gain:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Gain of the recording, in units Volt/Amp (v-clamp) or Volt/Volt (c-clamp).""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of the time series.""")
comments:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Human-readable comments about the TimeSeries. This second descriptive field can be used to store additional information, or descriptive information if the primary description field is populated with a computer-readable string.""")
starting_time:Optional[TimeSeriesStartingTime]=Field(None,description="""Timestamp of the first sample in seconds. When timestamps are uniformly spaced, the timestamp of the first sample can be specified and all subsequent ones calculated from the sampling rate attribute.""")
timestamps:Optional[List[float]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Timestamps for samples stored in data, in seconds, relative to the common experiment master-clock stored in NWBFile.timestamps_reference_time.""")
control:Optional[List[int]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Numerical labels that apply to each time point in data for the purpose of querying and slicing data by these values. If present, the length of this array should be the same size as the first dimension of data.""")
control_description:Optional[List[str]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Description of each control value. Must be present if control is present. If present, control_description[0] should describe time points where control == 0.""")
sync:Optional[TimeSeriesSync]=Field(None,description="""Lab-specific time and sync information as provided directly from hardware devices and that is necessary for aligning all acquired time information to a common timebase. The timestamp array stores time in the common timebase. This group will usually only be populated in TimeSeries that are stored external to the NWB file, in files storing raw data. Once timestamp data is calculated, the contents of 'sync' are mostly for archival purposes.""")
bias_current:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Bias current, in amps.""")
bridge_balance:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Bridge balance, in ohms.""")
capacitance_compensation:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Capacitance compensation, in farads.""")
stimulus_description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Protocol/stimulus name for this patch-clamp dataset.""")
sweep_number:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""Sweep number, allows to group different PatchClampSeries together.""")
gain:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Gain of the recording, in units Volt/Amp (v-clamp) or Volt/Volt (c-clamp).""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of the time series.""")
comments:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Human-readable comments about the TimeSeries. This second descriptive field can be used to store additional information, or descriptive information if the primary description field is populated with a computer-readable string.""")
starting_time:Optional[TimeSeriesStartingTime]=Field(None,description="""Timestamp of the first sample in seconds. When timestamps are uniformly spaced, the timestamp of the first sample can be specified and all subsequent ones calculated from the sampling rate attribute.""")
timestamps:Optional[List[float]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Timestamps for samples stored in data, in seconds, relative to the common experiment master-clock stored in NWBFile.timestamps_reference_time.""")
control:Optional[List[int]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Numerical labels that apply to each time point in data for the purpose of querying and slicing data by these values. If present, the length of this array should be the same size as the first dimension of data.""")
control_description:Optional[List[str]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Description of each control value. Must be present if control is present. If present, control_description[0] should describe time points where control == 0.""")
sync:Optional[TimeSeriesSync]=Field(None,description="""Lab-specific time and sync information as provided directly from hardware devices and that is necessary for aligning all acquired time information to a common timebase. The timestamp array stores time in the common timebase. This group will usually only be populated in TimeSeries that are stored external to the NWB file, in files storing raw data. Once timestamp data is calculated, the contents of 'sync' are mostly for archival purposes.""")
stimulus_description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IZeroClampSeries has no stimulus, so this attribute is automatically set to \"N/A\"""")
bias_current:float=Field(...,description="""Bias current, in amps, fixed to 0.0.""")
bridge_balance:float=Field(...,description="""Bridge balance, in ohms, fixed to 0.0.""")
capacitance_compensation:float=Field(...,description="""Capacitance compensation, in farads, fixed to 0.0.""")
sweep_number:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""Sweep number, allows to group different PatchClampSeries together.""")
gain:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Gain of the recording, in units Volt/Amp (v-clamp) or Volt/Volt (c-clamp).""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of the time series.""")
comments:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Human-readable comments about the TimeSeries. This second descriptive field can be used to store additional information, or descriptive information if the primary description field is populated with a computer-readable string.""")
starting_time:Optional[TimeSeriesStartingTime]=Field(None,description="""Timestamp of the first sample in seconds. When timestamps are uniformly spaced, the timestamp of the first sample can be specified and all subsequent ones calculated from the sampling rate attribute.""")
timestamps:Optional[List[float]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Timestamps for samples stored in data, in seconds, relative to the common experiment master-clock stored in NWBFile.timestamps_reference_time.""")
control:Optional[List[int]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Numerical labels that apply to each time point in data for the purpose of querying and slicing data by these values. If present, the length of this array should be the same size as the first dimension of data.""")
control_description:Optional[List[str]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Description of each control value. Must be present if control is present. If present, control_description[0] should describe time points where control == 0.""")
