name: core.nwb.ophys.include id: core.nwb.ophys.include imports: - core.nwb.image - core.nwb.base - hdmf-common.table - core.nwb.device - nwb.language - core.nwb.ophys.include - core.nwb.ophys default_prefix: core.nwb.ophys.include/ classes: TwoPhotonSeries__field_of_view: name: TwoPhotonSeries__field_of_view description: Width, height and depth of image, or imaged area, in meters. attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(field_of_view) range: string required: true equals_string: field_of_view array: name: array range: TwoPhotonSeries__field_of_view__Array TwoPhotonSeries__field_of_view__Array: name: TwoPhotonSeries__field_of_view__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: width|height: name: width|height range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 2 maximum_cardinality: 2 width|height|depth: name: width|height|depth range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 3 maximum_cardinality: 3 RoiResponseSeries__data: name: RoiResponseSeries__data description: Signals from ROIs. attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(data) range: string required: true equals_string: data array: name: array range: RoiResponseSeries__data__Array RoiResponseSeries__data__Array: name: RoiResponseSeries__data__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: num_times: name: num_times range: numeric required: true num_ROIs: name: num_ROIs range: numeric required: false RoiResponseSeries__rois: name: RoiResponseSeries__rois description: DynamicTableRegion referencing into an ROITable containing information on the ROIs stored in this timeseries. is_a: DynamicTableRegion attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(rois) range: string required: true equals_string: rois PlaneSegmentation__image_mask: name: PlaneSegmentation__image_mask description: ROI masks for each ROI. Each image mask is the size of the original imaging plane (or volume) and members of the ROI are finite non-zero. is_a: VectorData attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(image_mask) range: string required: true equals_string: image_mask PlaneSegmentation__pixel_mask_index: name: PlaneSegmentation__pixel_mask_index description: Index into pixel_mask. is_a: VectorIndex attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(pixel_mask_index) range: string required: true equals_string: pixel_mask_index PlaneSegmentation__voxel_mask_index: name: PlaneSegmentation__voxel_mask_index description: Index into voxel_mask. is_a: VectorIndex attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(voxel_mask_index) range: string required: true equals_string: voxel_mask_index ImagingPlane__manifold: name: ImagingPlane__manifold description: DEPRECATED Physical position of each pixel. 'xyz' represents the position of the pixel relative to the defined coordinate space. Deprecated in favor of origin_coords and grid_spacing. attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(manifold) range: string required: true equals_string: manifold conversion: name: conversion description: Scalar to multiply each element in data to convert it to the specified 'unit'. If the data are stored in acquisition system units or other units that require a conversion to be interpretable, multiply the data by 'conversion' to convert the data to the specified 'unit'. e.g. if the data acquisition system stores values in this object as pixels from x = -500 to 499, y = -500 to 499 that correspond to a 2 m x 2 m range, then the 'conversion' multiplier to get from raw data acquisition pixel units to meters is 2/1000. range: float32 unit: name: unit description: Base unit of measurement for working with the data. The default value is 'meters'. range: text array: name: array range: ImagingPlane__manifold__Array ImagingPlane__manifold__Array: name: ImagingPlane__manifold__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: height: name: height range: float32 required: true width: name: width range: float32 required: true x, y, z: name: x, y, z range: float32 required: true minimum_cardinality: 3 maximum_cardinality: 3 depth: name: depth range: float32 required: false ImagingPlane__origin_coords: name: ImagingPlane__origin_coords description: Physical location of the first element of the imaging plane (0, 0) for 2-D data or (0, 0, 0) for 3-D data. See also reference_frame for what the physical location is relative to (e.g., bregma). attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(origin_coords) range: string required: true equals_string: origin_coords unit: name: unit description: Measurement units for origin_coords. The default value is 'meters'. range: text array: name: array range: ImagingPlane__origin_coords__Array ImagingPlane__origin_coords__Array: name: ImagingPlane__origin_coords__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: x, y: name: x, y range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 2 maximum_cardinality: 2 x, y, z: name: x, y, z range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 3 maximum_cardinality: 3 ImagingPlane__grid_spacing: name: ImagingPlane__grid_spacing description: Space between pixels in (x, y) or voxels in (x, y, z) directions, in the specified unit. Assumes imaging plane is a regular grid. See also reference_frame to interpret the grid. attributes: name: name: name ifabsent: string(grid_spacing) range: string required: true equals_string: grid_spacing unit: name: unit description: Measurement units for grid_spacing. The default value is 'meters'. range: text array: name: array range: ImagingPlane__grid_spacing__Array ImagingPlane__grid_spacing__Array: name: ImagingPlane__grid_spacing__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: x, y: name: x, y range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 2 maximum_cardinality: 2 x, y, z: name: x, y, z range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 3 maximum_cardinality: 3