""" Needs to be refactored to DRY, but works for now """ import pdb import numpy as np import pytest from pathlib import Path import cv2 from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError from numpydantic import NDArray, Shape from numpydantic import dtype as dt from numpydantic.interface.video import VideoProxy @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def avi_video(tmp_path): video_path = tmp_path / "test.avi" def _make_video(shape=(100, 50), frames=10, is_color=True) -> Path: writer = cv2.VideoWriter( str(video_path), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"RGBA"), # raw video for testing purposes 30, (shape[1], shape[0]), is_color, ) if is_color: shape = (*shape, 3) for i in range(frames): # make fresh array every time bc opencv eats them array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8) if not is_color: array[i, i] = i else: array[i, i, :] = i writer.write(array) writer.release() return video_path yield _make_video video_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) def test_video_validation(avi_video): """Color videos should validate for normal uint8 shape specs""" shape = (100, 50) vid = avi_video(shape=shape, is_color=True) shape_str = f"*, {shape[0]}, {shape[1]}, 3" class MyModel(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape[shape_str], dt.UInt8] # should correctly validate :) instance = MyModel(array=vid) assert isinstance(instance.array, VideoProxy) def test_video_from_videocapture(avi_video): """Should be able to pass an opened videocapture object""" shape = (100, 50) vid = avi_video(shape=shape, is_color=True) shape_str = f"*, {shape[0]}, {shape[1]}, 3" class MyModel(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape[shape_str], dt.UInt8] # should still correctly validate! opened_vid = cv2.VideoCapture(str(vid)) try: instance = MyModel(array=opened_vid) assert isinstance(instance.array, VideoProxy) finally: opened_vid.release() def test_video_wrong_shape(avi_video): shape = (100, 50) # generate video with purposely wrong shape vid = avi_video(shape=(shape[0] + 10, shape[1] + 10), is_color=True) shape_str = f"*, {shape[0]}, {shape[1]}, 3" class MyModel(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape[shape_str], dt.UInt8] # should correctly validate :) with pytest.raises(ValidationError): instance = MyModel(array=vid) def test_video_getitem(avi_video): """ Should be able to get individual frames and slices as if it were a normal array """ shape = (100, 50) vid = avi_video(shape=shape, frames=10, is_color=True) shape_str = f"*, {shape[0]}, {shape[1]}, 3" class MyModel(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape[shape_str], dt.UInt8] instance = MyModel(array=vid) fifth_frame = instance.array[5] # the first frame should have 1's in the 1,1 position assert (fifth_frame[5, 5, :] == [5, 5, 5]).all() # and nothing in the 6th position assert (fifth_frame[6, 6, :] == [0, 0, 0]).all() # slicing should also work as if it were just a numpy array single_slice = instance.array[3, 0:10, 0:5] assert single_slice[3, 3, 0] == 3 assert single_slice[4, 4, 0] == 0 assert single_slice.shape == (10, 5, 3) # also get a range of frames # full range range_slice = instance.array[3:5, 0:10, 0:5] assert range_slice.shape == (2, 10, 5, 3) assert range_slice[0, 3, 3, 0] == 3 assert range_slice[0, 4, 4, 0] == 0 # starting range range_slice = instance.array[6:, 0:10, 0:10] assert range_slice.shape == (4, 10, 10, 3) assert range_slice[-1, 9, 9, 0] == 9 assert range_slice[-2, 9, 9, 0] == 0 # ending range range_slice = instance.array[:3, 0:5, 0:5] assert range_slice.shape == (3, 5, 5, 3) # stepped range range_slice = instance.array[0:5:2, 0:6, 0:6] # second slice should be the second frame (instead of the first) assert range_slice.shape == (3, 6, 6, 3) assert range_slice[1, 2, 2, 0] == 2 assert range_slice[1, 3, 3, 0] == 0 # and the third should be the fourth (instead of the second) assert range_slice[2, 4, 4, 0] == 4 assert range_slice[2, 5, 5, 0] == 0 with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): # shouldn't be allowed to set instance.array[5] = 10 def test_video_attrs(avi_video): """Should be able to access opencv properties""" shape = (100, 50) vid = avi_video(shape=shape, is_color=True) shape_str = f"*, {shape[0]}, {shape[1]}, 3" class MyModel(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape[shape_str], dt.UInt8] instance = MyModel(array=vid) instance.array.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 5) assert int(instance.array.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)) == 5 def test_video_close(avi_video): """Should close and reopen video file if needed""" shape = (100, 50) vid = avi_video(shape=shape, is_color=True) shape_str = f"*, {shape[0]}, {shape[1]}, 3" class MyModel(BaseModel): array: NDArray[Shape[shape_str], dt.UInt8] instance = MyModel(array=vid) assert isinstance(instance.array.video, cv2.VideoCapture) # closes releases and removed reference instance.array.close() assert instance.array._video is None # reopen assert isinstance(instance.array.video, cv2.VideoCapture)