from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional import argparse import discord from discord import Client, Intents, Embed, Message from wiki_postbot.creds import Discord_Creds, Mediawiki_Creds from wiki_postbot.patterns.wikilink import Wikilink from wiki_postbot.interfaces.mediawiki import Wiki from wiki_postbot.logger import init_logger from discord.ext import commands from discord import Emoji import pdb class DiscordClient(Client): def __init__( self, wiki:Wiki, intents=None, debug:bool=False, reply_channel:str="wikibot", log_dir:Path=Path('/var/log/wikibot'), **kwargs ): if intents is None: intents = Intents.default() intents.message_content = True = wiki if is None: raise RuntimeError("Wiki client is not logged in! Login before passing to discord client") self.debug = debug self.reply_channel_name = reply_channel self.reply_channel = None # type: Optional[discord.TextChannel] self.log_dir = Path(log_dir) # Try and make log directory, if we cant, it should fail. self.log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.logger = init_logger(name="discord_bot", basedir=self.log_dir) super(DiscordClient, self).__init__(intents=intents, **kwargs) async def get_channel(self, channel_name:str) -> discord.TextChannel: channel = discord.utils.get(self.get_all_channels(), name=channel_name) self.logger.debug(f"Got channel {channel}") return channel async def on_ready(self):'Logged on as {self.user}') self.reply_channel = await self.get_channel(self.reply_channel_name) async def on_disconnect(self): self.logger.debug(f"wikibot disconnected!") await self.reply_channel.send("Wikibot disconnected!") async def on_message(self, message:discord.message.Message): self.logger.debug(f"Received message: {message.content}\nFrom:{}") if == self.user: self.logger.debug("Not responding to self") return if 'good bot' in message.content: await message.add_reaction("❤️‍🔥") try: wl = Wikilink.parse(message.content) self.logger.debug(f"Parsed wikilinks: {wl}") if len(wl)>0: await self.handle_wikilink(message, wl) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Error parsing wikilink! got exception: ") async def handle_wikilink(self, message:discord.message.Message, wl:List[Wikilink]): log_msg = f"Wikilinks detected: \n" + '\n'.join([str(l) for l in wl]) if self.debug: await"Wikilinks detected: \n" + '\n'.join([str(l) for l in wl])) await message.add_reaction("⏳") try: result = ok = result.ok except Exception as e: # TODO: Log here! self.logger.exception(f"Exception handling discord message") result = None ok = False if ok: await message.remove_reaction("⏳", self.user) await message.add_reaction("✅") else: await message.remove_reaction("⏳", self.user) await message.add_reaction("❌") if result and result.reply: if self.reply_channel is None: self.logger.exception(f"Do not have channel to reply to!") else: await self.reply_channel.send(embed=Embed().add_field(name="WikiLinks", value=result.reply)) self.logger.debug('replied!') # TODO: Logging! # def add_links(self, links:Wikilink, msg:discord.message.Message): # if 'testing links' in message.content: # await"Links", value="there are [links](")) # #await message.edit(content=message.content, embed=Embed().add_field(name="Links", value="There are [links]( in here")) # #await"Bot is testing if it can [make links](") async def debug(ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context, arg): print('debug command') global DEBUG if arg == "on": DEBUG = True await ctx.message.add_reaction("🧪") elif arg == "off": DEBUG = False await ctx.message.add_reaction("🤐") else: await ctx.message.reply("usage: /debug off or /debug on") def argparser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="discord_bot", description="A discord bot for posting messages with wikilinks to an associated mediawiki wiki" ) parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default='/etc/wikibot/', type=Path, help="Directory that stores credential files and logs") parser.add_argument('-w', '--wiki', help="URL of wiki", type=str) return parser def main(): parser = argparser() args = parser.parse_args() directory = Path( log_dir = directory / "logs" discord_creds = Discord_Creds.from_json(directory / 'discord_creds.json') wiki_creds = Mediawiki_Creds.from_json(directory / 'mediawiki_creds.json') wiki = Wiki(, log_dir=log_dir, creds=wiki_creds) wiki.login(wiki_creds) client = DiscordClient(wiki=wiki, log_dir=log_dir)