import sys from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import typing from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, List, Dict from dataclasses import dataclass from tweepy import Response if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from import WikiPostBot @dataclass class Result: ok:bool """ Whether the action completed successfully """ log: Optional[str] = None """ Message to log """ reply: Optional[str] = None """ Message to reply with """ class Action(ABC): def __init__(self, bot: 'WikiPostBot'): super(Action, self).__init__() = bot #@abstractmethod def do(self, response:Response) -> Result: """ Encapsulate the other actions and uh do the action! Returns: : """ #@abstractmethod def check(self, response:Response) -> bool: """ Check if the condition of this action is met """ #@abstractmethod def get(self, response:Response) -> typing.Any: """ If this action sets something, get its value. Eg. if this action sets a Returns: """