it working

had to very hackily handle special cases on NWBFile class but it working. Now badly in need of a tidying, docs, and tests.
This commit is contained in:
sneakers-the-rat 2023-10-02 23:26:43 -07:00
parent 34f8969fa9
commit f682105c1a
5 changed files with 89 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ class GroupAdapter(ClassAdapter):
all([self._check_if_container(g) for g in self.cls.groups]): # and \
# self.parent is not None:
return self.handle_container_group(self.cls)
# Or you can have groups like /intervals where there are some named groups, and some unnamed
# but they all have the same type
elif len(self.cls.groups) > 0 and \
all([g.neurodata_type_inc == self.cls.groups[0].neurodata_type_inc for g in self.cls.groups]) and \
self.cls.groups[0].neurodata_type_inc is not None and \
all([g.quantity in ('?', '*') for g in self.cls.groups]):
return self.handle_container_group(self.cls)
# handle if we are a terminal container group without making a new class
if len(self.cls.groups) == 0 and \

View file

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class WeakRefShimBaseModel(BaseModel):
__slots__ = '__weakref__'
class ConfiguredBaseModel(WeakRefShimBaseModel,
validate_assignment = True,
validate_assignment = False,
validate_all = True,
underscore_attrs_are_private = True,
extra = {% if allow_extra %}'allow'{% else %}'forbid'{% endif %},
@ -273,7 +273,8 @@ class NWBPydanticGenerator(PydanticGenerator):
all_classes = sv.all_classes(imports=True)
needed_classes = []
for clsname, cls in all_classes.items():
if cls.tree_root:
#if cls.tree_root:
if cls.is_a != 'Arraylike':
imports = self._locate_imports(needed_classes, sv)

View file

@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ class HDF5IO():
def read(self, path:str) -> BaseModel | Dict[str, BaseModel]: ...
def read(self, path:Optional[str] = None) -> Union['NWBFile', BaseModel, Dict[str, BaseModel]]:
print('starting read')
provider = self.make_provider()
print('provider made')
h5f = h5py.File(str(self.path))
if path:
src = h5f.get(path)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class HDF5IO():
children = flatten_hdf(src)
raise NotImplementedError('directly read individual datasets')
print('hdf flattened')
queue = ReadQueue(
@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ class HDF5IO():
# Apply initial planning phase of reading
print('phase - plan completed')
# Now do read operations until we're finished
print('phase - read completed')
# pdb.set_trace()
# if len(queue.queue)> 0:
@ -94,7 +94,10 @@ class HDF5IO():
if path is None:
return queue.completed['/'].result
return queue.completed[path].result

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Maps for reading and writing from HDF5
We have sort of diverged from the initial idea of a generalized map as in :class:`` ,
so we will make our own mapping class here and re-evaluate whether they should be unified later
import datetime
import pdb
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
@ -514,6 +515,7 @@ class CompleteModelGroups(HDF5Map):
def check(cls, src: H5ReadResult, provider:SchemaProvider, completed: Dict[str, H5ReadResult]) -> bool:
if src.model is not None and \
src.source.h5_type == 'group' and \
src.neurodata_type != 'NWBFile' and \
all([depend in completed.keys() for depend in src.depends]):
return True
@ -560,6 +562,73 @@ class CompleteModelGroups(HDF5Map):
# applied=src.applied + ['CompleteModelGroups']
# )
class CompleteNWBFile(HDF5Map):
The Top-Level NWBFile class is so special cased we just make its own completion special case!
.. todo::
This is truly hideous, just meant as a way to get to the finish line on a late night, will be cleaned up later
phase = ReadPhases.construct
priority = 11
def check(cls, src: H5ReadResult, provider:SchemaProvider, completed: Dict[str, H5ReadResult]) -> bool:
if src.neurodata_type == 'NWBFile' and \
all([depend in completed.keys() for depend in src.depends]):
return True
return False
def apply(cls, src: H5ReadResult, provider:SchemaProvider, completed: Dict[str, H5ReadResult]) -> H5ReadResult:
res = {k:v for k,v in src.result.items() if not isinstance(v, HDF5_Path)}
unpacked_results, errors, completes = resolve_references(src.result, completed)
res['name'] = 'root'
res['file_create_date'] = [datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(ts.decode('utf-8')) for ts in res['file_create_date']['array'][:]]
if 'stimulus' not in res.keys():
res['stimulus'] = provider.get_class('core', 'NWBFileStimulus')()
electrode_groups = []
egroup_keys = list(res['general'].get('extracellular_ephys', {}).keys())
egroup_dict = {}
for k in egroup_keys:
if k != 'electrodes':
egroup = res['general']['extracellular_ephys'][k]
egroup_dict[egroup.hdf5_path] = egroup
del res['general']['extracellular_ephys'][k]
if len(electrode_groups) > 0:
res['general']['extracellular_ephys']['electrode_group'] = electrode_groups
trode_type = provider.get_class('core', 'NWBFileGeneralExtracellularEphysElectrodes')
#anmro = list(type(res['general']['extracellular_ephys']['electrodes']).__mro__)
#anmro.insert(1, trode_type)
trodes_original = res['general']['extracellular_ephys']['electrodes']
trodes = trode_type.model_construct(trodes_original.model_dump())
res['general']['extracellular_ephys']['electrodes'] = trodes
#type(res['general']['extracellular_ephys']['electrodes']).__mro__ = tuple(anmro)
# electrodes_dict = res['general']['extracellular_ephys']['electrodes'].model_dump()
# with h5py.File(src.source.h5f_path, 'r') as h5f:
# electrodes_dict['group'] = [egroup_dict[h5f[e].name] for e in electrodes_dict['group'][:]]
# res['general']['extracellular_ephys']['electrodes'] = electrodes_dict
instance = src.model(**res)
return H5ReadResult(
applied=src.applied + ['CompleteModelGroups'],

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def model_from_dynamictable(group:h5py.Group, base:Optional[BaseModel] = None) -
#nptype = nptyping.typing_.name_per_dtype[group[col].dtype.type]
nptype = group[col].dtype.type
if nptype == np.void:
warnings.warn(f"Cant handle numpy void type for column {col} in {}")
# warnings.warn(f"Cant handle numpy void type for column {col} in {}")
type_ = Optional[NDArray[Any, nptype]]