sneakers-the-rat 1187b37b2d
hoo boy. working combinatoric testing.
Split out annotation dtype and shape, swap out all interface tests, fix numpy and dask model casting, make merging models more efficient, correctly parameterize and mark tests!
2024-10-10 23:56:45 -07:00

47 lines
1.1 KiB

import json
import dask.array as da
import pytest
from numpydantic.interface import DaskInterface
from numpydantic.testing.interfaces import DaskCase
pytestmark = pytest.mark.dask
def test_dask_enabled():
We need dask to be available to run these tests :)
assert DaskInterface.enabled()
def test_dask_check(interface_cases, tmp_output_dir_func):
array = interface_cases.make_array(path=tmp_output_dir_func)
if interface_cases.interface is DaskInterface:
assert DaskInterface.check(array)
assert not DaskInterface.check(array)
def test_dask_shape(shape_cases):
shape_cases.interface = DaskCase
def test_dask_dtype(dtype_cases):
dtype_cases.interface = DaskCase
def test_dask_to_json(array_model):
array_list = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
array = da.array(array_list)
model = array_model((3, 3), int)
instance = model(array=array)
jsonified = json.loads(instance.model_dump_json())
assert jsonified["array"] == array_list