Linked Data Platform#
We extend the notion of LDP containers!
Containment Triples
Membership Triples
Direct Containers
@prefix dcterms: <>.
@prefix ldp: <>.
a ldp:BasicContainer;
dcterms:title "A very simple container";
ldp:contains <r1>, <r2>, <r3>.
Indirect Containers - a way of interacting with existing data
@prefix ldp: <>.
@prefix o: <>.
a o:NetWorth;
o:netWorthOf <>;
we can make direct containers that describe the assets and liabilities as containers without modifying the original data
@prefix ldp: <>.
@prefix dcterms: <>.
@prefix o: <>.
a ldp:DirectContainer;
dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
ldp:membershipResource <>;
ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
ldp:contains <a1>, <a2>.
Additionally, if one were to add a new set of “advisors,” we would make an indirect container that tells us we need an additional triple when creating new members of the container (foaf:primaryTopic
a ldp:IndirectContainer;
dcterms:title "The asset advisors of JohnZSmith";
ldp:membershipResource <>;
ldp:hasMemberRelation o:advisor;
ldp:insertedContentRelation foaf:primaryTopic;
<advisors/bob>, # URI of a document a.k.a. an information resource
<advisors/marsha>. # describing a person
(still unclear to me what is different about that, still reading.)
Completed Request |
Membership Effect |
Containment Effect |
Create in Basic Container |
New triple: (LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) |
Same |
Create in Direct Container |
New triple links LDP-RS to created LDPR. LDP-RS URI may be same as LDP-DC |
New triple: (LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) |
Create in Indirect Container |
New triple links LDP-RS to content indicated URI |
New triple: (LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) |
Resource deleted |
Membership triple may be removed |
(LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) triple is removed |
Container deleted |
Triples and member resources may be removed |
Triples of form (LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) and contained LDPRs may be removed |
Separation between container data and metadata - “minimal-container triples,” what remains in the container when the container has zero members and zero contained resources
Containers are not recursive??or at least that is suggested by the ‘net worth’ example that explains why we can’t just turn the original subject into a container: “can’t mix assets and liabilities” and i am like why not make one container for the person and then subcontainers for each of the types?
Use cases and requirements:
eg. using virtuoso.