs of the form obo:cl, obo:envo, etc range: uriorcurie in_subset: - SpecificationSubset is_direct: aliases: - non-transitive description: True if the reachability query should only include directly related nodes, if False then include also transitively connected domain: reachability_query range: boolean in_subset: - SpecificationSubset traverse_up: aliases: - ancestors description: True if the direction of the reachability query is reversed and ancestors are retrieved domain: reachability_query range: boolean in_subset: - SpecificationSubset include_self: aliases: - reflexive description: True if the query is reflexive domain: reachability_query range: boolean in_subset: - SpecificationSubset relationship_types: description: A list of relationship types (properties) that are used in a reachability query aliases: - predicates - properties domain: reachability_query range: uriorcurie multivalued: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset source_nodes: description: A list of nodes that are used in the reachability query domain: reachability_query range: uriorcurie multivalued: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset # ----------------------------------- # Slots for permissible_value # ----------------------------------- text: rank: 21 aliases: - value domain: permissible_value range: string description: >- The actual permissible value itself comments: - there are no constraints on the text of the permissible value, but for many applications you may want to consider following idiomatic forms and using computer-friendly forms identifier: true close_mappings: - skos:notation in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset meaning: rank: 23 aliases: - PV meaning domain: permissible_value range: uriorcurie description: >- the value meaning of a permissible value notes: - we may want to change the range of this (and other) elements in the model to an entitydescription type construct in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset see_also: - # ----------------------------------- # Schema definition slots # ----------------------------------- id: rank: 0 domain: schema_definition range: uri description: The official schema URI required: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - OwlProfile emit_prefixes: domain: schema_definition multivalued: true range: ncname description: >- a list of Curie prefixes that are used in the representation of instances of the model. All prefixes in this list are added to the prefix sections of the target models. version: domain: schema_definition description: particular version of schema slot_uri: pav:version exact_mappings: - schema:schemaVersion in_subset: - BasicSubset imports: rank: 21 domain: schema_definition range: uriorcurie multivalued: true description: A list of schemas that are to be included in this schema in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - OwlProfile structured_imports: domain: schema_definition range: import_expression multivalued: true description: >- A list of specifications for how to import elements from external schemas status: testing license: rank: 31 domain: schema_definition description: license for the schema slot_uri: dcterms:license in_subset: - BasicSubset default_curi_maps: domain: schema_definition multivalued: true description: ordered list of prefixcommon biocontexts to be fetched to resolve id prefixes and inline prefix variables in_subset: - BasicSubset default_prefix: rank: 11 domain: schema_definition range: string ifabsent: default_ns description: >- The prefix that is used for all elements within a schema in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset default_range: rank: 13 domain: schema_definition range: type_definition description: default slot range to be used if range element is omitted from a slot definition in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset subsets: rank: 8 domain: schema_definition multivalued: true range: subset_definition inlined: true description: An index to the collection of all subset definitions in the schema exact_mappings: - OIO:hasSubset in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset types: rank: 6 domain: schema_definition range: type_definition multivalued: true inlined: true description: An index to the collection of all type definitions in the schema in_subset: - BasicSubset - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile enums: rank: 5 domain: schema_definition range: enum_definition multivalued: true inlined: true description: An index to the collection of all enum definitions in the schema in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile slot_definitions: rank: 4 domain: schema_definition multivalued: true range: slot_definition inlined: true alias: slots description: An index to the collection of all slot definitions in the schema comments: - note the formal name of this element is slot_definitions, but it has alias slots, which is the canonical form used in yaml/json serializes of schemas. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - OwlProfile classes: rank: 3 domain: schema_definition range: class_definition multivalued: true inlined: true description: An index to the collection of all class definitions in the schema in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile metamodel_version: domain: schema_definition readonly: supplied by the schema loader or schema view description: Version of the metamodel used to load the schema in_subset: - BasicSubset source_file: domain: schema_definition readonly: supplied by the schema loader description: name, uri or description of the source of the schema in_subset: - BasicSubset source_file_date: domain: schema_definition range: datetime readonly: supplied by the loader description: modification date of the source of the schema in_subset: - BasicSubset source_file_size: domain: schema_definition range: integer readonly: supplied by the schema loader or schema view description: size in bytes of the source of the schema in_subset: - BasicSubset generation_date: domain: schema_definition range: datetime readonly: supplied by the schema loader or schema view description: date and time that the schema was loaded/generated in_subset: - BasicSubset # ----------------------------------- # Class definition slots # ----------------------------------- slots: rank: 19 domain: class_definition multivalued: true range: slot_definition description: collection of slot names that are applicable to a class comments: - the list of applicable slots is inherited from parent classes - >- This defines the set of slots that are allowed to be used for a given class. The final list of slots for a class is the combination of the parent (is a) slots, mixins slots, apply to slots minus the slot usage entries. