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ones\u201d": [[4, "the-big-ones"]], "\u201cThe research ones\u201d": [[4, "the-research-ones"]], "Social": [[4, "social"], [20, "social"]], "Semweb/LD": [[4, "semweb-ld"]], "To be categorized": [[4, "to-be-categorized"]], "Points of comparison": [[4, "points-of-comparison"]], "Data Structures": [[5, "data-structures"]], "Containers": [[5, "containers"]], "Triplets": [[5, "triplets"]], "Schema": [[5, "schema"]], "Codecs": [[5, "codecs"]], "Versioning": [[5, "versioning"]], "Definitions": [[6, "definitions"]], "Discovery": [[7, "discovery"]], "Encryption": [[8, "encryption"]], "Evolvability": [[9, "evolvability"]], "Federation": [[10, "federation"]], "Sharding": [[10, "sharding"], [16, "sharding"]], "Moderation": [[10, "moderation"]], "Identity": [[11, "identity"]], "Instances": [[11, "instances"]], "Aliases": [[11, "aliases"]], "Succession": [[11, "succession"]], "Beacons": [[11, "beacons"]], "Welcome to p2p-ld\u2019s documentation!": [[12, "welcome-to-p2p-ld-s-documentation"]], "Indices and tables": [[12, "indices-and-tables"]], "Out of Scope": [[13, "out-of-scope"]], "Implementation": [[13, "implementation"]], "Overview": [[14, "overview"]], "Background": [[14, "background"]], "Use": [[14, "use"]], "Roadmap": [[14, "roadmap"]], "P2P Concepts": [[15, "p2p-concepts"]], "Protocol": [[16, "protocol"]], "Connection": [[16, "connection"]], "Requests": [[16, "requests"]], "Backlinks": [[16, "backlinks"]], "Querying": [[17, "querying"]], "Syntax": [[17, "syntax"]], "Location": [[17, "location"]], "Version": [[17, "version"]], "Query Fragments": [[17, "query-fragments"]], "References": [[18, "references"]], "Sketchpad": [[19, "sketchpad"]], "System Diagram": [[19, "system-diagram"]], "Graph Data Model": [[19, "graph-data-model"]], "Vocabulary": [[20, "vocabulary"]], "Imports": [[20, "imports"]], "Container": [[20, "container"]]}, "indexentries": {}})