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Placeholder test module to test reading from pynwb-generated NWB file
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from numpydantic.interface.hdf5 import H5Proxy
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO
from pynwb import NWBFile as PyNWBFile
from nwb_linkml.io.hdf5 import HDF5IO
from nwb_models.models import NWBFile
def test_read_from_nwbfile(nwb_file):
Read data from a pynwb HDF5 NWB file
Placeholder that just ensures that reads work and all pydantic models validate,
testing of correctness of read will happen elsewhere.
res = HDF5IO(nwb_file).read()
def read_nwbfile(nwb_file) -> NWBFile:
res = HDF5IO(nwb_file).read()
return res
def read_pynwb(nwb_file) -> PyNWBFile:
nwbf = NWBHDF5IO(nwb_file, "r")
res = nwbf.read()
yield res
def _compare_attrs(model: BaseModel, pymodel: object):
for field, value in model.model_dump().items():
if isinstance(value, (dict, H5Proxy)):
if hasattr(pymodel, field):
pynwb_val = getattr(pymodel, field)
if isinstance(pynwb_val, list):
if isinstance(pynwb_val[0], datetime):
# need to normalize UTC numpy.datetime64 with datetime with tz
assert all([val == pval for val, pval in zip(value, pynwb_val)])
if not pynwb_val:
# pynwb instantiates some stuff as empty dicts where we use ``None``
assert bool(pynwb_val) == bool(value)
assert value == pynwb_val
def test_nwbfile_base(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb):
Base attributes on top-level nwbfile are correct
_compare_attrs(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb)
def test_timeseries(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb):
py_acq = read_pynwb.get_acquisition("test_timeseries")
acq = read_nwbfile.acquisition["test_timeseries"]
_compare_attrs(acq, py_acq)
# data and timeseries should be equal
assert np.array_equal(acq.data[:], py_acq.data[:])
assert np.array_equal(acq.timestamps[:], py_acq.timestamps[:])
def test_position(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb):
trials = read_nwbfile.intervals.trials[:]
py_trials = read_pynwb.trials.to_dataframe()
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(py_trials, trials)
spatial = read_nwbfile.processing["behavior"].Position.SpatialSeries
py_spatial = read_pynwb.processing["behavior"]["Position"]["SpatialSeries"]
_compare_attrs(spatial, py_spatial)
assert np.array_equal(spatial[:], py_spatial.data[:])
assert np.array_equal(spatial.timestamps[:], py_spatial.timestamps[:])
def test_ecephys(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb):
def test_units(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb):
def test_icephys(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb):
def test_ca_imaging(read_nwbfile, read_pynwb):
def test_read_from_yaml(nwb_file):
Read data from a yaml-fied NWB file