from datetime import datetime from itertools import product from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pytest from hdmf.common import DynamicTable, VectorData from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO, NWBFile, TimeSeries from pynwb.base import TimeSeriesReference, TimeSeriesReferenceVectorData from pynwb.behavior import Position, SpatialSeries from pynwb.ecephys import LFP, ElectricalSeries from pynwb.file import Subject from pynwb.icephys import VoltageClampSeries, VoltageClampStimulusSeries from pynwb.image import ImageSeries from pynwb.ophys import ( CorrectedImageStack, Fluorescence, ImageSegmentation, MotionCorrection, OnePhotonSeries, OpticalChannel, RoiResponseSeries, TwoPhotonSeries, ) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def nwb_file_base() -> NWBFile: nwbfile = NWBFile( session_description="All that you touch, you change.", # required identifier="1111-1111-1111-1111", # required session_start_time=datetime(year=2024, month=1, day=1), # required session_id="session_1234", # optional experimenter=[ "Lauren Oya Olamina", ], # optional institution="Earthseed Research Institute", # optional experiment_description="All that you change, changes you.", # optional keywords=["behavior", "belief"], # optional related_publications="doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2016.12.011", # optional ) subject = Subject( subject_id="001", age="P90D", description="mouse 5", species="Mus musculus", sex="M", ) nwbfile.subject = subject return nwbfile def _nwb_timeseries(nwbfile: NWBFile) -> NWBFile: data = np.arange(100, 200, 10) timestamps = np.arange(10.0) time_series_with_timestamps = TimeSeries( name="test_timeseries", description="an example time series", data=data, unit="m", timestamps=timestamps, ) nwbfile.add_acquisition(time_series_with_timestamps) return nwbfile def _nwb_position(nwbfile: NWBFile) -> NWBFile: position_data = np.array([np.linspace(0, 10, 50), np.linspace(0, 8, 50)]).T position_timestamps = np.linspace(0, 50).astype(float) / 200 spatial_series_obj = SpatialSeries( name="SpatialSeries", description="(x,y) position in open field", data=position_data, timestamps=position_timestamps, reference_frame="(0,0) is bottom left corner", ) # name is set to "Position" by default position_obj = Position(spatial_series=spatial_series_obj) behavior_module = nwbfile.create_processing_module( name="behavior", description="processed behavioral data" ) behavior_module.add(position_obj) nwbfile.add_trial_column( name="correct", description="whether the trial was correct", ) nwbfile.add_trial(start_time=1.0, stop_time=5.0, correct=True) nwbfile.add_trial(start_time=6.0, stop_time=10.0, correct=False) return nwbfile def _nwb_ecephys(nwbfile: NWBFile) -> NWBFile: """ Extracellular Ephys """ generator = np.random.default_rng() device = nwbfile.create_device(name="array", description="old reliable", manufacturer="diy") nwbfile.add_electrode_column(name="label", description="label of electrode") nshanks = 4 nchannels_per_shank = 3 electrode_counter = 0 for ishank in range(nshanks): # create an electrode group for this shank electrode_group = nwbfile.create_electrode_group( name=f"shank{ishank}", description=f"electrode group for shank {ishank}", device=device, location="brain area", ) # add electrodes to the electrode table for ielec in range(nchannels_per_shank): nwbfile.add_electrode( group=electrode_group, label=f"shank{ishank}elec{ielec}", location="brain area", ) electrode_counter += 1 all_table_region = nwbfile.create_electrode_table_region( region=list(range(electrode_counter)), # reference row indices 0 to N-1 description="all electrodes", ) raw_data = generator.standard_normal((50, 12)) raw_electrical_series = ElectricalSeries( name="ElectricalSeries", description="Raw acquisition traces", data=raw_data, electrodes=all_table_region, starting_time=0.0, # timestamp of the first sample in seconds relative to the session start time rate=20000.0, # in Hz ) nwbfile.add_acquisition(raw_electrical_series) # -------------------------------------------------- # LFP # -------------------------------------------------- generator = np.random.default_rng() lfp_data = generator.standard_normal((50, 12)) lfp_electrical_series = ElectricalSeries( name="ElectricalSeries", description="LFP data", data=lfp_data, electrodes=all_table_region, starting_time=0.0, rate=200.0, ) lfp = LFP(electrical_series=lfp_electrical_series) ecephys_module = nwbfile.create_processing_module( name="ecephys", description="processed extracellular electrophysiology data" ) ecephys_module.add(lfp) return nwbfile def _nwb_units(nwbfile: NWBFile) -> NWBFile: generator = np.random.default_rng() # Spike Times nwbfile.add_unit_column(name="quality", description="sorting quality") firing_rate = 20 n_units = 10 res = 1000 duration = 20 for _ in range(n_units): spike_times = np.where(generator.random(res * duration) < (firing_rate / res))[0] / res nwbfile.add_unit(spike_times=spike_times, quality="good") return nwbfile def _nwb_icephys(nwbfile: NWBFile) -> NWBFile: device = nwbfile.create_device(name="Heka ITC-1600") electrode = nwbfile.create_icephys_electrode( name="elec0", description="a mock intracellular electrode", device=device ) stimulus = VoltageClampStimulusSeries( name="ccss", data=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], starting_time=123.6, rate=10e3, electrode=electrode, gain=0.02, sweep_number=np.uint64(15), ) # Create and icephys response response = VoltageClampSeries( name="vcs", data=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], conversion=1e-12, resolution=np.nan, starting_time=123.6, rate=20e3, electrode=electrode, gain=0.02, capacitance_slow=100e-12, resistance_comp_correction=70.0, sweep_number=np.uint64(15), ) # we can also add stimulus template data as follows rowindex = nwbfile.add_intracellular_recording( electrode=electrode, stimulus=stimulus, response=response, id=10 ) rowindex2 = nwbfile.add_intracellular_recording( electrode=electrode, stimulus=stimulus, stimulus_start_index=1, stimulus_index_count=3, response=response, response_start_index=2, response_index_count=3, id=11, ) rowindex3 = nwbfile.add_intracellular_recording(electrode=electrode, response=response, id=12) nwbfile.intracellular_recordings.add_column( name="recording_tag", data=["A1", "A2", "A3"], description="String with a recording tag", ) location_column = VectorData( name="location", data=["Mordor", "Gondor", "Rohan"], description="Recording location in Middle Earth", ) lab_category = DynamicTable( name="recording_lab_data", description="category table for lab-specific recording metadata", colnames=[ "location", ], columns=[ location_column, ], ) # Add the table as a new category to our intracellular_recordings nwbfile.intracellular_recordings.add_category(category=lab_category) nwbfile.intracellular_recordings.add_column( name="voltage_threshold", data=[0.1, 0.12, 0.13], description="Just an example column on the electrodes category table", category="electrodes", ) stimulus_template = VoltageClampStimulusSeries( name="ccst", data=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], starting_time=0.0, rate=10e3, electrode=electrode, gain=0.02, ) nwbfile.add_stimulus_template(stimulus_template) nwbfile.intracellular_recordings.add_column( name="stimulus_template", data=[ TimeSeriesReference(0, 5, stimulus_template), # (start_index, index_count, stimulus_template) TimeSeriesReference(1, 3, stimulus_template), TimeSeriesReference.empty(stimulus_template), ], # if there was no data for that recording, use empty reference description=( "Column storing the reference to the stimulus template for the recording (rows)." ), category="stimuli", col_cls=TimeSeriesReferenceVectorData, ) icephys_simultaneous_recordings = nwbfile.get_icephys_simultaneous_recordings() icephys_simultaneous_recordings.add_column( name="simultaneous_recording_tag", description="A custom tag for simultaneous_recordings", ) simultaneous_index = nwbfile.add_icephys_simultaneous_recording( recordings=[rowindex, rowindex2, rowindex3], id=12, simultaneous_recording_tag="LabTag1", ) repetition_index = nwbfile.add_icephys_repetition( sequential_recordings=[simultaneous_index], id=17 ) nwbfile.add_icephys_experimental_condition(repetitions=[repetition_index], id=19) nwbfile.icephys_experimental_conditions.add_column( name="tag", data=np.arange(1), description="integer tag for a experimental condition", ) return nwbfile def _nwb_ca_imaging(nwbfile: NWBFile) -> NWBFile: """ Calcium Imaging """ generator = np.random.default_rng() device = nwbfile.create_device( name="Microscope", description="My two-photon microscope", manufacturer="The best microscope manufacturer", ) optical_channel = OpticalChannel( name="OpticalChannel", description="an optical