from pathlib import Path import logging import tweepy import typing import pdb from typing import List, Optional, Type from wiki_postbot.creds import Creds, Zenodo_Creds from wiki_postbot.thread import Thread from wiki_postbot.logger import init_logger from wiki_postbot.actions import checks, commands if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from wiki_postbot.actions import Action class WikiPostBot(tweepy.StreamingClient): check_classes = [checks.Wikilink] # type: List[Type[checks.Check]] #command_classes = [commands.Identify] # type: List[Type[commands.Command]] command_classes = [] def __init__( self, creds:Path = Path('twitter_creds.json'), wiki_creds:Path = Path('wiki_creds.json'), username:str='wikibot3k', following:Optional[List[str]]=None, basedir:Path=Path().home()/"wiki_postbot", loglevel="DEBUG", debug:bool = False ): self._creds = None self._wiki_creds = None self._client = None self.basedir=Path(basedir) self.creds_path = Path(creds) self.wiki_creds_path = Path(wiki_creds) self.username = username self.debug = debug self.following = following self.logger = init_logger('', basedir, loglevel=loglevel) super(WikiPostBot, self).__init__(self.creds.bearer_token) self.add_rules(self.rule) self.checks = [cls(self) for cls in self.check_classes] self.commands = [cls(self) for cls in self.command_classes] @property def rule(self) -> tweepy.StreamRule: """ StreamRule for accounts we're following or if we're mentioned """ rule = f"@{self.username}" if self.following is not None: following = [f'from:{user}' for user in self.following] rule = ' OR '.join([*following, rule]) return tweepy.StreamRule(rule) def on_response(self, response:tweepy.Response): """ Check if the tweet has a wikilink in it """ if self.debug: pdb.set_trace()'Mentioned: {}') # Do checks to see if we should do anything! for check in self.checks: res = if not res.ok: if res.log: return # Determine what action we should do! for command in self.commands: if command.check(response):"Given Command {}") res = if res.log: self.logger.debug(res.log) if res.reply: self.reply(response, res.reply) return # TODO: move this to a command class # thread = Thread.from_tweet(self.creds, response) #'thread received') # try: # pdf = thread.to_pdf() #'pdf created') # depo = post_pdf(pdf, thread, self.zenodo_creds) #'posted pdf') # self.logger.debug(depo) # # finally: # pdf.unlink() # # self.reply_completed(response, depo) def reply_completed(self, response: tweepy.Response, deposit:Deposition): self.client.create_tweet(text=f"The preprint of your thread is ready: {deposit.doi_url} - {deposit.title}",'replied') def reply(self, response: tweepy.Response, text:str): self.client.create_tweet(text=text, def run(self, threaded:bool=False): self.logger.debug('starting') self.filter(threaded=threaded, tweet_fields=[ "in_reply_to_user_id", "author_id", "created_at", "conversation_id", "entities", "referenced_tweets" ], expansions=[ 'author_id' ] ) self.logger.debug('stopped') @property def client(self) -> tweepy.Client: if self._client is None: self._client = tweepy.Client( consumer_key=self.creds.api_key, consumer_secret=self.creds.api_secret, access_token=self.creds.access_token, access_token_secret=self.creds.access_secret) return self._client @property def creds(self) -> Creds: if self._creds is None: self._creds = Creds.from_json(self.creds_path) return self._creds @property def wiki_creds(self) -> Zenodo_Creds: if self._wiki_creds is None: self._wiki_creds = Zenodo_Creds.from_json(self.wiki_creds_path) return self._wiki_creds