name: core.nwb.misc.include id: core.nwb.misc.include imports: - core.nwb.base - hdmf-common.table - core.nwb.ecephys - nwb.language - core.nwb.misc.include - core.nwb.misc default_prefix: core.nwb.misc.include/ classes: AbstractFeatureSeries__data: name: AbstractFeatureSeries__data description: Values of each feature at each time. attributes: unit: name: unit description: Since there can be different units for different features, store the units in 'feature_units'. The default value for this attribute is "see 'feature_units'". range: text array: name: array range: AbstractFeatureSeries__data__Array AbstractFeatureSeries__data__Array: name: AbstractFeatureSeries__data__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: num_times: name: num_times range: numeric required: true num_features: name: num_features range: numeric required: false AbstractFeatureSeries__feature_units: name: AbstractFeatureSeries__feature_units description: Units of each feature. attributes: feature_units: name: feature_units description: Units of each feature. multivalued: true range: text required: false AbstractFeatureSeries__features: name: AbstractFeatureSeries__features description: Description of the features represented in TimeSeries::data. attributes: features: name: features description: Description of the features represented in TimeSeries::data. multivalued: true range: text required: true AnnotationSeries__data: name: AnnotationSeries__data description: Annotations made during an experiment. attributes: resolution: name: resolution description: Smallest meaningful difference between values in data. Annotations have no units, so the value is fixed to -1.0. range: float32 unit: name: unit description: Base unit of measurement for working with the data. Annotations have no units, so the value is fixed to 'n/a'. range: text data: name: data description: Annotations made during an experiment. multivalued: true range: text required: true IntervalSeries__data: name: IntervalSeries__data description: Use values >0 if interval started, <0 if interval ended. attributes: resolution: name: resolution description: Smallest meaningful difference between values in data. Annotations have no units, so the value is fixed to -1.0. range: float32 unit: name: unit description: Base unit of measurement for working with the data. Annotations have no units, so the value is fixed to 'n/a'. range: text data: name: data description: Use values >0 if interval started, <0 if interval ended. multivalued: true range: int8 required: true DecompositionSeries__data: name: DecompositionSeries__data description: Data decomposed into frequency bands. attributes: unit: name: unit description: Base unit of measurement for working with the data. Actual stored values are not necessarily stored in these units. To access the data in these units, multiply 'data' by 'conversion'. range: text array: name: array range: DecompositionSeries__data__Array DecompositionSeries__data__Array: name: DecompositionSeries__data__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: num_times: name: num_times range: numeric required: false num_channels: name: num_channels range: numeric required: false num_bands: name: num_bands range: numeric required: false DecompositionSeries__source_channels: name: DecompositionSeries__source_channels description: DynamicTableRegion pointer to the channels that this decomposition series was generated from. is_a: DynamicTableRegion DecompositionSeries__bands: name: DecompositionSeries__bands description: Table for describing the bands that this series was generated from. There should be one row in this table for each band. is_a: DynamicTable attributes: band_name: name: band_name description: Name of the band, e.g. theta. multivalued: true range: text band_limits: name: band_limits description: Low and high limit of each band in Hz. If it is a Gaussian filter, use 2 SD on either side of the center. multivalued: false range: DecompositionSeries__bands__band_limits required: true band_mean: name: band_mean description: The mean Gaussian filters, in Hz. multivalued: false range: DecompositionSeries__bands__band_mean required: true band_stdev: name: band_stdev description: The standard deviation of Gaussian filters, in Hz. multivalued: false range: DecompositionSeries__bands__band_stdev required: true DecompositionSeries__bands__band_limits: name: DecompositionSeries__bands__band_limits description: Low and high limit of each band in Hz. If it is a Gaussian filter, use 2 SD on either side of the center. is_a: VectorData DecompositionSeries__bands__band_mean: name: DecompositionSeries__bands__band_mean description: The mean Gaussian filters, in Hz. is_a: VectorData DecompositionSeries__bands__band_stdev: name: DecompositionSeries__bands__band_stdev description: The standard deviation of Gaussian filters, in Hz. is_a: VectorData Units__spike_times_index: name: Units__spike_times_index description: Index into the spike_times dataset. is_a: VectorIndex Units__spike_times: name: Units__spike_times description: Spike times for each unit in seconds. is_a: VectorData attributes: resolution: name: resolution description: The smallest possible difference between two spike times. Usually 1 divided by the acquisition sampling rate from which spike times were extracted, but could be larger if the acquisition time series was downsampled or smaller if the acquisition time series was smoothed/interpolated and it is possible for the spike time to be between samples. range: float64 Units__obs_intervals_index: name: Units__obs_intervals_index description: Index into the obs_intervals dataset. is_a: VectorIndex Units__obs_intervals: name: Units__obs_intervals description: Observation intervals for each unit. is_a: VectorData Units__electrodes_index: name: Units__electrodes_index description: Index into electrodes. is_a: VectorIndex Units__electrodes: name: Units__electrodes description: Electrode that each spike unit came from, specified using a DynamicTableRegion. is_a: DynamicTableRegion Units__waveform_mean: name: Units__waveform_mean description: Spike waveform mean for each spike unit. is_a: VectorData attributes: sampling_rate: name: sampling_rate description: Sampling rate, in hertz. range: float32 unit: name: unit description: Unit of measurement. This value is fixed to 'volts'. range: text Units__waveform_sd: name: Units__waveform_sd description: Spike waveform standard deviation for each spike unit. is_a: VectorData attributes: sampling_rate: name: sampling_rate description: Sampling rate, in hertz. range: float32 unit: name: unit description: Unit of measurement. This value is fixed to 'volts'. range: text Units__waveforms: name: Units__waveforms description: Individual waveforms for each spike on each electrode. This is a doubly indexed column. The 'waveforms_index' column indexes which waveforms in this column belong to the same spike event for a given unit, where each waveform was recorded from a different electrode. The 'waveforms_index_index' column indexes the 'waveforms_index' column to indicate which spike events belong to a given unit. For example, if the 'waveforms_index_index' column has values [2, 5, 6], then the first 2 elements of the 'waveforms_index' column correspond to the 2 spike events of the first unit, the next 3 elements of the 'waveforms_index' column correspond to the 3 spike events of the second unit, and the next 1 element of the 'waveforms_index' column corresponds to the 1 spike event of the third unit. If the 'waveforms_index' column has values [3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13], then the first 3 elements of the 'waveforms' column contain the 3 spike waveforms that were recorded from 3 different electrodes for the first spike time of the first unit. See for a graphical representation of this example. When there is only one electrode for each unit (i.e., each spike time is associated with a single waveform), then the 'waveforms_index' column will have values 1, 2, ..., N, where N is the number of spike events. The number of electrodes for each spike event should be the same within a given unit. The 'electrodes' column should be used to indicate which electrodes are associated with each unit, and the order of the waveforms within a given unit x spike event should be in the same order as the electrodes referenced in the 'electrodes' column of this table. The number of samples for each waveform must be the same. is_a: VectorData attributes: sampling_rate: name: sampling_rate description: Sampling rate, in hertz. range: float32 unit: name: unit description: Unit of measurement. This value is fixed to 'volts'. range: text Units__waveforms_index: name: Units__waveforms_index description: Index into the waveforms dataset. One value for every spike event. See 'waveforms' for more detail. is_a: VectorIndex Units__waveforms_index_index: name: Units__waveforms_index_index description: Index into the waveforms_index dataset. One value for every unit (row in the table). See 'waveforms' for more detail. is_a: VectorIndex