import pdb from collections import defaultdict from linkml.generators.sqltablegen import SQLTableGenerator from linkml.transformers.relmodel_transformer import ForeignKeyPolicy, RelationalModelTransformer from linkml.utils.generator import Generator, shared_arguments from linkml_runtime.utils.schemaview import SchemaView from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import ( Annotation, ClassDefinition, ClassDefinitionName, SchemaDefinition, ) from nwb_linkml.generators.pydantic import NWBPydanticGenerator def default_template(pydantic_ver: str = "2") -> str: """Constructs a default template for pydantic classes based on the version of pydantic""" ### HEADER ### template = """ {#- Jinja2 Template for a pydantic classes -#} from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime, date from enum import Enum from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, Union from sqlmodel import SQLModel, Field from nptyping import NDArray, Shape, Float, Float32, Double, Float64, LongLong, Int64, Int, Int32, Int16, Short, Int8, UInt, UInt32, UInt16, UInt8, UInt64, Number, String, Unicode, Unicode, Unicode, String, Bool, Datetime64 import sys if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal else: from typing_extensions import Literal {% for import_module, import_classes in imports.items() %} from {{ import_module }} import ( {{ import_classes | join(',\n ') }} ) {% endfor %} metamodel_version = "{{metamodel_version}}" version = "{{version if version else None}}" """ ### BASE MODEL ### if pydantic_ver == "1": template += """ class WeakRefShimBaseModel(BaseModel): __slots__ = '__weakref__' class ConfiguredBaseModel(WeakRefShimBaseModel, validate_assignment = True, validate_all = True, underscore_attrs_are_private = True, extra = {% if allow_extra %}'allow'{% else %}'forbid'{% endif %}, arbitrary_types_allowed = True, use_enum_values = True): pass """ else: template += """ class ConfiguredBaseModel(BaseModel, validate_assignment = True, validate_default = True, extra = {% if allow_extra %}'allow'{% else %}'forbid'{% endif %}, arbitrary_types_allowed = True, use_enum_values = True): pass """ ### ENUMS ### template += """ {% for e in enums.values() %} class {{ }}(str, Enum): {% if e.description -%} \"\"\" {{ e.description }} \"\"\" {%- endif %} {% for _, pv in e['values'].items() -%} {% if pv.description -%} # {{pv.description}} {%- endif %} {{pv.label}} = "{{pv.value}}" {% endfor %} {% if not e['values'] -%} dummy = "dummy" {% endif %} {% endfor %} """ ### CLASSES ### template += """ {%- for c in schema.classes.values() %} class {{ }} {%- if class_isa_plus_mixins[] -%} ({{class_isa_plus_mixins[]|join(', ')}}, table=True) {%- else -%} (ConfiguredBaseModel, table=True) {%- endif -%} : {% if c.description -%} \"\"\" {{ c.description }} \"\"\" {%- endif %} {% for attr in c.attributes.values() if c.attributes -%} {{}}: {{ attr.annotations['python_range'].value }} = Field( {%- if predefined_slot_values[][] -%} {{ predefined_slot_values[][] }} {%- if attr.equals_string -%} , const=True {%- endif -%} {%- elif attr.required -%} ... {%- else -%} None {%- endif -%} {%- if attr.title != None %}, title="{{attr.title}}"{% endif -%} {%- if attr.description %}, description=\"\"\"{{attr.description}}\"\"\"{% endif -%} {%- if attr.minimum_value != None %}, ge={{attr.minimum_value}}{% endif -%} {%- if attr.maximum_value != None %}, le={{attr.maximum_value}}{% endif -%} {%- if 'foreign_key' in s.annotations -%}, foreign_key='{{ s.annotations['foreign_key'].value }}' {%- endif -%} {%- if 'primary_key' in s.annotations -%}, primary_key=True {%- endif -%} ) {% else -%} None {% endfor %} {% endfor %} """ ### FWD REFS / REBUILD MODEL ### if pydantic_ver == "1": template += """ # Update forward refs # see {% for c in schema.classes.values() -%} {{ }}.update_forward_refs() {% endfor %} """ else: template += """ # Model rebuild # see {% for c in schema.classes.values() -%} {{ }}.model_rebuild() {% endfor %} """ return template class SQLModelGenerator(NWBPydanticGenerator): """ Generate an SQLModels-compatible model """ def generate_sqla( self, foreign_key_policy: ForeignKeyPolicy = None, **kwargs ): """ Adapted from :meth:`linkml.generators.sqlalchemygen.SQLAlchemyGenerator.generate_sqla` Need to add SQL annotations to pydantic before passing to the template, but original classes don't return generated values - Accept as arguments: - Returns: - mappings=tr_result.mappings - backrefs=backrefs - is_join_table """ sqltr = RelationalModelTransformer(self.schemaview) tr_result = sqltr.transform(**kwargs) tgen = SQLTableGenerator(self.schemaview.schema) tr_schema = tr_result.schema pdb.set_trace() for c in tr_schema.classes.values(): for a in c.attributes.values(): sql_range = tgen.get_sql_range(a, tr_schema) sql_type = sql_range.__repr__() ann = Annotation("sql_type", sql_type) a.annotations[ann.tag] = ann backrefs = defaultdict(list) for m in tr_result.mappings: backrefs[m.source_class].append(m) tr_sv = SchemaView(tr_schema) rel_schema_classes_ordered = [ tr_sv.get_class(cn, strict=True) for cn in tr_sv.all_classes() ] for c in rel_schema_classes_ordered: # For SQLA there needs to be a primary key for each class; # autogenerate this as a compound key if none declared has_pk = any(a for a in c.attributes.values() if "primary_key" in a.annotations) if not has_pk: for a in c.attributes.values(): ann = Annotation("primary_key", "true") a.annotations[ann.tag] = ann return tr_sv, backrefs