import re import textwrap from doctest import NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, ELLIPSIS from sybil import Document from sybil import Sybil, Region from sybil.parsers.codeblock import PythonCodeBlockParser from sybil.parsers.doctest import DocTestParser import yaml from nwb_linkml import adapters # Test adapter generation examples ADAPTER_START = re.compile(r"\.\.\s*adapter::") ADAPTER_END = re.compile(r"\n\s*\n") NWB_KEYS = re.compile(r"(^\s*datasets:\s*\n)|^groups:") def _strip_nwb(nwb: str) -> str: # strip 'datasets:' keys and decoration left in for readability/context nwb = re.sub(NWB_KEYS, "", nwb) nwb = re.sub(r"^-", " ", nwb) nwb = textwrap.dedent(nwb) return nwb def test_adapter_block(example): """ The linkml generated from a nwb example input should match that provided in the docstring. See adapters/ for example usage of .. adapter:: directive """ cls_name, nwb, linkml_expected = example.parsed # get adapter and generate adapter_cls = getattr(adapters, cls_name) adapter = adapter_cls(cls=nwb) res = # compare generated = yaml.safe_load(res.as_linkml()) expected = yaml.safe_load(linkml_expected) assert generated == expected def parse_adapter_blocks(document: Document): for start_match, end_match, source in document.find_region_sources(ADAPTER_START, ADAPTER_END): # parse sections = re.split(r":\w+?:", source, re.MULTILINE) sections = [textwrap.dedent(section).strip() for section in sections] sections[1] = _strip_nwb(sections[1]) yield Region(start_match.start(), end_match.end(), sections, test_adapter_block) adapter_parser = Sybil( parsers=[ parse_adapter_blocks ], patterns=["adapters/*.py"], ) doctest_parser = Sybil( parsers=[DocTestParser(optionflags=ELLIPSIS + NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE), PythonCodeBlockParser()], patterns=["*.py"], ) pytest_collect_file = (adapter_parser + doctest_parser).pytest()