""" Placeholder end-to-end tests for generating linkml translations and pydantic models. Should be replaced with more specific unit and integration tests, but in place for now to ensure that the basics of the whole thing operate -- not doing any actual data validation here. """ import pdb from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict import pytest import warnings from .fixtures import nwb_core_fixture, tmp_output_dir from linkml_runtime.dumpers import yaml_dumper from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import SchemaDefinition from nwb_linkml.generators.pydantic import NWBPydanticGenerator from linkml_runtime.loaders.yaml_loader import YAMLLoader from nwb_linkml.lang_elements import NwbLangSchema def test_generate_nwblang(tmp_output_dir): output_file = (tmp_output_dir / NwbLangSchema.name).with_suffix('.yml') yaml_dumper.dump(NwbLangSchema, output_file) def test_generate_core(nwb_core_fixture, tmp_output_dir): schemas = nwb_core_fixture.build().schemas (tmp_output_dir / 'schema').mkdir(exist_ok=True) for schema in schemas: output_file = tmp_output_dir / 'schema' / (schema.name + '.yaml') yaml_dumper.dump(schema, output_file) def load_schema_files(path: Path) -> Dict[str, SchemaDefinition]: yaml_loader = YAMLLoader() sch: SchemaDefinition preloaded_schema = {} for schema_path in (path / 'schema').glob('*.yaml'): sch = yaml_loader.load(str(schema_path), target_class=SchemaDefinition) preloaded_schema[sch.name] = sch return preloaded_schema @pytest.mark.depends(on=['test_generate_core']) def test_generate_pydantic(tmp_output_dir): (tmp_output_dir / 'models').mkdir(exist_ok=True) preloaded_schema = load_schema_files(tmp_output_dir) for schema_path in (tmp_output_dir / 'schema').glob('*.yaml'): if not schema_path.exists(): continue # python friendly name python_name = schema_path.stem.replace('.', '_').replace('-','_') pydantic_file = (schema_path.parent.parent / 'models' / python_name).with_suffix('.py') generator = NWBPydanticGenerator( str(schema_path), pydantic_version='2', emit_metadata=True, gen_classvars=True, gen_slots=True, schema_map=preloaded_schema ) gen_pydantic = generator.serialize() with open(pydantic_file, 'w') as pfile: pfile.write(gen_pydantic) # make __init__.py with open(tmp_output_dir / 'models' / '__init__.py', 'w') as initfile: initfile.write('# Autogenerated module indicator')