channel", emission_lambda=500.0, ) imaging_plane = nwbfile.create_imaging_plane( name="ImagingPlane", optical_channel=optical_channel, imaging_rate=30.0, description="a very interesting part of the brain", device=device, excitation_lambda=600.0, indicator="GFP", location="V1", grid_spacing=[0.01, 0.01], grid_spacing_unit="meters", origin_coords=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], origin_coords_unit="meters", ) one_p_series = OnePhotonSeries( name="OnePhotonSeries", description="Raw 1p data", data=np.ones((1000, 100, 100)), imaging_plane=imaging_plane, rate=1.0, unit="normalized amplitude", ) nwbfile.add_acquisition(one_p_series) two_p_series = TwoPhotonSeries( name="TwoPhotonSeries", description="Raw 2p data", data=np.ones((1000, 100, 100)), imaging_plane=imaging_plane, rate=1.0, unit="normalized amplitude", ) nwbfile.add_acquisition(two_p_series) corrected = ImageSeries( name="corrected", # this must be named "corrected" description="A motion corrected image stack", data=np.ones((1000, 100, 100)), unit="na", format="raw", starting_time=0.0, rate=1.0, ) xy_translation = TimeSeries( name="xy_translation", description="x,y translation in pixels", data=np.ones((1000, 2)), unit="pixels", starting_time=0.0, rate=1.0, ) corrected_image_stack = CorrectedImageStack( corrected=corrected, original=one_p_series, xy_translation=xy_translation, ) motion_correction = MotionCorrection(corrected_image_stacks=[corrected_image_stack]) ophys_module = nwbfile.create_processing_module( name="ophys", description="optical physiology processed data" ) ophys_module.add(motion_correction) img_seg = ImageSegmentation() ps = img_seg.create_plane_segmentation( name="PlaneSegmentation", description="output from segmenting my favorite imaging plane", imaging_plane=imaging_plane, reference_images=one_p_series, # optional ) ophys_module.add(img_seg) for _ in range(30): image_mask = np.zeros((100, 100)) # randomly generate example image masks x = generator.integers(0, 95) y = generator.integers(0, 95) image_mask[x : x + 5, y : y + 5] = 1 # add image mask to plane segmentation ps.add_roi(image_mask=image_mask) ps2 = img_seg.create_plane_segmentation( name="PlaneSegmentation2", description="output from segmenting my favorite imaging plane", imaging_plane=imaging_plane, reference_images=one_p_series, # optional ) for _ in range(30): # randomly generate example starting points for region x = generator.integers(0, 95) y = generator.integers(0, 95) # define an example 4 x 3 region of pixels of weight '1' pixel_mask = [(ix, iy, 1) for ix in range(x, x + 4) for iy in range(y, y + 3)] # add pixel mask to plane segmentation ps2.add_roi(pixel_mask=pixel_mask) ps3 = img_seg.create_plane_segmentation( name="PlaneSegmentation3", description="output from segmenting my favorite imaging plane", imaging_plane=imaging_plane, reference_images=one_p_series, # optional ) for _ in range(30): # randomly generate example starting points for region x = generator.integers(0, 95) y = generator.integers(0, 95) z = generator.integers(0, 15) # define an example 4 x 3 x 2 voxel region of weight '0.5' voxel_mask = [] for ix, iy, iz in product(range(x, x + 4), range(y, y + 3), range(z, z + 2)): voxel_mask.append((ix, iy, iz, 0.5)) # add voxel mask to plane segmentation ps3.add_roi(voxel_mask=voxel_mask) rt_region = ps.create_roi_table_region(region=[0, 1], description="the first of two ROIs") roi_resp_series = RoiResponseSeries( name="RoiResponseSeries", description="Fluorescence responses for two ROIs", data=np.ones((50, 2)), # 50 samples, 2 ROIs rois=rt_region, unit="lumens", rate=30.0, ) fl = Fluorescence(roi_response_series=roi_resp_series) ophys_module.add(fl) return nwbfile @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def nwb_file(tmp_output_dir, nwb_file_base, request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Path: """ NWB File created with pynwb that uses all the weird language features Borrowing code from pynwb docs in one humonogous fixture function since there's not really a reason to """ nwb_path = tmp_output_dir / "test_nwb.nwb" if nwb_path.exists() and not request.config.getoption("--clean"): return nwb_path nwbfile = nwb_file_base nwbfile = _nwb_timeseries(nwbfile) nwbfile = _nwb_position(nwbfile) nwbfile = _nwb_ecephys(nwbfile) nwbfile = _nwb_units(nwbfile) nwbfile = _nwb_icephys(nwbfile) with NWBHDF5IO(nwb_path, "w") as io: io.write(nwbfile) return nwb_path