sync:Optional[TimeSeriesSync]=Field(None,description="""Lab-specific time and sync information as provided directly from hardware devices and that is necessary for aligning all acquired time information to a common timebase. The timestamp array stores time in the common timebase. This group will usually only be populated in TimeSeries that are stored external to the NWB file, in files storing raw data. Once timestamp data is calculated, the contents of 'sync' are mostly for archival purposes.""")
data:CurrentClampStimulusSeriesData=Field(...,description="""Stimulus current applied.""")
stimulus_description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Protocol/stimulus name for this patch-clamp dataset.""")
sweep_number:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""Sweep number, allows to group different PatchClampSeries together.""")
gain:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Gain of the recording, in units Volt/Amp (v-clamp) or Volt/Volt (c-clamp).""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of the time series.""")
comments:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Human-readable comments about the TimeSeries. This second descriptive field can be used to store additional information, or descriptive information if the primary description field is populated with a computer-readable string.""")
starting_time:Optional[TimeSeriesStartingTime]=Field(None,description="""Timestamp of the first sample in seconds. When timestamps are uniformly spaced, the timestamp of the first sample can be specified and all subsequent ones calculated from the sampling rate attribute.""")
timestamps:Optional[List[float]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Timestamps for samples stored in data, in seconds, relative to the common experiment master-clock stored in NWBFile.timestamps_reference_time.""")
control:Optional[List[int]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Numerical labels that apply to each time point in data for the purpose of querying and slicing data by these values. If present, the length of this array should be the same size as the first dimension of data.""")
control_description:Optional[List[str]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Description of each control value. Must be present if control is present. If present, control_description[0] should describe time points where control == 0.""")
sync:Optional[TimeSeriesSync]=Field(None,description="""Lab-specific time and sync information as provided directly from hardware devices and that is necessary for aligning all acquired time information to a common timebase. The timestamp array stores time in the common timebase. This group will usually only be populated in TimeSeries that are stored external to the NWB file, in files storing raw data. Once timestamp data is calculated, the contents of 'sync' are mostly for archival purposes.""")
capacitance_fast:Optional[VoltageClampSeriesCapacitanceFast]=Field(None,description="""Fast capacitance, in farads.""")
capacitance_slow:Optional[VoltageClampSeriesCapacitanceSlow]=Field(None,description="""Slow capacitance, in farads.""")
resistance_comp_bandwidth:Optional[VoltageClampSeriesResistanceCompBandwidth]=Field(None,description="""Resistance compensation bandwidth, in hertz.""")
resistance_comp_correction:Optional[VoltageClampSeriesResistanceCompCorrection]=Field(None,description="""Resistance compensation correction, in percent.""")
resistance_comp_prediction:Optional[VoltageClampSeriesResistanceCompPrediction]=Field(None,description="""Resistance compensation prediction, in percent.""")
whole_cell_capacitance_comp:Optional[VoltageClampSeriesWholeCellCapacitanceComp]=Field(None,description="""Whole cell capacitance compensation, in farads.""")
whole_cell_series_resistance_comp:Optional[VoltageClampSeriesWholeCellSeriesResistanceComp]=Field(None,description="""Whole cell series resistance compensation, in ohms.""")
stimulus_description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Protocol/stimulus name for this patch-clamp dataset.""")
sweep_number:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""Sweep number, allows to group different PatchClampSeries together.""")
gain:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Gain of the recording, in units Volt/Amp (v-clamp) or Volt/Volt (c-clamp).""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of the time series.""")
comments:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Human-readable comments about the TimeSeries. This second descriptive field can be used to store additional information, or descriptive information if the primary description field is populated with a computer-readable string.""")
starting_time:Optional[TimeSeriesStartingTime]=Field(None,description="""Timestamp of the first sample in seconds. When timestamps are uniformly spaced, the timestamp of the first sample can be specified and all subsequent ones calculated from the sampling rate attribute.""")
timestamps:Optional[List[float]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Timestamps for samples stored in data, in seconds, relative to the common experiment master-clock stored in NWBFile.timestamps_reference_time.""")
control:Optional[List[int]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Numerical labels that apply to each time point in data for the purpose of querying and slicing data by these values. If present, the length of this array should be the same size as the first dimension of data.""")
control_description:Optional[List[str]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Description of each control value. Must be present if control is present. If present, control_description[0] should describe time points where control == 0.""")
sync:Optional[TimeSeriesSync]=Field(None,description="""Lab-specific time and sync information as provided directly from hardware devices and that is necessary for aligning all acquired time information to a common timebase. The timestamp array stores time in the common timebase. This group will usually only be populated in TimeSeries that are stored external to the NWB file, in files storing raw data. Once timestamp data is calculated, the contents of 'sync' are mostly for archival purposes.""")
