from wiki_postbot.creds import Creds import tweepy import typing import re from pathlib import Path import pypandoc from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Author: username: str name: str class Thread: def __init__(self, tweets: typing.List[tweepy.tweet.Tweet], responses: typing.List[tweepy.Response] ): self.tweets = tweets self.responses = responses self.pdf = None self.sort() @property def text(self) -> str: """ Text from all the tweets in a thread, double new lines between each also replacing any @'s with markdown links to profiles i guess """ text = "\n\n".join([t.text for t in self.tweets]) # make @'s links text = re.sub(r"@([\w\d_]{1,})", r"[@\1](\1)", text) return text @property def author(self) -> Author: return Author( "@" + self.responses[0].includes['users'][0].username, self.responses[0].includes['users'][0].name, ) @property def title(self) -> str: return f"{}'s thread - {self.tweets[0].created_at.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M')}" def sort(self): """ sort order of tweets """ self.tweets = sorted(self.tweets, key=lambda x: x.created_at) self.responses = sorted(self.responses, key=lambda x: def to_pdf(self, output_file:typing.Optional[Path]=None, ) -> Path: if output_file is None: output_file = Path('.') / f"{self.tweets[0].author_id}_{self.tweets[0].created_at.isoformat()}.pdf" pypandoc.convert_text( self.text, to="html", format="md", outputfile=str(output_file), extra_args = [ '--pdf-engine=weasyprint', f'--data-dir={Path(__file__).parent}', '--template=./template.html', ]) self.pdf = output_file return output_file @classmethod def from_tweet(cls, creds:Creds, response:tweepy.Response, limit:int=100) -> 'Thread': """ Starting with the mentioned tweet, get all of the tweets in a thread in order """ tweet = client = tweepy.Client(creds.bearer_token) tweets = [tweet] responses = [response] while tweet.referenced_tweets is not None and len(tweet.referenced_tweets)>0 and len(tweets)<=limit: replied = [ for t in tweet.referenced_tweets if t.type=="replied_to"] if len(replied)==0: # top tweet was qt break replied = replied[0] response = client.get_tweet(id=replied, tweet_fields=[ "referenced_tweets", "author_id", "created_at" ], expansions=[ 'author_id' ]) tweet = tweets.append(tweet) responses.append(response) return Thread(tweets, responses)