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset slot_usage: rank: 23 domain: class_definition multivalued: true range: slot_definition inlined: true description: the refinement of a slot in the context of the containing class definition. comments: - >- Many slots may be re-used across different classes, but the meaning of the slot may be refined by context. For example, a generic association model may use slots subject/predicate/object with generic semantics and minimal constraints. When this is subclasses, e.g. to disease-phenotype associations then slot usage may specify both local naming (e.g. subject=disease) and local constraints in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset enum_range: range: enum_expression description: An inlined enumeration in_subset: - SpecificationSubset status: testing range_expression: domain: slot_expression range: anonymous_class_expression description: A range that is described as a boolean expression combining existing ranges comments: - one use for this is being able to describe a range using any_of expressions, for example to combine two enums in_subset: - SpecificationSubset status: testing boolean_slot: abstract: true multivalued: true range: expression description: A grouping of slots that expression a boolean operator over a list of operands any_of: rank: 101 description: holds if at least one of the expressions hold is_a: boolean_slot range: expression exact_mappings: - sh:or in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" exactly_one_of: rank: 103 description: holds if only one of the expressions hold is_a: boolean_slot range: expression exact_mappings: - sh:xone in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" none_of: rank: 105 description: holds if none of the expressions hold is_a: boolean_slot range: expression exact_mappings: - sh:not in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" all_of: rank: 107 description: holds if all of the expressions hold is_a: boolean_slot range: expression exact_mappings: - sh:and in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" preconditions: rank: 111 aliases: - if - body - antecedents slot_uri: sh:condition description: an expression that must hold in order for the rule to be applicable to an instance range: anonymous_class_expression inlined: true close_mappings: - swrl:body in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" postconditions: rank: 113 aliases: - then - head - consequents description: an expression that must hold for an instance of the class, if the preconditions hold range: anonymous_class_expression inlined: true close_mappings: - swrl:body in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" elseconditions: rank: 115 aliases: - else description: an expression that must hold for an instance of the class, if the preconditions no not hold range: anonymous_class_expression inlined: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" bidirectional: aliases: - iff - if and only if description: in addition to preconditions entailing postconditions, the postconditions entail the preconditions range: boolean in_subset: - SpecificationSubset open_world: description: if true, the the postconditions may be omitted in instance data, but it is valid for an inference engine to add these range: boolean in_subset: - SpecificationSubset rank: rank: 51 aliases: - order - precedence - display order description: the relative order in which the element occurs, lower values are given precedence comments: - the rank of an element does not affect the semantics slot_uri: sh:order range: integer exact_mappings: - qudt:order - qb:order in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset deactivated: description: a deactivated rule is not executed by the rules engine slot_uri: sh:deactivated range: boolean rules: slot_uri: sh:rule domain: class_definition multivalued: true range: class_rule inlined: true description: the collection of rules that apply to all members of this class in_subset: - SpecificationSubset classification_rules: domain: class_definition multivalued: true range: anonymous_class_expression inlined: true description: >- The collection of classification rules that apply to all members of this class. Classification rules allow for automatically assigning the instantiated type of an instance. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset slot_conditions: domain: class_expression multivalued: true range: slot_definition inlined: true description: expresses constraints on a group of slots for a class expression in_subset: - SpecificationSubset attributes: rank: 29 domain: class_definition multivalued: true range: slot_definition inlined: true description: Inline definition of slots comments: - >- attributes are an alternative way of defining new slots. An attribute adds a slot to the global space in the form __ (lower case, double underscores). Attributes can be specialized via slot_usage. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile class_uri: rank: 2 aliases: - public ID domain: class_definition range: uriorcurie description: >- URI of the class that provides a semantic interpretation of the element in a linked data context. The URI may come from any namespace and may be shared between schemas comments: - Assigning class_uris can provide additional hooks for interoperation, indicating a common conceptual model ifabsent: class_curie in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset see_also: - linkml:definition_uri - subclass_of: domain: class_definition range: uriorcurie description: DEPRECATED -- rdfs:subClassOf to be emitted in OWL generation close_mappings: - rdfs:subClassOf deprecated: Use is_a instead defining_slots: domain: class_definition range: slot_definition multivalued: true inherited: true description: >- The combination of is a plus defining slots form a genus-differentia definition, or the set of necessary and sufficient conditions that can be transformed into an OWL equivalence axiom union_of: domain: element range: element multivalued: true description: indicates that the domain element consists exactly of the members of the element in the range. notes: - this only applies in the OWL generation in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - OwlProfile tree_root: rank: 31 domain: class_definition range: boolean description: >- Indicates that this is the Container class which forms the root of the serialized document structure in tree serializations notes: - each schema should have at most one tree root in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset see_also: - unique_keys: domain: class_definition range: unique_key multivalued: true inlined: true description: A collection of named unique keys for this class. Unique keys may be singular or compound. exact_mappings: - owl:hasKey in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile see_also: - unique_key_name: domain: unique_key key: true required: true description: name of the unique key in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile consider_nulls_inequal: domain: unique_key range: boolean description: >- By default, None values are considered equal for the purposes of comparisons in determining uniqueness. Set this to true to treat missing values as per ANSI-SQL NULLs, i.e NULL=NULL is always False. unique_key_slots: domain: unique_key multivalued: true required: true range: slot_definition description: list of slot names that form a key. The tuple formed from the values of all these slots should be unique. