sneakers-the-rat fd9aef9531 Cleaner code generation, npytyping type hints for arrays
- split off generated subclasses into "include" files, not sure if that's good, but in any case we have them separable now.
- more work on cleanly un-nesting scalar and 1D-vector data into attributes and lists, respectively
- brought the pydantic generator in-repo to do a bunch of overrides
2023-08-30 20:56:30 -07:00

90 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

message Attribute
string name = 0
repeated string dims = 0
repeated string shape = 0
anyType value = 0
anyType defaultValue = 0
string doc = 0
boolean required = 0
repeated string dtype = 0
message CompoundDtype
string name = 0
string doc = 0
repeated string dtype = 0
message Dataset
string neurodataTypeDef = 0
string neurodataTypeInc = 0
string name = 0
string defaultName = 0
repeated string dims = 0
repeated string shape = 0
anyType value = 0
anyType defaultValue = 0
string doc = 0
string quantity = 0
boolean linkable = 0
repeated attribute attributes = 0
repeated string dtype = 0
message Datasets
repeated dataset datasets = 0
message Group
string neurodataTypeDef = 0
string neurodataTypeInc = 0
string name = 0
string defaultName = 0
string doc = 0
string quantity = 0
boolean linkable = 0
repeated attribute attributes = 0
repeated dataset datasets = 0
repeated group groups = 0
repeated link links = 0
message Groups
repeated group groups = 0
message Link
string name = 0
string doc = 0
string targetType = 0
string quantity = 0
message Namespace
string doc = 0
string name = 0
string fullName = 0
string version = 0
date date = 0
repeated string author = 0
repeated string contact = 0
repeated schema schema = 0
message Namespaces
repeated namespace namespaces = 0
message ReferenceDtype
string targetType = 0
reftypeOptions reftype = 0
message Schema
string source = 0
string namespace = 0
string title = 0
repeated string neurodataTypes = 0
string doc = 0