name: core.nwb.image.include id: core.nwb.image.include imports: - core.nwb.base - core.nwb.device - nwb.language - core.nwb.image.include - core.nwb.image default_prefix: core.nwb.image.include/ classes: GrayscaleImage__Array: name: GrayscaleImage__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: x: name: x range: numeric required: false y: name: y range: numeric required: false RGBImage__Array: name: RGBImage__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: x: name: x range: numeric required: false y: name: y range: numeric required: false r, g, b: name: r, g, b range: numeric required: false minimum_cardinality: 3 maximum_cardinality: 3 RGBAImage__Array: name: RGBAImage__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: x: name: x range: numeric required: false y: name: y range: numeric required: false r, g, b, a: name: r, g, b, a range: numeric required: false minimum_cardinality: 4 maximum_cardinality: 4 ImageSeries__data: name: ImageSeries__data description: Binary data representing images across frames. If data are stored in an external file, this should be an empty 3D array. attributes: array: name: array range: ImageSeries__data__Array ImageSeries__data__Array: name: ImageSeries__data__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: frame: name: frame range: numeric required: true x: name: x range: numeric required: true y: name: y range: numeric required: true z: name: z range: numeric required: false ImageSeries__dimension: name: ImageSeries__dimension description: Number of pixels on x, y, (and z) axes. attributes: dimension: name: dimension description: Number of pixels on x, y, (and z) axes. multivalued: true range: int32 required: false ImageSeries__external_file: name: ImageSeries__external_file description: Paths to one or more external file(s). The field is only present if format='external'. This is only relevant if the image series is stored in the file system as one or more image file(s). This field should NOT be used if the image is stored in another NWB file and that file is linked to this file. attributes: starting_frame: name: starting_frame description: Each external image may contain one or more consecutive frames of the full ImageSeries. This attribute serves as an index to indicate which frames each file contains, to facilitate random access. The 'starting_frame' attribute, hence, contains a list of frame numbers within the full ImageSeries of the first frame of each file listed in the parent 'external_file' dataset. Zero-based indexing is used (hence, the first element will always be zero). For example, if the 'external_file' dataset has three paths to files and the first file has 5 frames, the second file has 10 frames, and the third file has 20 frames, then this attribute will have values [0, 5, 15]. If there is a single external file that holds all of the frames of the ImageSeries (and so there is a single element in the 'external_file' dataset), then this attribute should have value [0]. range: int32 external_file: name: external_file description: Paths to one or more external file(s). The field is only present if format='external'. This is only relevant if the image series is stored in the file system as one or more image file(s). This field should NOT be used if the image is stored in another NWB file and that file is linked to this file. multivalued: true range: text required: false OpticalSeries__field_of_view: name: OpticalSeries__field_of_view description: Width, height and depth of image, or imaged area, in meters. attributes: array: name: array range: OpticalSeries__field_of_view__Array OpticalSeries__field_of_view__Array: name: OpticalSeries__field_of_view__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: width, height: name: width, height range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 2 maximum_cardinality: 2 width, height, depth: name: width, height, depth range: float32 required: false minimum_cardinality: 3 maximum_cardinality: 3 OpticalSeries__data: name: OpticalSeries__data description: Images presented to subject, either grayscale or RGB attributes: array: name: array range: OpticalSeries__data__Array OpticalSeries__data__Array: name: OpticalSeries__data__Array is_a: Arraylike attributes: frame: name: frame range: numeric required: true x: name: x range: numeric required: true y: name: y range: numeric required: true r, g, b: name: r, g, b range: numeric required: false minimum_cardinality: 3 maximum_cardinality: 3 IndexSeries__data: name: IndexSeries__data description: Index of the image (using zero-indexing) in the linked Images object. attributes: conversion: name: conversion description: This field is unused by IndexSeries. range: float32 resolution: name: resolution description: This field is unused by IndexSeries. range: float32 offset: name: offset description: This field is unused by IndexSeries. range: float32 unit: name: unit description: This field is unused by IndexSeries and has the value N/A. range: text data: name: data description: Index of the image (using zero-indexing) in the linked Images object. multivalued: true range: uint32 required: true