# Changelog ## 1.* ### 1.4.0 - 24-09-02 - HDF5 Compound Dtype Support HDF5 can have compound dtypes like: ```python import numpy as np import h5py dtype = np.dtype([("data", "i8"), ("extra", "f8")]) data = np.zeros((10, 20), dtype=dtype) with h5py.File('mydata.h5', "w") as h5f: dset = h5f.create_dataset("/dataset", data=data) ``` ```python >>> dset[0:1] array([[(0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.), (0, 0.)]], dtype=[('data', '>> my_model.data[0,0] 0 >>> my_model.data.dtype np.dtype('int64') ``` ### 1.3.3 - 24-08-13 - Callable type annotations Problem, when you use a numpydantic `"wrap"` validator, it gives the annotation as a `handler` function. So this is effectively what happens ```python @field_validator("*", mode="wrap") @classmethod def cast_specified_columns( cls, val: Any, handler: ValidatorFunctionWrapHandler, info: ValidationInfo ) -> Any: # where handler is the callable here # so # return handler(val) return NDArray[Any, Any](val) ``` where `Any, Any` is whatever you had put in there. So this makes it so you can use an annotation as a functional validator. it looks a little bit whacky but idk it makes sense as a PARAMETERIZED TYPE ```python >>> from numpydantic import NDArray, Shape >>> import numpy as np >>> array = np.array([1,2,3], dtype=int) >>> validated = NDArray[Shape["3"], int](array) >>> assert validated is array True >>> bad_array = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype=int) >>> _ = NDArray[Shape["3"], int](bad_array) 175 """ 176 Raise a ShapeError if the shape is invalid. 177 178 Raises: 179 :class:`~numpydantic.exceptions.ShapeError` 180 """ 181 if not valid: --> 182 raise ShapeError( 183 f"Invalid shape! expected shape {self.shape.prepared_args}, " 184 f"got shape {shape}" 185 ) ShapeError: Invalid shape! expected shape ['3'], got shape (4,) ``` **Performance:** - Don't import the pandas module if we don't have to, since we are not using it. This shaves ~600ms off import time. ### 1.3.2 - 24-08-12 - Allow subclasses of dtypes (also when using objects for dtypes, subclasses of that object are allowed to validate) ### 1.3.1 - 24-08-12 - Allow arbitrary dtypes, pydantic models as dtypes Previously we would only allow dtypes if we knew for sure that there was some python base type to generate a schema with. That seems overly restrictive, so relax the requirements to allow any type to be a dtype. If there are problems with serialization (we assume there will) or handling the object in a given array framework, we leave that up to the person who declared the model to handle :). Let people break things and have fun! Also support the ability to use a pydantic model as the inner type, which works as expected because pydantic already knows how to generate a schema from its own models. Only one substantial change, and that is a `get_object_dtype` method which interfaces can override if there is some fancy way they have of getting types/items from an object array. ### 1.3.0 - 24-08-05 - Better string dtype handling API Changes: - Split apart the validation methods into smaller chunks to better support overrides by interfaces. Customize getting and raising errors for dtype and shape, as well as separation of concerns between getting, validating, and raising. Bugfix: - [#4](https://github.com/p2p-ld/numpydantic/issues/4) - Support dtype checking for strings in zarr and numpy arrays ### 1.2.3 - 24-07-31 - Vendor `nptyping` `nptyping` vendored into `numpydantic.vendor.nptyping` - `nptyping` is no longer maintained, and pins `numpy<2`. It also has many obnoxious warnings and we have to monkeypatch it so it performs halfway decently. Since we are en-route to deprecating usage of `nptyping` anyway, in the meantime we have just vendored it in (it is MIT licensed, included) so that we can make those changes ourselves and have to patch less of it. Currently the whole package is vendored with modifications, but will be whittled away until we have replaced it with updated type specification system :) Bugfix: - [#2](https://github.com/p2p-ld/numpydantic/issues/2) - Support `numpy>=2` - Remove deprecated numpy dtypes CI: - Add windows and mac tests - Add testing with numpy>=2 and <2 DevOps: - Make a tox file for local testing, not used in CI. Tidying: - Remove `monkeypatch` module! we don't need it anymore! everything has either been upstreamed or vendored. ### 1.2.2 - 24-07-31 Add `datetime` map to numpy's :class:`numpy.datetime64` type ### 1.2.1 - 24-06-27 Fix a minor bug where {class}`~numpydantic.exceptions.DtypeError` would not cause pydantic to throw a {class}`pydantic.ValidationError` because custom validator functions need to raise either `AssertionError` or `ValueError` - made `DtypeError` also inherit from `ValueError` because that is also technically true. ### 1.2.0 - 24-06-13 - Shape ranges - Add ability to specify shapes as ranges - see [shape ranges](shape-ranges) ### 1.1.0 - 24-05-24 - Instance Checking https://github.com/p2p-ld/numpydantic/pull/1 Features: - Add `__instancecheck__` method to NDArrayMeta to support `isinstance()` validation - Add finer grained errors and parent classes for validation exceptions - Add fast matching mode to {meth}`.Interface.match` that returns the first match without checking for duplicate matches Bugfix: - get all interface classes recursively, instead of just first-layer children - fix stubfile generation which badly handled `typing` imports.