import pdb from pprint import pformat import argparse from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Dict from threading import Event from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from wiki_postbot.clients.client import Client from wiki_postbot.creds import Mediawiki_Creds, Slack_Creds from wiki_postbot.interfaces.mediawiki import Wiki from wiki_postbot.patterns.wikilink import Wikilink from slack_sdk.web import WebClient from slack_sdk.socket_mode import SocketModeClient from slack_sdk.socket_mode.response import SocketModeResponse from slack_sdk.socket_mode.request import SocketModeRequest class SlackClient(Client): def __init__( self, creds: Slack_Creds, wiki:Wiki, name:str="wikibot_slack", reply_channel="wikibot", log_dir:Path = Path('/var/log/wikibot'), ): """Wikibot but for slack!""" super(SlackClient, self).__init__(wiki=wiki, name=name, log_dir=log_dir) self.creds = creds self._initialized = False self.web_client = None # type: Optional[WebClient] self.socket_client = None # type: Optional[SocketModeClient] self.reply_channel_name = reply_channel self._reply_channel = None self._channel_inverse = None # self.web_client, self.socket_client = self._init_client(self.creds) @property def reply_channel(self) -> Union[str, None]: if self._reply_channel is None: self.logger.debug(f"Getting channel named {self.reply_channel_name}") channels = self.web_client.conversations_list() channel = [c for c in channels['channels'] if c['name'] == self.reply_channel_name] # self.logger.debug(channel) if len(channel) == 1: self._reply_channel = channel[0]['id'] elif len(channel) > 1: self.logger.exception(f"Got too many channels to reply to!") self._reply_channel = None else: self.logger("Reply channel not found!") self._reply_channel = None return self._reply_channel @property def channel_inverse(self) -> Dict[str,str]: """Maps channel IDs to channel names""" if self._channel_inverse is None: self.logger.debug("Getting inverse channel map") channels = self.web_client.conversations_list() self._channel_inverse = {c['id']: c['name'] for c in channels['channels']} return self._channel_inverse def _init_client(self, creds: Slack_Creds) -> Tuple[WebClient, SocketModeClient]: web_client = WebClient(creds.bot_token) socket_client = SocketModeClient(app_token=creds.app_token, web_client=web_client) return web_client, socket_client def handle_event(self, client:SocketModeClient, req: SocketModeRequest): self.logger.debug(f"type: {req.type}, payload_type: {req.payload['type']}\n{pformat(req.payload)}") if req.type == "events_api": # acknowledge we got it so it don't get resent response = SocketModeResponse(envelope_id=req.envelope_id) client.send_socket_mode_response(response) else: self.logger.debug(f'Unhandled event type: {req.type}') return if req.type == "events_api" and \ req.payload['type'] == 'event_callback' and \ req.payload['event'].get('type', False) == 'message': # Handle messages self.logger.debug(f"Handling message") message_text = req.payload['event']['text'] if 'good bot' in message_text.lower(): self.good_bot(client, req) try: wl = self.parse_wikilinks(message_text) if len(wl) > 0: self.logger.debug(f"Parsed wikilinks: {wl}") self.handle_wikilinks(req, wl, client) else: self.logger.debug("No wikilinks found") except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error parsing wikilinks! got exception...") else: self.logger.debug(f"Was event, but not a message. Payload type: {req.payload['type']}, Event type: {req.payload.get('event', {}).get('type', 'unknown')}") return # pdb.set_trace() # if def parse_wikilinks(self, message) -> List[Wikilink]: wikilinks = Wikilink.parse(message) return wikilinks def handle_wikilinks(self, message, wl: List[Wikilink], client:SocketModeClient): self.react('hourglass', client, message) try: # expand fields in message channel_id = message.payload['event']['channel'] channel_name = self.channel_inverse[channel_id] msg = SlackMessage( content = message.payload['event']['text'], user_id = message.payload['event']['user'], channel_id=channel_id, channel = channel_name, timestamp = message.payload['event']['ts'] ) msg.complete(client.web_client) self.logger.debug(f"Posting message:\n{msg}") result = ok = result.ok except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error handling slack message") result = None ok = False self.react('hourglass', client, message, remove=True) if ok: self.react('white_check_mark', client, message) else: self.react('x', client, message) if result and result.reply: if self.reply_channel is None: self.logger.exception(f"Do not have channel to reply to!") else: # await self.reply_channel.send(embed=Embed().add_field(name="WikiLinks", value=result.reply)) self.logger.debug('TODO: should reply here!') def good_bot(self, client:SocketModeClient, req: SocketModeRequest):'Got told we are a good bot ^_^') self.react('heart', client, req) self.react('heavy_plus_sign', client, req) self.react('fire', client, req) self.react('heavy_equals_sign', client, req) self.react('heart_on_fire', client, req) def react(self, emoji:str, client:SocketModeClient, req: SocketModeRequest, remove:bool=False): if remove: client.web_client.reactions_remove( name=emoji, channel=req.payload["event"]["channel"], timestamp=req.payload["event"]["ts"], ) else: client.web_client.reactions_add( name=emoji, channel=req.payload["event"]["channel"], timestamp=req.payload["event"]["ts"], ) def run(self, creds: Optional[Slack_Creds] = None): if creds is None: creds = self.creds else: self.creds = creds self.web_client, self.socket_client = self._init_client(creds) self.socket_client.socket_mode_request_listeners.append(self.handle_event) self.logger.debug("Connecting...") self.socket_client.connect() self.logger.debug(f"Got Reply Channel ID {self.reply_channel} for {self.reply_channel_name}") try:"Slack Client Listening") Event().wait() except KeyboardInterrupt:"Quitting Slack client!") @dataclass class SlackMessage: content: str # the actual content of the message user_id: str channel_id: str channel: str # currently expected to be passed at instantiation because the client keeps a reverse index. bad information hiding i know. timestamp: str """The unix epoch string timestamp stored as a slack event's ts attribute""" # these need to be filled in after instantiation by passing a webclient to the completion methods avatar: str = '' # URL of image permalink: str = '' author:str = '' # display name _complete:bool=False def get_permalink(self, client: WebClient): permalink = client.chat_getPermalink(channel=self.channel_id, message_ts=self.timestamp) self.permalink = permalink['permalink'] def get_user(self, client:WebClient): user_info = client.users_info(user=self.user_id) self.avatar = user_info['user']['profile']['image_192'] = user_info['user']['profile']['display_name'] def complete(self, client:WebClient): self.get_permalink(client) self.get_user(client) self._complete = True @property def date_sent(self) -> datetime: return datetime.fromtimestamp(float(self.timestamp)) def argparser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="slack_bot", description="A slack bot for posting messages with wikilinks to an associated mediawiki wiki" ) parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default='/etc/wikibot/', type=Path, help="Directory that stores credential files and logs") parser.add_argument('-w', '--wiki', help="URL of wiki", type=str) return parser def main(): parser = argparser() args = parser.parse_args() directory = Path( log_dir = directory / "logs" slack_creds = Slack_Creds.from_json(directory / 'slack_creds.json') wiki_creds = Mediawiki_Creds.from_json(directory / 'mediawiki_creds.json') wiki = Wiki(, log_dir=log_dir, creds=wiki_creds) wiki.login(wiki_creds) client = SlackClient(creds=slack_creds, wiki=wiki, log_dir=log_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()