""" Install a systemd service to run the discord bot """ import shutil from pathlib import Path from dataclasses import dataclass, field, asdict from wiki_postbot.clients.discord_client import argparser SERVICE_TEMPLATE = """ [Unit] Description=Discord Wikibot After=syslog.target After=network.target [Service] RestartSec=2s Type=simple User={user} Group={user} ExecStart={bot_script} --directory {directory} --wiki {wiki_url} Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ @dataclass class Service: wiki_url:str directory:Path=Path('/etc/wikibot') user:str='wikibot' bot_script:str=field(default_factory=lambda: shutil.which('discord_bot')) def install_service(self): # make directory and set permissions mode = 0o660 self.directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, mode=mode) (self.directory / 'logs').mkdir(exist_ok=True, mode=mode) for file in self.directory.glob('*.json'): shutil.chown( str(file), self.user, self.user ) file.chmod(mode) # make service file and write service = SERVICE_TEMPLATE.format( **asdict(self) ) try: with open('/etc/systemd/system/wikibot.service', 'w') as sfile: sfile.write(service) print('System file created, you should now enable it with \nsystemctl enable wikibot\nand start it with\nsystemctl start wikibot') except PermissionError: print('Could not write to system file, copy the following service file to /etc/systemd/system/wikibot.service') print(service) def main(): parser = argparser() args = parser.parse_args() service = Service(wiki_url=args.wiki, directory=args.directory) service.install_service()