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile slot_names_unique: domain: definition range: boolean description: if true then induced/mangled slot names are not created for class_usage and attributes status: testing # ----------------------------------- # Slot definition slots # ----------------------------------- domain: domain: slot_definition range: class_definition inherited: true description: | defines the type of the subject of the slot. Given the following slot definition S1: domain: C1 range: C2 the declaration X: S1: Y implicitly asserts that X is an instance of C1 in_subset: - SpecificationSubset range: aliases: - value domain domain: slot_definition range: element ifabsent: default_range inherited: true comments: - range is underspecified, as not all elements can appear as the range of a slot. description: | defines the type of the object of the slot. Given the following slot definition S1: domain: C1 range: C2 the declaration X: S1: Y implicitly asserts Y is an instance of C2 in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile slot_uri: rank: 2 aliases: - public ID domain: slot_definition range: uriorcurie ifabsent: slot_curie description: >- URI of the class that provides a semantic interpretation of the slot in a linked data context. The URI may come from any namespace and may be shared between schemas. comments: - Assigning slot_uris can provide additional hooks for interoperation, indicating a common conceptual model in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset see_also: - linkml:definition_uri - multivalued: rank: 7 domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: true means that slot can have more than one value and should be represented using a list or collection structure. # ifabsent: False in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - ObjectOrientedProfile array: domain: slot_definition range: array_expression inherited: true description: coerces the value of the slot into an array and defines the dimensions of that array status: testing ifabsent: false dimensions: aliases: - axes description: definitions of each axis in the array domain: array_expression range: dimension_expression multivalued: true list_elements_ordered: true status: testing minimum_number_dimensions: description: minimum number of dimensions in the array domain: array_expression range: integer status: testing # minimum_value: 1 comments: - minimum_cardinality cannot be greater than maximum_cardinality maximum_number_dimensions: description: maximum number of dimensions in the array, or False if explicitly no maximum. If this is unset, and an explicit list of dimensions are passed using dimensions, then this is interpreted as a closed list and the maximum_number_dimensions is the length of the dimensions list, unless this value is set to False domain: array_expression range: Anything any_of: - range: integer # minimum_value: 1 - range: boolean status: testing comments: - maximum_number_dimensions cannot be less than minimum_number_dimensions exact_number_dimensions: description: exact number of dimensions in the array domain: array_expression range: integer status: testing # minimum_value: 1 comments: - if exact_number_dimensions is set, then minimum_number_dimensions and maximum_number_dimensions must be unset or have the same value inherited: domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: true means that the *value* of a slot is inherited by subclasses comments: - the slot is to be used for defining *metamodels* only - Inherited applies to slot values. Parent *slots* are always inherited by subclasses in_subset: - SpecificationSubset readonly: domain: slot_definition range: string inherited: true description: If present, slot is read only. Text explains why comments: - the slot is to be used for defining *metamodels* only ifabsent: domain: slot_definition range: string inherited: true description: >- function that provides a default value for the slot. Possible values for this slot are defined in linkml.utils.ifabsent_functions.default_library: * [Tt]rue -- boolean True * [Ff]alse -- boolean False * bnode -- blank node identifier * class_curie -- CURIE for the containing class * class_uri -- URI for the containing class * default_ns -- schema default namespace * default_range -- schema default range * int(value) -- integer value * slot_uri -- URI for the slot * slot_curie -- CURIE for the slot * string(value) -- string value close_mappings: - sh:defaultValue in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - linkml:equals_expression implicit_prefix: domain: slot_expression range: string description: >- Causes the slot value to be interpreted as a uriorcurie after prefixing with this string in_subset: - SpecificationSubset status: testing value_specification_constant: abstract: true description: Grouping for metamodel slots that constrain the a slot value to equal a specified constant status: testing list_value_specification_constant: abstract: true description: Grouping for metamodel slots that constrain members of a multivalued slot value to equal a specified constant status: testing value_presence: is_a: list_value_specification_constant domain: slot_definition range: presence_enum inherited: true description: if true then a value must be present (for lists there must be at least one value). If false then a value must be absent (for lists, must be empty) comments: - if set to true this has the same effect as required=true. In contrast, required=false allows a value to be present status: unstable equals_string: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: string inherited: true description: the slot must have range string and the value of the slot must equal the specified value in_subset: - SpecificationSubset equals_number: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: integer ## todo, make the range a union inherited: true description: the slot must have range of a number and the value of the slot must equal the specified value status: unstable equals_expression: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: string inherited: true description: the value of the slot must equal the value of the evaluated expression comments: - for example, a 'length' slot may have an equals_expression with value '(end-start)+1' see_also: - - in_subset: - SpecificationSubset exact_cardinality: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: integer inherited: true description: the exact number of entries for a multivalued slot in_subset: - SpecificationSubset comments: - if exact_cardinality is set, then minimum_cardinalty and maximum_cardinality must be unset or have the same value minimum_cardinality: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: integer inherited: true description: the minimum number of entries for a multivalued slot in_subset: - SpecificationSubset # minimum_value: 0 comments: - minimum_cardinality cannot be greater than maximum_cardinality maximum_cardinality: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: integer inherited: true description: the maximum number of entries for a multivalued slot in_subset: - SpecificationSubset comments: - maximum_cardinality cannot be less than minimum_cardinality # minimum_value: 0 