data:VoltageClampStimulusSeriesData=Field(...,description="""Stimulus voltage applied.""")
stimulus_description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Protocol/stimulus name for this patch-clamp dataset.""")
sweep_number:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""Sweep number, allows to group different PatchClampSeries together.""")
gain:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""Gain of the recording, in units Volt/Amp (v-clamp) or Volt/Volt (c-clamp).""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of the time series.""")
comments:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Human-readable comments about the TimeSeries. This second descriptive field can be used to store additional information, or descriptive information if the primary description field is populated with a computer-readable string.""")
starting_time:Optional[TimeSeriesStartingTime]=Field(None,description="""Timestamp of the first sample in seconds. When timestamps are uniformly spaced, the timestamp of the first sample can be specified and all subsequent ones calculated from the sampling rate attribute.""")
timestamps:Optional[List[float]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Timestamps for samples stored in data, in seconds, relative to the common experiment master-clock stored in NWBFile.timestamps_reference_time.""")
control:Optional[List[int]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Numerical labels that apply to each time point in data for the purpose of querying and slicing data by these values. If present, the length of this array should be the same size as the first dimension of data.""")
control_description:Optional[List[str]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Description of each control value. Must be present if control is present. If present, control_description[0] should describe time points where control == 0.""")
sync:Optional[TimeSeriesSync]=Field(None,description="""Lab-specific time and sync information as provided directly from hardware devices and that is necessary for aligning all acquired time information to a common timebase. The timestamp array stores time in the common timebase. This group will usually only be populated in TimeSeries that are stored external to the NWB file, in files storing raw data. Once timestamp data is calculated, the contents of 'sync' are mostly for archival purposes.""")
location:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Location of the electrode. Specify the area, layer, comments on estimation of area/layer, stereotaxic coordinates if in vivo, etc. Use standard atlas names for anatomical regions when possible.""")
resistance:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Electrode resistance, in ohms.""")
seal:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Information about seal used for recording.""")
slice:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Information about slice used for recording.""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of what is in this dynamic table.""")
electrode:Optional[List[IntracellularElectrode]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""Column for storing the reference to the intracellular electrode.""")
colnames:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The names of the columns in this table. This should be used to specify an order to the columns.""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of what is in this dynamic table.""")
stimulus:IntracellularStimuliTableStimulus=Field(...,description="""Column storing the reference to the recorded stimulus for the recording (rows).""")
colnames:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The names of the columns in this table. This should be used to specify an order to the columns.""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of what is in this dynamic table.""")
response:IntracellularResponsesTableResponse=Field(...,description="""Column storing the reference to the recorded response for the recording (rows)""")
colnames:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The names of the columns in this table. This should be used to specify an order to the columns.""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of the contents of this table. Inherited from AlignedDynamicTable and overwritten here to fix the value of the attribute.""")
categories:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The names of the categories in this AlignedDynamicTable. Each category is represented by one DynamicTable stored in the parent group. This attribute should be used to specify an order of categories and the category names must match the names of the corresponding DynamicTable in the group.""")
dynamic_table:Optional[List[DynamicTable]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""A DynamicTable representing a particular category for columns in the AlignedDynamicTable parent container. The table MUST be aligned with (i.e., have the same number of rows) as all other DynamicTables stored in the AlignedDynamicTable parent container. The name of the category is given by the name of the DynamicTable and its description by the description attribute of the DynamicTable.""")
recordings:SimultaneousRecordingsTableRecordings=Field(...,description="""A reference to one or more rows in the IntracellularRecordingsTable table.""")
recordings_index:SimultaneousRecordingsTableRecordingsIndex=Field(...,description="""Index dataset for the recordings column.""")
colnames:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The names of the columns in this table. This should be used to specify an order to the columns.""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of what is in this dynamic table.""")
simultaneous_recordings:SequentialRecordingsTableSimultaneousRecordings=Field(...,description="""A reference to one or more rows in the SimultaneousRecordingsTable table.""")
simultaneous_recordings_index:SequentialRecordingsTableSimultaneousRecordingsIndex=Field(...,description="""Index dataset for the simultaneous_recordings column.""")
stimulus_type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(default_factory=list,description="""The type of stimulus used for the sequential recording.""")
colnames:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The names of the columns in this table. This should be used to specify an order to the columns.""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of what is in this dynamic table.""")
sequential_recordings:RepetitionsTableSequentialRecordings=Field(...,description="""A reference to one or more rows in the SequentialRecordingsTable table.""")
sequential_recordings_index:RepetitionsTableSequentialRecordingsIndex=Field(...,description="""Index dataset for the sequential_recordings column.""")
colnames:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The names of the columns in this table. This should be used to specify an order to the columns.""")
description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Description of what is in this dynamic table.""")