sneakers-the-rat be21325123 Cleaner code generation, npytyping type hints for arrays
- split off generated subclasses into "include" files, not sure if that's good, but in any case we have them separable now.
- more work on cleanly un-nesting scalar and 1D-vector data into attributes and lists, respectively
- brought the pydantic generator in-repo to do a bunch of overrides
2023-08-28 22:16:58 -07:00

122 lines
4.3 KiB

Base class for adapters
from abc import abstractmethod
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Dict, Type, Generator, Any, Tuple, Optional, TypeVar, TypeVarTuple, Unpack
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator
from linkml_runtime.linkml_model import Element, SchemaDefinition, ClassDefinition, SlotDefinition, TypeDefinition
# SchemaDefClass = dataclass(SchemaDefinition).__pydantic_model__
class BuildResult:
# pass
schemas: List[SchemaDefinition] = field(default_factory=list)
classes: List[ClassDefinition] = field(default_factory=list)
slots: List[SlotDefinition] = field(default_factory=list)
types: List[TypeDefinition] = field(default_factory=list)
def __post_init__(self):
for field in ('schemas', 'classes', 'slots', 'types'):
attr = getattr(self, field)
if not isinstance(attr, list):
setattr(self, field, [attr])
def _dedupe(self, ours, others):
existing_names = [c.name for c in ours]
others_dedupe = [o for o in others if o.name not in existing_names]
return others_dedupe
def __add__(self, other:'BuildResult') -> 'BuildResult':
# if not isinstance(other, 'BuildResult'):
# raise TypeError('Can only add two build results together')
self.schemas.extend(self._dedupe(self.schemas, other.schemas))
self.classes.extend(self._dedupe(self.classes, other.classes))
# existing_names = [c.name for c in self.classes]
# for newc in other.classes:
# if newc.name in existing_names:
# warnings.warn(f'Not creating duplicate class for {newc.name}')
# continue
# self.classes.append(newc)
# self.classes.extend(other.classes)
return self
T = TypeVar
Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts')
class Adapter(BaseModel):
def build(self) -> 'BuildResult':
Generate the corresponding linkML element for this adapter
def walk(self, input: BaseModel | list | dict):
yield input
if isinstance(input, BaseModel):
for key in input.__fields__.keys():
val = getattr(input, key)
yield (key, val)
if isinstance(val, (BaseModel, dict, list)):
yield from self.walk(val)
elif isinstance(input, dict):
for key, val in input.items():
yield (key, val)
if isinstance(val, (BaseModel, dict, list)):
yield from self.walk(val)
elif isinstance(input, (list, tuple)):
yield input
for val in input:
yield from self.walk(val)
# do nothing, is a string or whatever
def walk_fields(self, input: BaseModel | list | dict, field: str | Tuple[str, ...]):
if isinstance(field, str):
field = (field,)
for item in self.walk(input):
if isinstance(item, tuple) and item[0] in field and item[1] is not None:
yield item[1]
def walk_types(self, input: BaseModel | list | dict, get_type: T | List[Unpack[Ts]] | Tuple[Unpack[T]]) -> Generator[T, None, None]:
if not isinstance(get_type, (list, tuple)):
get_type = [get_type]
for item in self.walk(input):
if any([type(item) == atype for atype in get_type]):
yield item
# if isinstance(input, BaseModel):
# for key in input.__fields__.keys():
# val = getattr(input, key)
# if key == field:
# yield val
# if isinstance(val, (BaseModel, dict, list)):
# yield from self.walk(val, field)
# elif isinstance(input, dict):
# for key, val in input.items():
# if key == field:
# yield val
# if isinstance(val, (BaseModel, dict, list)):
# yield from self.walk(val, field)
# elif isinstance(input, (list, tuple)):
# for val in input:
# yield from self.walk(val, field)
# else:
# # do nothing, is a string or whatever
# pass