equals_string_in: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: string multivalued: true inherited: true description: the slot must have range string and the value of the slot must equal one of the specified values status: testing in_subset: - SpecificationSubset equals_number_in: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: integer multivalued: true inherited: true description: the slot must have range number and the value of the slot must equal one of the specified values status: testing in_subset: - SpecificationSubset has_member: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: anonymous_slot_expression description: the value of the slot is multivalued with at least one member satisfying the condition status: testing in_subset: - SpecificationSubset all_members: is_a: list_value_specification_constant range: anonymous_slot_expression description: the value of the slot is multivalued with all members satisfying the condition status: testing in_subset: - SpecificationSubset singular_name: domain: slot_definition description: a name that is used in the singular form comments: - this may be used in some schema translations where use of a singular form is idiomatic, for example RDF close_mappings: - skos:altLabel in_subset: - BasicSubset required: rank: 8 domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: true means that the slot must be present in instances of the class definition in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile recommended: rank: 9 domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: true means that the slot should be present in instances of the class definition, but this is not required comments: - This is to be used where not all data is expected to conform to having a required field - If a slot is recommended, and it is not populated, applications must not treat this as an error. Applications may use this to inform the user of missing data see_also: - in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset inapplicable: domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: true means that values for this slot must not be present comments: - By default all slots are applicable. The main use case for this slot is as an override in a subclass in_subset: - SpecificationSubset inlined: rank: 25 domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- True means that keyed or identified slot appears in an outer structure by value. False means that only the key or identifier for the slot appears within the domain, referencing a structure that appears elsewhere. comments: - classes without keys or identifiers are necessarily inlined as lists - only applicable in tree-like serializations, e.g json, yaml in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset see_also: - "" - inlined_as_list: rank: 27 domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- True means that an inlined slot is represented as a list of range instances. False means that an inlined slot is represented as a dictionary, whose key is the slot key or identifier and whose value is the range instance. comments: - |- The default loader will accept either list or dictionary form as input. This parameter controls internal representation and output. - |- A keyed or identified class with one additional slot can be input in a third form, a dictionary whose key is the key or identifier and whose value is the one additional element. This form is still stored according to the inlined_as_list setting. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset see_also: - "" - inlined_as_simple_dict: rank: 28 domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- True means that an inlined slot is represented as a simple dict whose values are all atoms in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - "" status: testing list_elements_ordered: domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- If True, then the order of elements of a multivalued slot is guaranteed to be preserved. If False, the order may still be preserved but this is not guaranteed comments: - should only be used with multivalued slots in_subset: - SpecificationSubset status: testing list_elements_unique: domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- If True, then there must be no duplicates in the elements of a multivalued slot comments: - should only be used with multivalued slots in_subset: - SpecificationSubset shared: aliases: - inverse functional - many to one or many domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- If True, then the relationship between the slot domain and range is many to one or many to many in_subset: - SpecificationSubset key: domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- True means that the key slot(s) uniquely identify the elements within a single container comments: - key is inherited - a given domain can have at most one key slot (restriction to be removed in the future) - identifiers and keys are mutually exclusive. A given domain cannot have both - a key slot is automatically required. Keys cannot be optional in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile see_also: - linkml:unique_keys identifier: rank: 5 domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- True means that the key slot(s) uniquely identifies the elements. There can be at most one identifier or key per container aliases: - primary key - ID - UID - code see_also: - - linkml:unique_keys comments: - identifier is inherited - a key slot is automatically required. Identifiers cannot be optional - a given domain can have at most one identifier - identifiers and keys are mutually exclusive. A given domain cannot have both in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile designates_type: aliases: - type designator domain: slot_definition range: boolean inherited: true description: >- True means that the key slot(s) is used to determine the instantiation (types) relation between objects and a ClassDefinition in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - alias: rank: 6 domain: slot_definition range: string slot_uri: skos:prefLabel description: >- the name used for a slot in the context of its owning class. If present, this is used instead of the actual slot name. comments: - an example of alias is used within this metamodel, slot_definitions is aliases as slots - not to be confused with aliases, which indicates a set of terms to be used for search purposes. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset owner: domain: slot_definition range: definition description: >- the "owner" of the slot. It is the class if it appears in the slots list, otherwise the declaring slot readonly: filled in by loader -- either class domain or slot domain deprecated: Will be replaced by domain_of and eventually removed domain_of: domain: slot_definition range: class_definition description: the class(es) that reference the slot in a "slots" or "slot_usage" context readonly: filled in by the loader multivalued: true exact_mappings: - schema:domainIncludes - SIO:000011 is_usage_slot: domain: slot_definition deprecated: Replaced by usage_slot_name range: boolean description: True means that this slot was defined in a slot_usage situation readonly: filled in by the loader usage_slot_name: domain: slot_definition range: string description: The name of the slot referenced in the slot_usage readonly: filled in by the loader subproperty_of: domain: slot_definition range: slot_definition description: >- Ontology property which this slot is a subproperty of. Note: setting this property on a slot does not guarantee an expansion of the ontological hierarchy into an enumerated list of possible values in every serialization of the model. examples: - value: RO:HOM0000001 description: >- this is the RO term for "in homology relationship with", and used as a value of subproperty of this means that any ontological child (related to RO:HOM0000001 via an is_a relationship), is a valid value for the slot that declares this with the subproperty_of tag. This differs from the 'values_from' meta model component in that 'values_from' requires the id of a value set (said another way, if an entire ontology had a curie/identifier that was the identifier for the entire ontology, then that identifier would be used in 'values_from.') slot_uri: rdfs:subPropertyOf disjoint_with: domain: definition range: definition multivalued: true description: Two classes are disjoint if they have no instances in common, two slots are disjoint if they can never hold between the same two instances in_subset: - SpecificationSubset children_are_mutually_disjoint: domain: definition range: boolean description: If true then all direct is_a children are mutually disjoint and share no instances in common relational_logical_characteristic: abstract: true domain: slot_definition range: boolean description: An abstract grouping for metaslots that describe logical properties of a slot symmetric: is_a: relational_logical_characteristic description: If s is symmetric, and i.s=v, then v.s=i close_mappings: - owl:SymmetricProperty in_subset: - SpecificationSubset asymmetric: is_a: relational_logical_characteristic description: If s is antisymmetric, and i.s=v where i is different from v, v.s cannot have value i comments: - asymmetry is the combination of antisymmetry and irreflexivity close_mappings: - owl:AsymmetricProperty in_subset: - SpecificationSubset reflexive: is_a: relational_logical_characteristic description: If s is reflexive, then i.s=i for all instances i comments: - it is rare for a property to be reflexive, this characteristic is added for completeness, consider instead locally_reflexive close_mappings: - owl:ReflexiveProperty in_subset: - SpecificationSubset irreflexive: is_a: relational_logical_characteristic description: If s is irreflexive, then there exists no i such i.s=i close_mappings: - owl:IrreflexiveProperty in_subset: - SpecificationSubset locally_reflexive: is_a: relational_logical_characteristic description: If s is locally_reflexive, then i.s=i for all instances i where s is a class slot for the type of i in_subset: - SpecificationSubset transitive: is_a: relational_logical_characteristic description: If s is transitive, and i.s=z, and s.s=j, then i.s=j close_mappings: - owl:TransitiveProperty in_subset: - SpecificationSubset transitive_form_of: range: slot_definition description: If s transitive_form_of d, then (1) s holds whenever d holds (2) s is transitive (3) d holds whenever s holds and there are no intermediates, and s is not reflexive comments: - "Example: ancestor_of is the transitive_form_of parent_of" in_subset: - SpecificationSubset reflexive_transitive_form_of: is_a: transitive_form_of description: transitive_form_of including the reflexive case in_subset: - SpecificationSubset inverse: domain: slot_definition range: slot_definition description: indicates that any instance of d s r implies that there is also an instance of r s' d slot_uri: owl:inverseOf in_subset: - SpecificationSubset is_class_field: domain: slot_definition range: boolean description: indicates that for any instance, i, the domain of this slot will include an assertion of i s range role: domain: slot_definition range: string description: a textual descriptor that indicates the role played by the slot range comments: - the primary use case for this slot is to provide a textual descriptor of a generic slot name when used in the context of a more specific class inherited: true minimum_value: aliases: - low value domain: slot_definition range: Anything description: For ordinal ranges, the value must be equal to or higher than this notes: - Range to be refined to an "Ordinal" metaclass - see inherited: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset maximum_value: aliases: - high value domain: slot_definition range: Anything description: For ordinal ranges, the value must be equal to or lower than this notes: - Range to be refined to an "Ordinal" metaclass - see inherited: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset interpolated: domain: pattern_expression range: boolean description: if true then the pattern is first string interpolated in_subset: - SpecificationSubset partial_match: domain: pattern_expression range: boolean description: if not true then the pattern must match the whole string, as if enclosed in ^...$ in_subset: - SpecificationSubset pattern: rank: 35 domain: definition range: string description: the string value of the slot must conform to this regular expression expressed in the string inherited: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset syntax: domain: pattern_expression range: string description: the string value of the slot must conform to this regular expression expressed in the string. May be interpolated. inherited: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset structured_pattern: domain: definition range: pattern_expression description: the string value of the slot must conform to the regular expression in the pattern expression inherited: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset see_also: - string_serialization: domain: definition range: string description: >- Used on a slot that stores the string serialization of the containing object. The syntax follows python formatted strings, with slot names enclosed in {}s. These are expanded using the values of those slots. We call the slot with the serialization the s-slot, the slots used in the {}s are v-slots. If both s-slots and v-slots are populated on an object then the value of the s-slot should correspond to the expansion. Implementations of frameworks may choose to use this property to either (a) PARSE: implement automated normalizations by parsing denormalized strings into complex objects (b) GENERARE: implement automated to_string labeling of complex objects For example, a Measurement class may have 3 fields: unit, value, and string_value. The string_value slot may have a string_serialization of {value}{unit} such that if unit=cm and value=2, the value of string_value shouldd be 2cm inherited: false see_also: - in_subset: - SpecificationSubset # ----------------------------------- # Slots for type definition # ----------------------------------- typeof: rank: 7 domain: type_definition range: type_definition description: >- A parent type from which type properties are inherited comments: - the target type definition of the typeof slot is referred to as the "parent type" - the type definition containing the typeof slot is referred to as the "child type" - type definitions without a typeof slot are referred to as a "root type" in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset base: rank: 8 domain: type_definition description: python base type in the LinkML runtime that implements this type definition inherited: true comments: - every root type must have a base - the base is inherited by child types but may be overridden. Base compatibility is not checked. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset type_uri: rank: 2 domain: type_definition range: uriorcurie alias: uri inherited: true description: The uri that defines the possible values for the type definition comments: - uri is typically drawn from the set of URI's defined in OWL ( - every root type must have a type uri in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset repr: rank: 10 domain: type_definition range: string description: the name of the python object that implements this type definition inherited: true in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset # ----------------------------------- # Slots for alt description # ----------------------------------- alt_description_text: domain: alt_description range: string required: true description: text of an attributed description alias: description in_subset: - BasicSubset alt_description_source: domain: alt_description range: string key: true alias: source description: the source of an attributed description in_subset: - BasicSubset alt_descriptions: aliases: - alternate definitions domain: element description: A sourced alternative description for an element range: alt_description multivalued: true inlined: true in_subset: - BasicSubset # ----------------------------------- # Slots for example # ----------------------------------- value: domain: example description: example value slot_uri: skos:example in_subset: - BasicSubset value_description: domain: example alias: description description: description of what the value is doing in_subset: - BasicSubset value_object: domain: example alias: object description: direct object representation of the example range: Anything in_subset: - BasicSubset examples: singular_name: example domain: element multivalued: true range: example inlined: true description: example usages of an element close_mappings: - vann:example in_subset: - BasicSubset # ----------------------------------- # Slots for prefix # ----------------------------------- prefix_prefix: slot_uri: sh:prefix rank: 1 domain: prefix range: ncname key: true description: >- The prefix components of a prefix expansions. This is the part that appears before the colon in a CURIE. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset prefix_reference: slot_uri: sh:namespace rank: 2 domain: prefix range: uri required: true description: >- The namespace to which a prefix expands to. in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset prefixes: slot_uri: sh:declare rank: 10 domain: schema_definition range: prefix multivalued: true inlined: true description: >- A collection of prefix expansions that specify how CURIEs can be expanded to URIs in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset # ----------------------------------- # Slots for settings # ----------------------------------- setting_key: domain: setting range: ncname key: true description: the variable name for a setting in_subset: - SpecificationSubset setting_value: domain: setting range: string required: true description: The value assigned for a setting in_subset: - SpecificationSubset settings: aliases: - constants rank: 20 domain: schema_definition range: setting multivalued: true inlined: true description: A collection of global variable settings comments: - global variables are used in string interpolation in structured patterns in_subset: - SpecificationSubset # ----------------------------------- # Slots for import expressions # ----------------------------------- import_from: domain: import_expression required: true range: uriorcurie status: testing import_as: domain: import_expression range: ncname status: testing import_map: domain: import_expression multivalued: true inlined: true range: setting status: testing # ----------------------------------- # Slots for local_name # ----------------------------------- local_name_source: domain: local_name range: ncname key: true description: the ncname of the source of the name local_name_value: domain: local_name range: string required: true description: a name assigned to an element in a given ontology slot_uri: skos:altLabel local_names: domain: element range: local_name multivalued: true inlined: true slot_group: domain: slot_definition range: slot_definition description: allows for grouping of related slots into a grouping slot that serves the role of a group comments: - slot groups do not change the semantics of a model but are a useful way of visually grouping related slots slot_uri: sh:group range_expression: slot_conditions: is_grouping_slot: equals_expression: "True" in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset is_grouping_slot: domain: slot_definition range: boolean description: true if this slot is a grouping slot close_mappings: - sh:PropertyGroup in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset # paths followed_by: description: in a sequential list, this indicates the next member range: expression reversed: description: true if the slot is to be inversed range: boolean traverse: description: the slot to traverse range: slot_definition path_rule: description: a rule for inferring a slot assignment based on evaluating a path through a sequence of slot assignments domain: slot_definition range: path_expression # ----------------------------------- # Relational Roles # ----------------------------------- represents_relationship: aliases: - is_reified description: true if this class represents a relationship rather than an entity domain: class_definition range: boolean inherited: true status: testing see_also: - rdf:Statement - comments: - in the context of Entity-Relationship (ER) modeling, this is used to state that a class models a relationship between entities, and should be drawn with a diamond - in the context of RDF, this should be used when instances of the class are `rdf:Statement`s - in the context of property graphs, this should be used when a class is used to represent an edge that connects nodes relational_role: aliases: - reification_role description: the role a slot on a relationship class plays, for example, the subject, object or predicate roles domain: slot_definition range: relational_role_enum inherited: true status: testing comments: - this should only be used on slots that are applicable to class that represent relationships - in the context of RDF, this should be used for slots that can be modeled using the RDF reification vocabulary - in the context of property graphs, this should be used on edge classes to indicate which slots represent the input and output nodes # ================================== # Classes # # ================================== classes: Anything: class_uri: linkml:Any common_metadata: