""" Class for interfacing with mediawiki """ from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urljoin from dataclasses import dataclass from wiki_postbot.creds import Mediawiki_Creds from wiki_postbot.formats.wiki import WikiPage from wiki_postbot.templates.wiki import TemplateMessage from wiki_postbot.patterns.wikilink import Wikilink from wiki_postbot.actions import Result from wiki_postbot.logger import init_logger from datetime import datetime import requests from discord.message import Message, Embed import pdb if TYPE_CHECKING: from wiki_postbot.clients.slack import SlackMessage # creds = Mediawiki_Creds.from_json('mediawiki_creds.json') class Wiki: def __init__(self, url:str, creds:Mediawiki_Creds, api_suffix:str="/api.php", index_page="Discord Messages", log_dir:Path=Path('/var/www/wikibot')): self.url = url self.api_url = urljoin(self.url, api_suffix) self.creds = creds self.sess = None self.index_page = index_page self.logger = init_logger('wiki_interface', basedir=log_dir) self.login(self.creds) def login(self, creds:Mediawiki_Creds): # get token to log in sess = requests.Session() login_token = sess.get( self.api_url, params={ "action":"query", "meta":"tokens", "type":"login", "format":"json" }, verify=False ).json()['query']['tokens']['logintoken'] login_result = sess.post( self.api_url, data = { "action":"login", "lgname":creds.user, "lgpassword":creds.password, "lgtoken": login_token, "format": "json" }, verify=False ) assert login_result.json()['login']['result'] == "Success" self.sess = sess def get_page(self, page:str) -> Optional[WikiPage]: content = self.sess.get( self.api_url, params={ 'action':'parse', 'page': page, 'prop': 'wikitext', 'formatversion':'2', 'format':'json' } ).json() if content.get('error', {}).get('code', '') == 'missingtitle': # Page does not exist! self.logger.debug("Page does not exist") return None self.logger.debug(f"Got Page content:") self.logger.debug(content) return WikiPage.from_source(title=content['parse']['title'], source=content['parse']['wikitext']) def insert_text(self, page, section, text, overwrite:bool=False): # TODO: Move finding section IDs into the page class! page_text = self.get_page(page) matching_section = -1 if page_text is not None: # find section number sections = page_text.content.get_sections() for i, page_section in enumerate(sections): if page_section.title is not None and page_section.title.strip().lower() == section.lower(): matching_section = i break token = self.sess.get( self.api_url, params={ "action": "query", "meta": "tokens", "format": "json" }, verify=False ).json()['query']['tokens']['csrftoken'] if matching_section >= 0: print(f'found matching section {matching_section}') if overwrite: page_text.content.sections[matching_section].contents = text result = self.sess.post( self.api_url, data={ "action":"edit", "title":page, "text": page_text.content.string, "format":"json", "token":token } ) else: result = self.sess.post( self.api_url, data={ "action":"edit", "title":page, "section":str(matching_section), "appendtext":text, "format":"json", "token":token } ) else: self.logger.debug('making new section') result = self.sess.post( self.api_url, data={ "action":"edit", "title":page, "section":"new", "sectiontitle":section, "appendtext":text, "format":"json", "token":token } ) return result def handle_discord(self, msg:Message) -> Result: """ Not being precious about this, just implementing and will worry about generality later! """ self.login(self.creds) # Get message in mediawiki template formatting template_str = TemplateMessage.format_discord(msg) # parse wikilinks, add to each page wikilinks = Wikilink.parse(msg.content) errored_pages = [] for link in wikilinks: if link.section is None: section = "Discord" else: section = link.section res = self.insert_text(link.link, section, template_str) if res.json()['edit']['result'] != 'Success': errored_pages.append(res.json()) # Add to index page (only once) self.add_to_index(template_str) if len(errored_pages) == 0: # gather links for a reply reply = '\n'.join([f"[{l.link}]({urljoin(self.url, l.link.replace(' ', '_'))})" for l in wikilinks]) return Result(ok=True, log=f"Successfully posted message to {[l.link for l in wikilinks]}", reply=reply) else: return Result(ok=False, log=f"Got exceptions: {errored_pages}") def handle_slack(self, msg:'SlackMessage') -> Result: """ Brooooo it's getting laaaaaaaaaate and I think it's obvious how this should be refactored but I want to play some zeldaaaaaaaaaaaa so I am copy and pasting for now """ self.login(self.creds) # Get message in mediawiki template formatting template_str = TemplateMessage.format_slack(msg) # parse wikilinks, add to each page wikilinks = Wikilink.parse(msg.content) errored_pages = [] for link in wikilinks: if link.section is None: section = "Slack" else: section = link.section res = self.insert_text(link.link, section, template_str) if res.json()['edit']['result'] != 'Success': errored_pages.append(res.json()) # Add to index page (only once) self.add_to_index(template_str) if len(errored_pages) == 0: # gather links for a reply reply = '\n'.join([f"[{l.link}]({urljoin(self.url, l.link.replace(' ', '_'))})" for l in wikilinks]) return Result(ok=True, log=f"Successfully posted message to {[l.link for l in wikilinks]}", reply=reply) else: return Result(ok=False, log=f"Got exceptions: {errored_pages}") def add_to_index(self, message): section = datetime.today().strftime("%y-%m-%d") self.insert_text(page=self.index_page, section=section, text=message)