import shutil import os import sys import traceback from pdb import post_mortem import subprocess from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path from linkml_runtime.dumpers import yaml_dumper from import Live from rich.panel import Panel from rich.console import Group from rich.progress import Progress, SpinnerColumn, BarColumn, TextColumn, Column from rich import print from nwb_linkml.generators.pydantic import NWBPydanticGenerator from nwb_linkml.providers import LinkMLProvider, PydanticProvider from nwb_linkml.providers.git import NWB_CORE_REPO, HDMF_COMMON_REPO, GitRepo from import schema as io def generate_core_yaml(output_path: Path, dry_run: bool = False, hdmf_only: bool = False): """Just build the latest version of the core schema""" core = io.load_nwb_core(hdmf_only=hdmf_only) built_schemas = for schema in built_schemas: output_file = output_path / ( + ".yaml") if not dry_run: yaml_dumper.dump(schema, output_file) def generate_core_pydantic(yaml_path: Path, output_path: Path, dry_run: bool = False): """Just generate the latest version of the core schema""" for schema in yaml_path.glob("*.yaml"): python_name = schema.stem.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_") pydantic_file = (output_path / python_name).with_suffix(".py") generator = NWBPydanticGenerator( str(schema), pydantic_version="2", emit_metadata=True, gen_classvars=True, gen_slots=True, ) gen_pydantic = generator.serialize() if not dry_run: with open(pydantic_file, "w") as pfile: pfile.write(gen_pydantic) def make_tmp_dir(clear: bool = False) -> Path: # use a directory underneath this one as the temporary directory rather than # the default hidden one tmp_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "__tmp__" if tmp_dir.exists() and clear: for p in tmp_dir.iterdir(): if p.is_dir() and not == "git": shutil.rmtree(p) tmp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return tmp_dir def generate_versions( yaml_path: Path, pydantic_path: Path, dry_run: bool = False, repo: GitRepo = NWB_CORE_REPO, hdmf_only=False, pdb=False, ): """ Generate linkml models for all versions """ # repo.clone(force=True) repo.clone() tmp_dir = make_tmp_dir() linkml_provider = LinkMLProvider(path=tmp_dir, verbose=False) pydantic_provider = PydanticProvider(path=tmp_dir, verbose=False) failed_versions = {} overall_progress = Progress() overall_task = overall_progress.add_task("All Versions", total=len(NWB_CORE_REPO.versions)) build_progress = Progress( TextColumn( "[bold blue]{task.fields[name]} - [bold green]{task.fields[action]}", table_column=Column(ratio=1), ), BarColumn(table_column=Column(ratio=1), bar_width=None), ) panel = Panel(Group(build_progress, overall_progress)) try: with Live(panel) as live: # make pbar tasks linkml_task = None pydantic_task = None for version in repo.namespace.versions: # build linkml try: # check out the version (this should also refresh the hdmf-common schema) linkml_task = build_progress.add_task( "", name=version, action="Checkout Version", total=3 ) repo.tag = version build_progress.update(linkml_task, advance=1, action="Load Namespaces") if repo.namespace == NWB_CORE_REPO: # first load HDMF common hdmf_common_ns = io.load_namespace_adapter( repo.temp_directory / "hdmf-common-schema" / "common" / "namespace.yaml" ) # then load nwb core core_ns = io.load_namespace_adapter( repo.namespace_file, imported=[hdmf_common_ns] ) else: # otherwise just load HDMF core_ns = io.load_namespace_adapter(repo.namespace_file) build_progress.update(linkml_task, advance=1, action="Build LinkML") linkml_res = build_progress.update(linkml_task, advance=1, action="Built LinkML") # build pydantic ns_files = [res.namespace for res in linkml_res.values()] pydantic_task = build_progress.add_task( "", name=version, action="", total=len(ns_files) ) for schema in ns_files: pbar_string =[-3] build_progress.update(pydantic_task, action=pbar_string) schema, versions=core_ns.versions, split=True, parallel=True ) build_progress.update(pydantic_task, advance=1) build_progress.update(pydantic_task, action="Built Pydantic") except Exception as e: if pdb: live.stop() post_mortem() sys.exit(1) build_progress.stop_task(linkml_task) if linkml_task is not None: build_progress.update(linkml_task, action="[bold red]LinkML Build Failed") build_progress.stop_task(linkml_task) if pydantic_task is not None: build_progress.update(pydantic_task, action="[bold red]LinkML Build Failed") build_progress.stop_task(pydantic_task) failed_versions[version] = traceback.format_exception(e) finally: overall_progress.update(overall_task, advance=1) linkml_task = None pydantic_task = None if not dry_run: shutil.copytree(tmp_dir / "linkml", yaml_path, dirs_exist_ok=True) shutil.copytree(tmp_dir / "pydantic", pydantic_path, dirs_exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir / "linkml") shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir / "pydantic") # make inits to use the schema! we don't usually do this in the # provider class because we directly import the files there. with open(pydantic_path / "", "w") as initfile: initfile.write(" ")["black", "."]) finally: if len(failed_versions) > 0: print("Failed Building Versions:") print(failed_versions) def parser() -> ArgumentParser: parser = ArgumentParser("Generate all available versions of NWB core schema") parser.add_argument( "--yaml", help="directory to export linkML schema to", type=Path, default=Path(__file__).parent.parent / "nwb_models" / "src" / "nwb_models" / "schema" / "linkml", ) parser.add_argument( "--pydantic", help="directory to export pydantic models", type=Path, default=Path(__file__).parent.parent / "nwb_models" / "src" / "nwb_models" / "models" / "pydantic", ) parser.add_argument("--hdmf", help="Only generate the HDMF namespaces", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--latest", help="Only generate the latest version of the core schemas.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", help=( "Generate schema and pydantic models without moving them into the target directories," " for testing purposes" ), action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", help="Add annotations to generated schema that indicate how they were generated", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument("--pdb", help="Launch debugger on an error", action="store_true") return parser def main(): args = parser().parse_args() if args.debug: os.environ["NWB_LINKML_DEBUG"] = "true" else: if "NWB_LINKML_DEBUG" in os.environ: del os.environ["NWB_LINKML_DEBUG"] tmp_dir = make_tmp_dir(clear=True) git_dir = tmp_dir / "git" git_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if args.hdmf: repo = GitRepo(HDMF_COMMON_REPO, path=git_dir) else: repo = GitRepo(NWB_CORE_REPO, path=git_dir) if not args.dry_run: args.yaml.mkdir(exist_ok=True) args.pydantic.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if args.latest: generate_core_yaml(args.yaml, args.dry_run, args.hdmf) generate_core_pydantic(args.yaml, args.pydantic, args.dry_run) else: generate_versions(args.yaml, args.pydantic, args.dry_run, repo, args.hdmf, pdb=args.pdb) if __name__ == "__main__": main()