description: Generic metadata shared across definitions mixin: true slots: - description - alt_descriptions - title - deprecated - todos - notes - comments - examples - in_subset - from_schema - imported_from - source - in_language - see_also - deprecated element has exact replacement - deprecated element has possible replacement - aliases - structured_aliases - mappings - exact mappings - close mappings - related mappings - narrow mappings - broad mappings - created_by - contributors - created_on - last_updated_on - modified_by - status - rank - categories - keywords in_subset: - BasicSubset element: aliases: - data element - object description: >- A named element in the model abstract: true mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - name - id_prefixes - id_prefixes_are_closed - definition_uri - local_names - conforms_to - implements - instantiates see_also: - in_subset: - BasicSubset schema_definition: rank: 1 description: >- A collection of definitions that make up a schema or a data model. tree_root: true aliases: - data dictionary - data model - information model - logical model - schema - model is_a: element slots: - id - version - imports - license - prefixes - emit_prefixes - default_curi_maps - default_prefix - default_range - subsets - types - enums - slot_definitions - classes - metamodel_version - source_file - source_file_date - source_file_size - generation_date - slot_names_unique - settings see_also: - close_mappings: - qb:ComponentSet - owl:Ontology slot_usage: name: range: ncname description: a unique name for the schema that is both human-readable and consists of only characters from the NCName set # slot_usage: # description: # slot_uri: dcterms:description in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile type_expression: description: >- An abstract class grouping named types and anonymous type expressions is_a: expression mixin: true slots: - pattern - structured_pattern - unit - implicit_prefix - equals_string - equals_string_in - equals_number - minimum_value - maximum_value - none_of - exactly_one_of - any_of - all_of slot_usage: any_of: range: anonymous_type_expression all_of: range: anonymous_type_expression exactly_one_of: range: anonymous_type_expression none_of: range: anonymous_type_expression anonymous_type_expression: mixins: - type_expression description: >- A type expression that is not a top-level named type definition. Used for nesting. type_definition: rank: 4 mixins: - type_expression description: an element that whose instances are atomic scalar values that can be mapped to primitive types is_a: element slots: - typeof - base - type_uri - repr - union_of slot_usage: union_of: range: type_definition in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - OwlProfile subset_definition: rank: 6 description: an element that can be used to group other metamodel elements is_a: element in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset definition: description: abstract base class for core metaclasses abstract: true is_a: element slots: - is_a - abstract - mixin - mixins - apply_to - values_from - string_serialization see_also: - in_subset: - BasicSubset enum_expression: description: An expression that constrains the range of a slot is_a: expression slots: - code_set - code_set_tag - code_set_version - pv_formula - permissible_values - include - minus - inherits - reachable_from - matches - concepts anonymous_enum_expression: description: An enum_expression that is not named mixins: - enum_expression enum_definition: rank: 5 aliases: - enum - enumeration - semantic enumeration - value set - term set - concept set - code set - Terminology Value Set - answer list - value domain description: an element whose instances must be drawn from a specified set of permissible values is_a: definition mixins: - enum_expression exact_mappings: - qb:HierarchicalCodeList - NCIT:C113497 - cdisc:ValueDomain close_mappings: - skos:ConceptScheme in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile slots: - enum_uri match_query: description: >- A query that is used on an enum expression to dynamically obtain a set of permissivle values via a query that matches on properties of the external concepts. slots: - identifier_pattern - source_ontology in_subset: - SpecificationSubset reachability_query: description: >- A query that is used on an enum expression to dynamically obtain a set of permissible values via walking from a set of source nodes to a set of descendants or ancestors over a set of relationship types. slots: - source_ontology - source_nodes - relationship_types - is_direct - include_self - traverse_up in_subset: - SpecificationSubset structured_alias: description: >- object that contains meta data about a synonym or alias including where it came from (source) and its scope (narrow, broad, etc.) class_uri: skosxl:Label mixins: - expression - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - literal_form - alias_predicate - categories slot_usage: categories: description: >- The category or categories of an alias. This can be drawn from any relevant vocabulary examples: - value: "" description: An acronym expression: mixin: true abstract: true description: general mixin for any class that can represent some form of expression anonymous_expression: abstract: true mixins: - expression - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata description: >- An abstract parent class for any nested expression comments: - anonymous expressions are useful for when it is necessary to build a complex expression without introducing a named element for each sub-expression path_expression: description: An expression that describes an abstract path from an object to another through a sequence of slot lookups mixins: - expression - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - followed_by - none_of - any_of - all_of - exactly_one_of - reversed - traverse - range_expression slot_usage: followed_by: range: path_expression any_of: range: path_expression exactly_one_of: range: path_expression none_of: range: path_expression all_of: range: path_expression slot_expression: description: an expression that constrains the range of values a slot can take mixin: true is_a: expression slots: - range - range_expression - enum_range - required - recommended - inlined - inlined_as_list - minimum_value - maximum_value - pattern - structured_pattern - unit - implicit_prefix - value_presence - equals_string - equals_string_in - equals_number - equals_expression - exact_cardinality - minimum_cardinality - maximum_cardinality - has_member - all_members - none_of - exactly_one_of - any_of - all_of slot_usage: any_of: range: anonymous_slot_expression all_of: range: anonymous_slot_expression exactly_one_of: range: anonymous_slot_expression none_of: range: anonymous_slot_expression anonymous_slot_expression: is_a: anonymous_expression mixins: - slot_expression slot_definition: rank: 3 description: an element that describes how instances are related to other instances aliases: - slot - field - property - attribute - column - variable is_a: definition close_mappings: - rdf:Property - qb:ComponentProperty mixins: - slot_expression slots: - singular_name - domain - slot_uri - multivalued - array - inherited - readonly - ifabsent - list_elements_unique - list_elements_ordered - shared - key - identifier - designates_type - alias - owner - domain_of - subproperty_of - symmetric - reflexive - locally_reflexive - irreflexive - asymmetric - transitive - inverse - is_class_field - transitive_form_of - reflexive_transitive_form_of - role - is_usage_slot - usage_slot_name - relational_role - slot_group - is_grouping_slot - path_rule - disjoint_with - children_are_mutually_disjoint - union_of slot_usage: is_a: range: slot_definition description: A primary parent slot from which inheritable metaslots are propagated mixins: range: slot_definition description: A collection of secondary parent mixin slots from which inheritable metaslots are propagated apply_to: range: slot_definition disjoint_with: range: slot_definition union_of: range: slot_definition in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - OwlProfile class_expression: mixin: true description: A boolean expression that can be used to dynamically determine membership of a class slots: - any_of - exactly_one_of - none_of - all_of - slot_conditions slot_usage: any_of: range: anonymous_class_expression all_of: range: anonymous_class_expression exactly_one_of: range: anonymous_class_expression none_of: range: anonymous_class_expression anonymous_class_expression: is_a: anonymous_expression mixins: - class_expression slots: - is_a class_definition: rank: 2 mixins: - class_expression description: an element whose instances are complex objects that may have slot-value assignments aliases: - table - record - template - message - observation is_a: definition slots: - slots - slot_usage - attributes - class_uri - subclass_of - union_of - defining_slots - tree_root - unique_keys - rules - classification_rules - slot_names_unique - represents_relationship - disjoint_with - children_are_mutually_disjoint slot_usage: is_a: range: class_definition description: A primary parent class from which inheritable metaslots are propagated mixins: range: class_definition description: A collection of secondary parent mixin classes from which inheritable metaslots are propagated apply_to: range: class_definition rules: range: class_rule disjoint_with: range: class_definition union_of: range: class_definition close_mappings: - owl:Class in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - MinimalSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile - ObjectOrientedProfile - OwlProfile class_level_rule: abstract: true description: A rule that is applied to classes class_rule: is_a: class_level_rule aliases: - if rule description: A rule that applies to instances of a class mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - preconditions - postconditions - elseconditions - bidirectional - open_world - rank - deactivated close_mappings: - sh:TripleRule - swrl:Imp in_subset: - SpecificationSubset array_expression: description: defines the dimensions of an array mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - exact_number_dimensions - minimum_number_dimensions - maximum_number_dimensions - dimensions status: testing dimension_expression: description: defines one of the dimensions of an array mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - alias - maximum_cardinality - minimum_cardinality - exact_cardinality status: testing pattern_expression: description: a regular expression pattern used to evaluate conformance of a string mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - syntax - interpolated - partial_match import_expression: description: an expression describing an import status: testing mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - import_from - import_as - import_map setting: description: assignment of a key to a value slots: - setting_key - setting_value in_subset: - SpecificationSubset prefix: rank: 12 description: prefix URI tuple slots: - prefix_prefix - prefix_reference in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset local_name: description: an attributed label slots: - local_name_source - local_name_value example: description: usage example and description slots: - value - value_description - value_object in_subset: - BasicSubset alt_description: aliases: - structured description description: an attributed description slots: - alt_description_source - alt_description_text in_subset: - BasicSubset permissible_value: rank: 16 aliases: - PV description: a permissible value, accompanied by intended text and an optional mapping to a concept URI mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slot_usage: is_a: range: permissible_value mixins: range: permissible_value close_mappings: - skos:Concept slots: - text - description - meaning - unit in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset unique_key: rank: 20 description: a collection of slots whose values uniquely identify an instance of a class mixins: - extensible - annotatable - common_metadata slots: - unique_key_name - unique_key_slots - consider_nulls_inequal in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset - RelationalModelProfile # ================================== # Enumerations # # ================================== enums: pv_formula_options: rank: 1 description: >- The formula used to generate the set of permissible values from the code_set values permissible_values: CODE: description: The permissible values are the set of possible codes in the code set CURIE: description: The permissible values are the set of CURIES in the code set URI: description: The permissible values are the set of code URIs in the code set FHIR_CODING: description: The permissible values are the set of FHIR coding elements derived from the code set LABEL: description: The permissible values are the set of human readable labels in the code set in_subset: - SpecificationSubset - BasicSubset presence_enum: rank: 11 description: enumeration of conditions by which a slot value should be set permissible_values: UNCOMMITTED: PRESENT: ABSENT: status: testing relational_role_enum: rank: 3 description: enumeration of roles a slot on a relationship class can play permissible_values: SUBJECT: meaning: rdf:subject description: a slot with this role connects a relationship to its subject/source node exact_mappings: - owl:annotatedSource OBJECT: meaning: rdf:object description: a slot with this role connects a relationship to its object/target node exact_mappings: - owl:annotatedTarget PREDICATE: meaning: rdf:predicate description: a slot with this role connects a relationship to its predicate/property exact_mappings: - owl:annotatedProperty NODE: description: a slot with this role connects a symmetric relationship to a node that represents either subject or object node OTHER_ROLE: description: a slot with this role connects a relationship to a node that is not subject/object/predicate alias_predicate_enum: rank: 5 description: permissible values for the relationship between an element and an alias permissible_values: EXACT_SYNONYM: meaning: skos:exactMatch RELATED_SYNONYM: meaning: skos:relatedMatch BROAD_SYNONYM: meaning: skos:broaderMatch NARROW_SYNONYM: meaning: skos:narrowerMatch