


What things do we build and in what order?


Phase 1: Format Sandbox#



  • Experimenting with needs for format translation

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  • Encoding of triple graphs + hashed binary files

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In this phase we are using NWB as a naturalistic development case of a complex format with an idiosyncratic implementation (ie. written in its own schema language, with its own I/O API, etc.)


See nwb-linkml


Phase 2: Simple Transfer#



  • Simplest possible peer model: self-sharing between devices owned by peer

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  • Share, query, and download data

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A peer has a public identity that is represented by one or multiple machines that host the graphs associated with that identity. Each graph has some collection of triples which are identified relative to the IRI of the parent graph. A triple can refer to a binary file that is not stored in the graph itself by its hash, encoding, and other metadata needed to use the file. The (semantic) metadata that describes that binary file can point to it without needing to encode arrays/etc. in RDF-like graphs.

+ --- +config: + er: + layoutDirection: LR +--- +erDiagram + PEER { + string private_key + } + PEER ||--|{ IDENTITY : knownAs + IDENTITY { + string private_key + string public_key + string preferredName + } + IDENTITY ||--|{ GRAPH : hasFeed + IDENTITY }o--o{ IDENTITY : peerList + IDENTITY }|--|{ MACHINE : represents + MACHINE { + graph mirrorRules + } + MACHINE }|--o{ GRAPH: stores + + GRAPH { + IRI id + string name + capability read + capability write + } + GRAPH }|--|{ TRIPLE : contains + TRIPLE { + IRI relative_id + string subject + string predicate + string object + } + TRIPLE ||--o{ BINARY : indicates + BINARY { + string encoding + string hash + graph metadata + + } +

The MVP for simple transfer is to have a single peer be able to transfer subgraphs and binary files between multiple machines keyed to their public identity.


Phase 3: Schema Manipulation#



  • Make custom schema

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  • Declare and resolve sameness relations

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  • Dataset versioning

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Phase 4: Peer Federation#



  • Ontology for determining access

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  • Pinning and mirroring

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Phase 5: External Resources#



  • Treat external resources as peers

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  • HTTP, S3 mirroring

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Phase 6: Discoverability#



  • Use external sources of identity to connect to peer

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  • Bootstrap servers

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