# Interfaces Interfaces are the bridge between the abstract {class}`~numpydantic.NDArray` specification and concrete array libraries. They are subclasses of the abstract {class}`.Interface` class. They contain methods for coercion, validation, serialization, and any other implementation-specific functionality. ## Discovery Interfaces are discovered through the {meth}`.Interface.interfaces` method - returning all subclasses of `Interface`. To use a custom interface, it just needs to be defined/imported by the time you intend to use it when instantiating a pydantic model. Each interface implements a {meth}`.Interface.enabled` method that determines whether that interface can be used. Typically that means checking if its dependencies are present in the environment, but can also control conditional use. ## Matching When a pydantic model is instantiated and an `NDArray` is to be validated, {meth}`.Interface.match` first, uh, finds the matching interface. Each interface must define a {meth}`.Interface.check` class that accepts the array to be validated and returns whether it can be used. Interfaces can have any `check`ing logic they want, and so can eg. determine if a path is a particular type of file, but should return quickly and do little work since they are called frequently. Validation fails if an argument doesn't match any interface. ```{note} The {class}`.NumpyInterface` is special cased and is only checked if no other interface matches. It attempts to cast the input argument to a {class}`numpy.ndarray` to see if it is arraylike, and since many lazy-loaded array libraries will attempt to load the whole array into memory when cast to an `ndarray`, we only try as a last resort. ``` ## Validation Validation is a chain of lifecycle methods, each of which can be overridden for interfaces to implement custom behavior that matches the array format. {meth}`.Interface.validate` calls the following methods, in order: An initial hook for modifying the input data before validation, eg. if it needs to be coerced or wrapped in some proxy class. This method should accept all and only the types specified in that interface's {attr}`~.Interface.input_types`. - {meth}`.Interface.before_validation` A cluster of methods for validating dtype. Separating these methods allow for array formats that store dtype information in a nonstandard attribute, require additional coercion, or for implementing custom exception handlers or rescuers. Check the method signatures and return types when overriding and the docstrings for details. - {meth}`.Interface.get_dtype` - {meth}`.Interface.validate_dtype` - {meth}`.Interface.raise_for_dtype` A halftime hook for modifying the array or bailing early between validation phases. - {meth}`.Interface.after_validate_dtype` A cluster of methods for validating shape, similar to the dtype cluster. - {meth}`.Interface.get_shape` - {meth}`.Interface.validate_shape` - {meth}`.Interface.raise_for_shape` A final hook for modifying the array before passing it to be assigned to the field. This method should return an object matching the interface's {attr}`~.Interface.return_type`. - {meth}`.Interface.after_validation` ## Diagram ```{todo} Sorry this is unreadable, need to recall how to change the theme for generated mermaid diagrams but it is very late and i want to push this. ``` ```{mermaid} flowchart LR classDef data fill:#2b8cee,color:#ffffff; classDef X fill:transparent,border:none,color:#ff0000; input subgraph Interface match end subgraph Numpy numpy_check["check"] end subgraph Dask direction TB dask_check["check"] subgraph Validation direction TB before_validation --> validate_dtype validate_dtype --> validate_shape validate_shape --> after_validation end dask_check --> Validation end subgraph Zarr zarr_check["check"] end subgraph Model output end zarr_x["X"] numpy_x["X"] input --> match match --> numpy_check match --> zarr_check match --> Dask zarr_check --> zarr_x numpy_check --> numpy_x Validation --> Model class input data class output data class zarr_x X class numpy_x X ```