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\title{Jonny Saunders}
2022-12-01 03:07:34 +00:00
\def\appname{Ph.D, Neuroscience}
2022-12-01 01:55:25 +00:00
2022-12-01 03:07:34 +00:00
2022-12-01 01:55:25 +00:00
2022-12-01 03:07:34 +00:00
\item[2020 - Present]{\href{}{Decentralized Infrastructure}}{Organizing mass-scale infrastructures for science and society built on peer-to-peer and linked data technologies.}{Infrastructure Studies, STS, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Distributed Systems Design, Labor Organization}
2022-12-01 01:55:25 +00:00
\item[2017 - Present]{\href{}{Autopilot}: Distributed Behavioral Experiments}{A Python framework for performing hardware-intensive behavioral neuroscience experiments by distributing them over a swarm of Raspberry Pis}{Python, Linux, Web Design, Circuit Design, 2D/3D CAD}
2022-12-01 03:07:34 +00:00
\item[2020 - 2021]{\href{}{PVP}: The People's Ventilator Project}{An open-source low-cost, easily-manufactured, supply-chain resilient mechanical ventilator for emergency deployment during the Covid-19 pandemic.}{User Experience Design, Realtime embedded systems}
\item[2015 - 2019]{Speech Perception in Auditory Cortex}{Computational mechanisms of phonetic discrimination and complex auditory category learning in mouse Auditory Cortex}{Animal Behavior, Mesoscopic Multiphoton Imaging, Geometric Neural Analysis}
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\item[2013-2015]{Rapid Corticosteroidal Gating of Reproductive Behavior}{Rapid costicosterone modulation of ion channel dynamics in medullary reticular neurons gating courtship clasping}{Whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology}
\section{Education \& Training}
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\item[2015 - 2022]{University of Oregon}{Ph.D, Systems Neuroscience}{}
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\item[2018]{Marine Biological Laboratory}{Neural Systems \& Behavior Course}{}
\item[2017]{University of Oregon}{MSc., Psychology}{}
\item[2015]{Willamette University}{B.A. Neuroscience}{}
\textbf{Year} & \textbf{Status} & \textbf{Paper} \\
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2022 & \href{}{Workshop} & Joel Chan, Wayne Lutters, Jodi Schneider, Karola Kirsanow, Silvia Bessa, Jonny L. Saunders. (2022) \textbf{Growing New Scholarly Communication Infrastructures for Sharing, Reusing, and Synthesizing Knowledge.} \textit{CSCW'22 Companion} 278-281 --- \url{} --- Workshop Wiki: \url{} \\
2022 & \href{}{Preprint} & Jonny L. Saunders. \textbf{Decentralized Infrastructure for (Neuro)science.} \textit{arxiv:2209.07493}. --- \url{} --- Web: \url{} \\
2019, 22 & Preprint (\href{}{V1}, \href{}{V2}) & Saunders, J. L., Lucas A. Ott, \& Wehr, M. (2022). \textbf{Autopilot: Automating experiments with lots of Raspberry Pis.} \textit{bioRxiv}, 807693. \url{} - \href{}{Paper Source} \\
2022 & \href{}{Reviewed} & LaChance J., Schottdorf M., Zajdel TJ., Saunders JL., Dvali S., Marshall C., Seirup L., Sammour I., Chatburn RL., Notterman D., Cohen D. (2022). \textbf{PVP1—The Peoples Ventilator Project: A fully open, low-cost, pressure-controlled ventilator research platform compatible with adult and pediatric uses}. \textit{PloS One, 17(5),} e0266810 --- \url{} --- Preprint: \url{} \\
2020 & \href{}{Reviewed} & Kane, G., Lopes, G. Saunders JL., Mathis A., Mathis MW. (2020). \textbf{Real-time, low-latency closed-loop feedback using markerless posture tracking} --- \textit{eLife 9:e61909} --- \url{} --- Preprint: \url{}.\\
2019 & Conference & Saunders, JL., Comerford, A., \& Williams, G. \textbf{Detecting Deep Fakes With Mice: Machines vs Biology.} \textit{Presented at Black Hat USA Cybersecurity Conference.} \url{\#detecting-deep-fakes-with-mice-14467} \\
2019 & \href{}{Reviewed} & Saunders, J. L., \& Wehr, M. (2019). \textbf{Mice can learn phonetic categories.} \textit{The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3)}, 1168-1177. \url{} - \href{}{Paper Source}
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2022-12-01 03:07:34 +00:00
\item[2022]{Volunteer}{Neuromatch Open Publishing Intiative and Mastodon Instance (Interim Admin \& Tech Coordinator)}{}
\item[2020 - 2022]{Co-Founder}{Oregon Neuroethology Innovation CollectivE, Instutute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon.}{}
\item[2016 - 2020]{Union Steward}{Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation 3544, Psychology Department, University of Oregon.}{}
\item[2017 - 2019]{Corporate Treasurer}{Students Cooperative Association, Eugene OR.}{}
\item[2017]{Corporate Secretary}{Students Cooperative Association, Eugene OR.}{}
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\item[2017 - 2021]{Graduate Research Fellowship}{National Science Foundation}{}
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\item[2019]{Best Panel}{University of Oregon: Graduate Research Forum}{}
\item[2018]{Peter O'Day Fellowship}{University of Oregon}{}
\item[2018]{Society for General Physiology Scholar}{Society for General Physiology}{}
\item[2015]{Best Poster}{Oregon Society for Neuroscience}{}
\item[2014]{Science Collaborative Research Program}{Willamette University \& M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust}{}
\section{Teaching \& Mentorship}
\item[2017 - 2019]{Mentor - GRFP Writing Workshop}{University of Oregon}{}
\item[2016 - 2019]{Instructor - UO Data Science Club}{University of Oregon}{}
\item[2016, 2019]{Instructor - Music and the Brain}{University of Oregon}{}
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\item[Ongoing]{Mentorship}{Person-to-person mentorship is a basic part of how I work, but I do not feel comfortable listing the names of my mentees here.}
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