
112 lines
2.6 KiB

name = "numpydantic"
version = "0.0.0"
description = "Type and shape validation and serialization for numpy arrays in pydantic models"
authors = ["sneakers-the-rat <>"]
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
python = "^3.11"
pydantic = ">=2.3.0"
nptyping = ">=2.5.0"
blosc2 = "^2.5.1"
dask = { version=">=2024.1.1", extras=["array"]}
h5py = ">=3.10.0"
pytest = { version=">=7.4.0", optional = true}
pytest-depends = {version="^1.0.1", optional = true}
coverage = {version = ">=6.1.1", optional = true}
pytest-cov = {version = "^4.1.0", optional = true}
coveralls = {version = "^3.3.1", optional = true}
sphinx = {version = "^7.2.6", optional = true}
furo = {version = ">=2024.1.29", optional = true}
myst-parser = {version = "^2.0.0", optional = true}
autodoc-pydantic = {version = "^2.0.1", optional = true}
sphinx-autobuild = {version = ">=2021.3.14", optional = true}
sphinx-design = {version = "^0.5.0", optional = true}
black = {version = "^24.1.1", optional = true}
ruff = {version = "^0.2.0", optional = true}
linkml = {version = "^1.6.10", optional = true}
linkml-runtime = {version = "^1.6.3", optional = true}
#proxy = [
# "dask", "h5py"
linkml = [
"linkml", "linkml-runtime"
tests = [
"pytest", "pytest-depends", "coverage", "pytest-cov", "coveralls"
docs = [
"sphinx", "furo", "myst-parser", "autodoc-pydantic", "sphinx-design"
dev = [
"sphinx-autobuild", "black", "ruff",
# proxy
# "dask", "h5py",
# linkml
"linkml", "linkml-runtime",
# tests
"pytest", "pytest-depends", "coverage", "pytest-cov", "coveralls",
# docs
"sphinx", "furo", "myst-parser", "autodoc-pydantic", "sphinx-design"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
addopts = [
testpaths = [
target-version = "py311"
include = ["numpydantic/**/*.py", "pyproject.toml"]
exclude = ["tests"]
select = [
# pycodestyle
# Pyflakes
# pyupgrade
# flake8-bugbear
# flake8-simplify
# isort
# annotations
## ----------
# pydocstyle
# undocumented public objects
"D100", "D101", "D102", "D103", "D104", "D106", "D107",
# indentation
"D207", "D208",
# whitespace
"D210", "D211",
# emptiness
ignore = [
"ANN101", "ANN102", "UP007"
fixable = ["ALL"]
plugins = [