
144 lines
4.2 KiB

import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from warnings import warn
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import zarr
from numpydantic.interface.hdf5 import H5ArrayPath
from numpydantic.interface.zarr import ZarrArrayPath
from numpydantic import NDArray, Shape
from numpydantic.maps import python_to_nptyping
from numpydantic.dtype import Number
def tmp_output_dir(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Path:
path = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "__tmp__"
if path.exists():
yield path
if not request.config.getvalue("--with-output"):
except PermissionError as e:
# sporadic error on windows machines...
f"Temporary directory could not be removed due to a permissions error: \n{str(e)}"
def tmp_output_dir_func(tmp_output_dir, request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Path:
tmp output dir that gets cleared between every function
cleans at the start rather than at cleanup in case the output is to be inspected
subpath = tmp_output_dir / f"__tmpfunc_{}__"
if subpath.exists():
return subpath
def tmp_output_dir_mod(tmp_output_dir, request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Path:
tmp output dir that gets cleared between every function
cleans at the start rather than at cleanup in case the output is to be inspected
subpath = tmp_output_dir / f"__tmpmod_{request.module}__"
if subpath.exists():
return subpath
def array_model() -> (
Callable[[Tuple[int, ...], Union[Type, np.dtype]], Type[BaseModel]]
def _model(
shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (10, 10), dtype: Union[Type, np.dtype] = float
) -> Type[BaseModel]:
shape_str = ", ".join([str(s) for s in shape])
class MyModel(BaseModel):
array: NDArray[Shape[shape_str], dtype]
return MyModel
return _model
def model_rgb() -> Type[BaseModel]:
class RGB(BaseModel):
array: Optional[
NDArray[Shape["* x, * y"], Number],
NDArray[Shape["* x, * y, 3 r_g_b"], Number],
NDArray[Shape["* x, * y, 3 r_g_b, 4 r_g_b_a"], Number],
] = Field(None)
return RGB
def model_blank() -> Type[BaseModel]:
"""A model with any shape and dtype"""
class BlankModel(BaseModel):
array: NDArray[Shape["*, ..."], Any]
return BlankModel
def hdf5_file(tmp_output_dir_func) -> h5py.File:
h5f_file = tmp_output_dir_func / "h5f.h5"
h5f = h5py.File(h5f_file, "w")
yield h5f
def hdf5_array(
hdf5_file, request
) -> Callable[[Tuple[int, ...], Union[np.dtype, type]], H5ArrayPath]:
def _hdf5_array(
shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (10, 10), dtype: Union[np.dtype, type] = float
) -> H5ArrayPath:
array_path = "/" + "_".join([str(s) for s in shape]) + "__" + dtype.__name__
data = np.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
_ = hdf5_file.create_dataset(array_path, data=data)
return H5ArrayPath(Path(hdf5_file.filename), array_path)
return _hdf5_array
def zarr_nested_array(tmp_output_dir_func) -> ZarrArrayPath:
"""Zarr array within a nested array"""
file = tmp_output_dir_func / "nested.zarr"
path = "a/b/c"
root =, mode="w")
array = root.zeros(path, shape=(100, 100), chunks=(10, 10))
return ZarrArrayPath(file=file, path=path)
def zarr_array(tmp_output_dir_func) -> Path:
file = tmp_output_dir_func / "array.zarr"
array =, mode="w", shape=(100, 100), chunks=(10, 10))
array[:] = 0
return file